Ruslan Fursa Rank: Jedi Knight Posts: 200 Join Date: 3/10/04 Recent Posts | 1. I find the following two sentences are contradictary. I dont know how to behave it rightly. a) according to AuslG-VwV I have a duty to leave the country
b) according to 42.1.8 Soweit die Ausreisepflicht nicht auf einem Verwaltungsakt beruht, ist der Ausländer auf die Ausreisepflicht hinzuweisen
No they are not. tells that in case when your residence permit is not valid any more because the timeframe (on which it was issued) is over and you did not apply for its prolongation in time, your duty to leave the country arises not from any administrative act. There are other cases when such duty can arise as a result of a certain administrative act for example, when your residence permit is cancelled for some reason. Now, 42.1.8 tells that if your duty to leave the country does not arise from any administrative act, it must be pointed out to you that you have a duty to leave a country through sending you an administrative act with a threat of a deportation in case you do not leave the country yourself before a specified date. This is normal practice in german legal system to give people a last reminder and a last chance to meet their responsibilities before they will be pursued by the law - just in case they forgot something or did not calculate everything correctly. Main difference from the legal system in the U.S. I would say there nobody really cares *lol*
I have even tried to talk to the Ausländerbehörder during my last conversation with him, that it is not practical for me to work until 18:00 on my last work day and have only 6 hours to pack all my things and leave Germany before 24:00 hour because otherwise I am not legal to stay in Germany after 24:00 hour then. This Ausländerbehörder told me that I should arrange my things using my holidays (Urlaub) in advance to achieve this.
BUrlG § 8 Erwerbstätigkeit während des Urlaubs Während des Urlaubs darf der Arbeitnehmer keine dem Urlaubszweck widersprechende Erwerbstätigkeit leisten.
It may be pointed out that packing things, terminating contracts, selling furniture and so on represents itself an occupation which is equivalent to a full-time job and therefore is contradictory to a purpose of a vacation. Moreover, there is a Constitution which tells that you should not be discriminated just because you belong to a certain group of people:
GG Art 3
(3) Niemand darf wegen seines Geschlechtes, seiner Abstammung, seiner Rasse, seiner Sprache, seiner Heimat und Herkunft, seines Glaubens, seiner religiösen oder politischen Anschauungen benachteiligt oder bevorzugt werden. Niemand darf wegen seiner Behinderung benachteiligt werden.
It may be pointed out that you are discriminated when you must work during vacation when other people can enjoy theirs.
There is also another possibility to take your whole vacation a way before your residence permit expires, then tell him that you decided to do that because of reasons mentioned above and now have no time to make all arrangements because you have to work *lol*
To tell you the truth, I feel very bad to be treated like this after my knowledge being used by this country and being driven away within 6 hours without being considered of any difficulties in arranging the personal effects. The Ausländerbehörder told me that arrangement of the personal effects is not the reason to extend my resident permit.
Just be more clever and then you will not have the reasons to feel yourself bad. What did you expect him to do? He knows very well that in case when you do not leave the country before your residence permit expires, he is going to have lots of additional job. Of course he does not want to have that additional job *lol*
In this case, I feel it difficult to do as you suggested: do not tell this to your local immigration office
before their decision will reach you.
Well then I can tell you what can be different in your case. If you speak with him no more about this matter, he will think that you have believed him and will forget about this matter. Then when your residence permit expires, he will be automatically notified that you did not leave the country will understand his mistake and do his additional job. It will give you some additional time *lol*
Now, when you continue these conversations with him and start explaining him how it is not right for Germany to treat you like this, he will understand that you might turn out to be a problematic case. Therefore he will write himself a note and will check in one month before expiration date of your residence permit whether you have submitted an application for prolongation of residence permit if not, he will send you an administrative act with a threat of deportation before your residence permit expires with a term ending just with expiration of your residence permit. The same thing he will do in case when you submit an unreasonable application for prolongation of your residence permit but then you will get such administrative act together with a refusal of your application. And then it will be your problem to chase him with attorneys, etc.
Do not tell officials about your existence when you do not have a clear right to stay in Germany! Let them themselves find you sometimes they accomplish such a task too late. No system is perfect
I dont think such an Abschiebungsandrohung will be treated as such a Bescheinigung by the Arbeitsamt that I am entitled to stay in Germany in the next period of time.
