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Leaving Germany

Leaving Germany
3/11/05 7:04 PM
Hi all,
One of my friend is leaving Germany permanently. He is very much worried that when he leaves his appartment he won't get back the caution deposit instantly. It may take three -four months. On the other hand if he needs to leave Germany then he has to close his bank account. In that case what is the usual procedure to get back the caution money. We will be thankful if anybody can share any experience.
Thanking you in advance....
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Re: Leaving Germany
3/11/05 7:59 PM as a reply to Joy Bhattacharjee.

Firstly why it should take 3-4 months to get caution back? In that case either let the account continue with minimum balance and once deposited, then he can think of closing down. He can speak with the bank Manager and bank may transfer the balance amount to his native country.

Or else he can ask his owner to deposit one of his friend's account., probably you :-)


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Re: Leaving Germany
3/12/05 2:50 PM as a reply to Joy Bhattacharjee.
Is the caution deposit in the form of cash ? Or has he given a bank guarantee ?

If he has paid 3 of months of advanced rent, he should stop paying the rent 3 months before he has to leave.

If it's a bank guarantee, he should ask the owner to give back the document that the bank must have given him. After that it's an instant process. Once he gives this paper back, his account can be closed immediately.
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Re: Leaving Germany
3/13/05 12:27 AM as a reply to Joy Bhattacharjee.
Hi :

I was in a similar situation when i left Germany for two years,but in my case i got the Caution instantly,i don t know why your Friend should wait for three months to get it back,some german Vermieter are inventing new Vermietung Laws from their own, especially with foreigners,they think everything is possible with us.

so this is the strategy for your friend :

1)insist to get all the Caution when he left the appartement, if the Vermieter says no than asking why ?

if he accepts,going with the Vemieter together in the appartement,constating if everything is okay, if the Vermieter says there is some damages in the appartement,then deducing this damages from the caution

2)if the vermieter insist then taking at least two months and leaving him one month, and making with him an arrangement to get the rest after a month, maybe the Vermieter is thinking "i will constat some damages in the appartement after a month"

3)going to the bank and saying to them : i will send you a letter from my country wenn everything is ok with the bills that i still have to pay on the germany,giving the bank the adresse in the Home country,giving the bank the account number in the home conutry, the bank will then at the appropriate instant close the account, and make an money remittance to the account in the home country (i had a so nice Accountmanagerin in the Deutsche Bank. she explain me alls this ,not all germans are bad..)

you can give the bank in germany the account number in your home country instantly or you can send it with e-mail to your AccoutManagerin

your friend can manage his account also from his Home country with e-banking, and he can withdrawal money with a visa or mastercard card.

you can ask if you still have questions

Viel Glueck.
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Re: Leaving Germany
3/14/05 4:40 PM as a reply to Joy Bhattacharjee.
Thanks to all, who replied. Actaually the vermiter says that they need to get the bill from SWIM (electric bill) and calculate Heizung cost. The vermitter wants to spend some time on calculating those consumption bills. Is it ok to keep the account open eventhough if he leaves Germany. It's a Girokonto. Can we keep it open eventhough there is no salary deposit on that.
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Re: Leaving Germany
3/15/05 5:42 PM as a reply to Joy Bhattacharjee.
Can't he operate his account online.
Almost evey germamn bank gives that option.

e.g in case of stadsparkasse.
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