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Permanent Resident of another EU member

Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/17/16 11:18 PM
Hello guys,this topic may have been discussed before but since I really did not find the answer (sorry) I would like to ask it again. here it's me:
I am from non-EU country
I have Permanent Residency in Czech Republic (base on 5 years continues stay)
now I have a job offer from Germany

Question: Am I eligible to work in Germany without visa/work permit?

Thanks very much in advance. 
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/18/16 10:23 AM as a reply to David Morhel Morhel.
David Morhel Morhel:
Hello guys,this topic may have been discussed before but since I really did not find the answer (sorry) I would like to ask it again. here it's me:
I am from non-EU country
I have Permanent Residency in Czech Republic (base on 5 years continues stay)
now I have a job offer from Germany

Question: Am I eligible to work in Germany without visa/work permit?

Thanks very much in advance. 
Hi David,

Congratulations on your new job. As for Permanent Residency, there are two types;

- for Member State only (In your case e.g. CZ)
- for EU

Please check with your local immigration office, which type of Permanent residency you have. In case you only have a Permanent resideny for CZ than your employer must organize a work visa for you in Germany. Simply ask your HR Manager what documents are needed to process your work visa.

Good luck and keep us posted!

-1 (1 Vote)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/18/16 11:04 AM as a reply to R V.
Thanks very much for the reply. so it means that if my Permanent Residency is the EU one then I will not need any visa/ work permit to stay and work in Germany, right? do I still have to arrange something through the embassy? should I inform them that I am entering Germany?thanks
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/18/16 6:42 PM as a reply to David Morhel Morhel.

I am sorry, but you are not allowed to work in Germany. You have to apply for a work permit, but you can do it at the German Embassy/Consulate of the Czech Republic.

If you are a holder of an EU Blue Card, read the text below:

Can I move freely within the European Union with an EU Blue Card?
The EU Blue Card also entitles the holder to spend visa-free periods of up to 90 days within a 180-day period in the other Schengen States for the purpose of tourism. Holders of an EU Blue Card can enter another Member State without a visa after 18 months and apply for the EU Blue Card of that Member State within a period of one month. The same applies to family members holding a residence title for the subsequent immigration of family members.Good luckDetlef
+1 (1 Vote)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/18/16 6:47 PM as a reply to trust7.
Hi, with all respects I guess you are wrong because based on the directive: 2003/109/EC I am able to enter/stay and work if I will have my long-term residency EC (in Czech is ES and in germany is EG).
-1 (1 Vote)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/18/16 7:05 PM as a reply to David Morhel Morhel.

thanks for your correction! I read some parts of the directive you linked to and it seems that you are right. Nevertheless, it is hard to believe for me and I will contact our lawyer and ask her for confirmation.

Anyhow, this is an interesting point and I thank you for sharing this information.

Have a nice evening

0 (0 Votes)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/18/16 7:12 PM as a reply to trust7.
Thanks very much. I'd appreciate it if you could share the answer from your respective lawyer as well. thanks very much.
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/19/16 6:35 AM as a reply to David Morhel Morhel.
David Morhel Morhel:
Hi, with all respects I guess you are wrong because based on the directive: 2003/109/EC I am able to enter/stay and work if I will have my long-term residency EC (in Czech is ES and in germany is EG).
The Germans interpret the Directive differently. If you have the Czech equivalent of a DA-EU (it is no longer called EG), you are allowed to move to Germany provided you have sufficent funds (including health insurance). However, a Czech permit does not automatically grant you the right to work (see §38a AufenthG for more info). 

§ 38a Aufenthaltserlaubnis für in anderen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union langfristig Aufenthaltsberechtigte

(1) Einem Ausländer, der in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union die Rechtsstellung eines langfristig Aufenthaltsberechtigten innehat, wird eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis erteilt, wenn er sich länger als 90 Tage im Bundesgebiet aufhalten will. § 8 Abs. 2 ist nicht anzuwenden.

(2) Absatz 1 ist nicht anzuwenden auf Ausländer, die 1.
von einem Dienstleistungserbringer im Rahmen einer grenzüberschreitenden Dienstleistungserbringung entsandt werden,

2.sonst grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistungen erbringen wollen oder

3. sich zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung als Saisonarbeitnehmer im Bundesgebiet aufhalten oder im Bundesgebiet eine Tätigkeit als Grenzarbeitnehmer aufnehmen wollen.

(3) Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis berechtigt zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung, wenn die Bundesagentur für Arbeit der Ausübung der Beschäftigung nach § 39 Absatz 2 zugestimmt hat oder durch Rechtsverordnung nach § 42 oder durch zwischenstaatliche Vereinbarung bestimmt ist, dass die Ausübung der Beschäftigung ohne Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zulässig ist. Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis berechtigt zur Ausübung einer selbständigen Tätigkeit, wenn die in § 21 genannten Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind. Wird der Aufenthaltstitel nach Absatz 1 für ein Studium oder für sonstige Ausbildungszwecke erteilt, sind die §§ 16 und 17 entsprechend anzuwenden. In den Fällen des § 17 wird der Aufenthaltstitel ohne Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit erteilt.

(4) Eine nach Absatz 1 erteilte Aufenthaltserlaubnis darf nur für höchstens zwölf Monate mit einer Nebenbestimmung nach § 39 Abs. 4 versehen werden. Der in Satz 1 genannte Zeitraum beginnt mit der erstmaligen Erlaubnis einer Beschäftigung bei der Erteilung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach Absatz 1. Nach Ablauf dieses Zeitraums berechtigt die Aufenthaltserlaubnis zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit.

0 (0 Votes)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
1/19/16 1:15 PM as a reply to Arianne.
Hi again,
my information which I got from VPMK Lawyers confirmed what Arianne wrote.

You have to contact the local foreigner office and apply for a workpermit on the base of §38 a. Then it depends on the job, if you need the agreement (Zustimmung der Agentur für Arbeit) or not.

Anyhow, you can not come and start to work without contacting the foreigner office!
Good luck
0 (0 Votes)

RE: Permanent Resident of another EU member
2/13/16 4:16 PM as a reply to trust7.
Hello, Sorry for late reply as I was on a long business trip. 
I think I have not made myself clear. I did not mean that I can just drive off to Germany tomorrow and start to work (this is OK for Czech citizens with czech passport). i was talking about the entitelement to be able to get the residency. I meant that due to the fact that I have "Long-term EC residency and Permanent residency of CZ" I will be entitled to apply for the german residence permit and I guess it will take 4 to 6 weeks when I apply for it in German embassy.

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