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Got NE!
9/20/05 1:47 AM
Hi everyone! I have the pleasure to announce that I received my NE today.

I specially want to thank Trust7 and VPMK.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
9/20/05 3:35 AM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Welcome to the §9-Club Alvarez, from the bottom of my heart.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
9/20/05 3:44 AM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Hi Aalvarez,

congratulations! But I have a question:

So far my understanding from your topic (http://trust7.com/en/forums/visa_questions/leaving_germany__2 ), you are living in UK. But according to AufenthG §50.2 (http://aufenthaltstitel.de/aufenthaltsg.html#50 ) you can't stay outside of Germany longer than 6 months. Then you must stay in Germany at least 6 months every year, although you live in UK. Is that what you intend to do? If this question is not too personal, that would be great when answered.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
9/20/05 1:09 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Hi Alex,

I knew that you would get it. Congratulations!

Viele Grüsse
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Re: Got NE!
9/20/05 1:30 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.

Congrats!! Welcome to NE club:-)

Best Regards
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Re: Got NE!
9/20/05 2:36 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Hi tocayo!


Yes, it would be great to hear the update about what it happened in the last months. Are you still in UK?

Best wishes,

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
9/21/05 1:31 AM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Thanks everyone.

I must say I was quite mad when my antrag was denied. But then I had a conversation with the VPMK lawyers, and then the ABH.

The deciding issue was the "Lebensmittelpunkt", which, I was able to prove, but it was a hard and difficult process ... "entscheidend" were my personal circumstances, and specially the support of my girlfriend++.

The situation with the six months is not really a problem since I travel constantly to Germany, however with the NE, in theory the situation shouldn't be as bad as with an Aufenthaltserlaubnis. See (1) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/EG-Richtline, (2) http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l23034.htm and (3) http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32003L0109:EN:NOT [Article 9, 1. (c)]

for the reasoning.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
12/16/05 1:37 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Hi NoBody,

Count me also in your §9 club. I finished it today - no questions asked. My wife got EG for 3 years, although she will complete 5 years in D, 8 months earlier.

Thank you for you expert guidance.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
12/16/05 1:42 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Congratulations vktyagi!

Good news on a Friday bring a nice weekend :-)

That's what I wish all of you
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
12/16/05 1:48 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Dear Detlef,

Thanks a lot for your wishes.

I really appreciate your endeavors towards helping us aliens. This site is a gem.

Keep the spirit up!

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
12/17/05 12:35 AM as a reply to A Alvarez.

Congragulations. I too got my NE yesterday. I would take this oppurtunity to thank Detlef for the zeal with which he is working for such a long time for the cause of the Green card people and managing such a wonderful website. Thankyou Detlef.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
12/19/05 11:53 AM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Hi gc_from_berlin and vktyagi

welcome to the §9-club.

Sorry to welcome you that late, but due to my relocation, I haven't my internet connection back yet (it's due on wednesday) and I've finished my contract last wednesday so I'm at home for the next 4 weeks waiting the next contract, so I'm actually writting from a cybercenter.

Have a nice week-start all.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
12/19/05 3:39 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
@aalvarez: Have you applied for NE through VPMK lawyers? If yes how long did it take you to get the NE? I'm asking because I wanna use VPMK for obtaining my NE as well.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE!
12/19/05 9:58 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Thanks Nobody.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE
2/1/06 3:14 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Welcome to the §9-Club.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE
2/1/06 3:47 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Congrats Manshi!.


On what does the duration for Spouse Visa ie being issued depend ?.

I was told that my wife will get Visa only for 1 Yr and i might get the NE.

Any ideas ?.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE
2/1/06 3:52 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Hi manshi,

This is Jeetesh from Bonn.

Very GREAT!! to hear that you got your NE.

I also entered Germany in July 2001 on the Green Card Program for IT-Professionals and i got a contract for 5 years with a company, which is about to end on July 2006 (means i will be completing my 5 years).

Does that mean that I am also entitled to get a NE (Niederlassungserlaubnis)? If YES, then what are the other formalities that i shall fulfil and present to my Ausländerbehörde? Which stages did you underwent in order to get NE? Was that relatively easy or tough to get NE?

As i would also like to work and stay in Germany, i would be hearty thankful to you and to all other respected members of Trust7.com to guide me on how can i get my NE and on what basis and what are the requirements?

Waiting anxiously for the reply...

Thanking you in advance,

Jeetesh from Bonn.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE
2/1/06 4:05 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.

the visa of the wife (or the spouse in general) is given so that she will also accomplish 5 years and be entitled for NE.
For example, my wife had 3 years in Germany when I got NE so she has been given a 2 years visa so that she will have a 3 + 2 = 5 years to ask for her own NE in time needed.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE
2/2/06 11:26 AM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Hello everyone!!

Jeetesh again.

Is there really noone who can answer my queries (see my previous post)


I have searched in forums but cant find the similar post containing my queries...

Pls reply.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Got NE
2/2/06 1:07 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.
Thank You.

In my wife case, it is slightly different. They gave 2 years visa, actually she need only 1 year and 10 months to finish her five years in Germany.
Anyway maximum 2 years.
@ Jeetesh.
I applied for NE three months before when my greencard expired. When I applied, I was told that it was only possible when I finished my five years in Germany.
1. Antrag auf Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis,
2. Reisepass,
3. 2 photos
4. Wohnraumbescheinigung
5. Arbeitsbescheinigung
6 Krackenbescheinigung

It might be slightly different with AuslaenderBehoerde's. I prefer, better go to your AuslaenderBehoerde and enquire about it.

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Re: Got NE
2/2/06 3:49 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.

Congrats on getting the NE. Why has your daughter received the visa for 16 years and not NE?
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Re: Got NE
2/2/06 4:55 PM as a reply to A Alvarez.

it's because at the age of 16, the kid will be by law officially able to decide on what he/she wants and will then be able to request a NE or a citizenship for him/herself.

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