"there is no point talking to you just because you see everything black,nno matter what I say."
how can i see it different if i hear from officials "nach Hause" every time i talk with them, from 2002? last time was end of may this year, in local employment office, when it was clear that new immigration law WILL be accepted, and soon?
"I'll point out only one thing. Without Schröder there would be no GC at all"
sure, and people who came to Germany would go to other countries and by now have a PR there. if you remember that time (when GC program was started), it was stated as well that 5-year-limit is temporary, and in 1-2 years will be replaced by a PR accordingly to a new law. of course at that time (2000) market needed IT specialists and now there is a big unemployment rate in IT *lol*
"Arbeitnehmer müssen den Nachweis führen, dass ihre Beschäftigung erlaubt ist."
Good! previously this task was a responsibility of employer, now employee will have to prove that his work is of public interest and is allowed by some regulation of a government
Gj, really, employer needs to think how to earn money for new work places, not how to make paperwork in order to be allowed to have a foreigner working for him
"1. Is Trusday a lawyer? Or one of us (GC)??"
I am GC
"2. One month ago, Trusday was giving me tricks and hope of how to apply before the 5 year permit finished so I can get the PR, and things seemed very very easy for him... Now, I see that he is only seeing the empty half of the glass and viewing things to be totally complicated and impossible?? Why this contradiction??"
well the tricks which work now may not work when a new law comes into force, don't you think so? or at least not all of them. but in order to be able to say something for sure, a new law must be accepted and VwV to it made public; right now i can and do only tell my opinion about new law and the purpose of it ;)
"Important question is what will happen if after 5 years, a GC has unbefristete Arbeitsvertrag and naturally no AE because GC lasts only 5 years. Will he/she get PR?"
why not, if he worked all five years and submits an application before his work permit expires, in two months for example (and he has to submit an application BEFORE, ask the ones who are here accordingly to 5.2. AAV)? and if he did not work all five years, his limited work permit can be prolonged up to 5 years work in total. once he has unlimited work permit, he gets PR without problems NOW. but with new immigration law officials can say that his residence permit was initially issued with a limitation to 5 years only, and therefore can not be prolonged.
"you don't have a clue what was it like to get Visa with old Gesetz. New gesetz kann be god or bad but for experts it will allways be better"
For experts which Germany needs, yes. For experts which are here but are really not needed on the labour market ...
And no sense to say that nobody will come to Germany any more if GCs are thrown out: if this will be a case, Germany can always suggest to experts (which will be needed) a PR from the start, it is possible accordingly to new law. As i said, new law gives much more possibilities to Germany, but is not so good for foreigners ;)
"sometimes i feel that he is dictating his terms."
lol why, do i tell you what you must do? i am only telling people my opinion, they are welcomed to read it and make conclusions themselves.
"We all should not forget that Detlef really worked hard for us to make sure that something better will happen and he had very high hopes that the immigration law will be passed."
i wonder which party Detlef supports as well ...