For employment office, it does not really matter. They do not want to have additional job as well and check every week whether you are still here or have left the country and continue to get an unemployment benefit while living in your home country. Therefore they want to know in advance till which date you are allowed to remain in Germany just in order to exclude a possibility that you continue to receive an unemployment benefit and did not inform them about your departure because you were deported and were unable to do so for in such case they will not be able to claim it back. And they need to have a written paper from immigration office which they can present to their senior as an excuse in case when you received an unemployment benefit unlawfully as a result of earlier deportation and this fact has become known to other officials. The administrative act with a threat of deportation should suffice for such purpose. If not, you can make a claim vs. them even from your home country *lol*
2. Was could be besonderen Härtefällen(major difficulties)? It would be grateful if you could lists some reasons.
For example, you are pregnant and should give a birth to a child in a couple of weeks. Or the child was just born. Or you are sick and the sickness is such that you have to stay in a hospital. Or you have debts which you have no hopes to repay because salaries in your home country are much-much less than in Germany. Or you have a legal dispute which clearly requires your presence here because it can not be viewed without you (for example, you have an invitation as a witness). Or you have lost your passport and it takes you couple of months to get a new one from your embassy. Many reasons can be found when you think about it *lol*
The first two years for Studium and last two years befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis.
I would say, good done! Normally they do not prolong an Aufenthaltsbewilligung and require people to leave the country and reapply for a new entry visa.
I dont know if my Aufenthaltstitel be changed into wife of GC, am I entitled to enjoy the Arbeitslosgeld then? Am I then entitled to work directly? Do I also have to wait for 1 year as other wives of GC do?
Firstly you can have problems when you try to change your residence permit into wife of GC because of this:
AuslG § 18 Ehegattennachzug
(1) Dem Ehegatten eines Ausländers ist nach Maßgabe des § 17 eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu erteilen, wenn der Ausländer
3. eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzt, die Ehe schon im Zeitpunkt der Einreise des Ausländers bestanden hat und von diesem bei der erstmaligen Beantragung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis angegeben worden ist.
just because your marriage happened after your husband has entered Germany. There are many prescriptions in regulations of officials here, which tell them when the requirement to be married before entry in Germany is not necessary or can be not necessary, its a long-long story to list them all here *lol* When official will have problems with changing your residence permit, just point him to the Constitution:
GG Art 6
(1) Ehe und Familie stehen unter dem besonderen Schutze der staatlichen Ordnung.
But when you get your residence permit changed into wife of GC without leaving Germany and applying for a new entry visa (and I do not recommend you to do so even if officials will say you thats an only way they do not care about you, just about their problems, and they have problems any time when something is not clearly prescribed in their instructions; and its a lot easier to refuse issuing of an entry visa than to refuse issuing of a residence permit), you will not have to wait for 1 year as other wives of GC do because of this:
ArGV § 3 Wartezeit
Die Erteilung einer Arbeitserlaubnis für eine erstmalige Beschäftigung wird für Ausländer, die
2. als Ehegatten, Lebenspartner oder Kinder eines Ausländers eine befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis oder Aufenthaltsbewilligung besitzen,
davon abhängig gemacht, dass sich der Antragsteller unmittelbar vor der Beantragung ein Jahr erlaubt oder geduldet im Inland aufgehalten hat (Wartezeit).
As you have already lived in Germany for more than one year, it will remain so before you make an application for a work permit. However, you should understand that your application can be refused if there is an unemployed german who fits? Regarding unlimited work permit it remains the same: six years of total residence or two years of residence as a wife whatever comes first.
Now, as you can apply for a new work permit once you have a residence permit of GC wife, of course you are eligible for an unemployment benefit.
"And I will see that my home country being better and better in the economy. I wish that in one day that everybody would like to come to my home country. My country people would warmly welcome you all at that time."
Vietnam, Thailand, that area I guess? No, no need to answer. Here is list of countries (probably not full, no time to check, sorry), citizens of which have some advantages before citizens from other countries. They are also not equal citizens of some countries from this list have more advantages, others less, some have specific advantages which others do not have. it's always better if your home country is in such a list - you are treated better by officials in immigration offices, for they know then that you have more possibilities to return them a favour (that is -problems) *lol*
Andorra Argentinien Australien sowie Kokosinseln, Norfolkinseln, Weihnachtsinsel Belgien Bolivien Brasilien Brunei Chile Costa Rica Dänemark Ecuador El Salvador Estland Finnland Frankreich einschließlich Französisch-Guayana, Französisch-Polynesien, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Neukaledonien, Reunion, St. Pierre und Miquelon Ghana Griechenland Guatemala Honduras Irland Island Israel Italien Japan Kanada Kolumbien Korea (Republik Korea) Kroatien Lettland Litauen Luxemburg Malaysia Malta Mexiko Monaco Neuseeland einschließlich Cookinseln, Niue, Tokelau Nicaragua Niederlande einschließlich Niederländische Antillen und Aruba Norwegen Österreich Panama Paraguay Philippinen Polen Portugal einschließlich Macau San Marino Schweden Schweiz und Liechtenstein Singapur Slowakische Republik Slowenien Spanien einschließlich Spanische Hoheitsgebiete in Nordafrika (mit Ceuta, Melilla) Thailand Tschad Tschechische Republik Türkei Ungarn Uruguay Venezuela Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika einschließlich Amerikanische Jungferninseln, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland sowie Kanalinseln, Insel Man und Bermuda Zypern |