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Elterngeld (very unique case)

Elterngeld (very unique case)
2/07/09 16:01
Hi, my husband and me have been in germany for 5 n half yrs, last yr cos he changed his job they refused to give us NE. And now they cite that the job contract is valid till nov 09 so they cannot give the NE. My query is can my husband claim elterngeld/elternzeit and that his employer cannot terminate his contract (as signed b4). His contract is only till nov 09, and i am due in sept 09 end. We are kind of in a soup here cos even after reading all the posts on trust7 on elterngeld/elternzeit/arbeitslosengeld.. we havent come across a situation as ours. Can anyone pls tell us wats in store?
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Re: Elterngeld (very unique case)
2/07/09 16:27 en respuesta a annu R.
Elterngeld can't be possible with limited contract period even for German citizens, if i am not wrong. Only chance to avail this is with NE.
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Re: Elterngeld (very unique case)
2/07/09 19:22 en respuesta a annu R.
hi joanna
As fas as I know, elterngeld/zeit can be claimed even if your husband has a time-limited contract. The problem which i see in your case if that the contract is only valid for 1 month after your due date. Normally the person should submit the application of Elternzeit to his employer latest 7 weeks before he leaves to Elternzeit. So if you give birth on day x, and your husband applies also on the same day for Elternzeit (without any delay), then his contract is finished before the 7 weeks are over.
For Eltergeld, you are eligible to get it even if you do not have a job. You will then get the minimun which is 300 euro until your baby is 1 year old.
All the best!
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Re: Elterngeld (very unique case)
3/07/09 14:20 en respuesta a annu R.
Thanks zash & rambalram for the response. Will be checking with LBank for the same too.. tks again.
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