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10/16/08 1:52 PM
Hi everyone,
Im new to this forum and find it very interesting and full of usefull info.
I am an Indian married to a German for the Last 2 and a hafl years and live in NRW. Ill be completeing 3 yrs of marriage in February. I have two queries..

1. Do i have to wait past February to apply for my citizenship?

2. whats it like on the day one recieves the citizenship. Do they have some kind of ceremony or a gathering where you are given the passport and say a pledge like in America or is it just like any other Amt visit. Just curious?

any comments regarding the above will be greatly appreciated


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10/16/08 7:51 PM as a reply to Sheldon Fernandes.
Have some patience emoticon
You will get only permanent residence after 3years if you are married to a German and Citizenship only after 5years of marriage with a German.Others get permanent residence after 5years and Citizenship after 8yrs.
There is no Ceremony when you receive Citizenship,they take your passport and you receive the German passport.
About whats it like on the day one receives the citizenship.You will feel like standing on a No man's land because logically you will neither be a German nor a Indian.
But you deserve a Ceremony after completing successful 5years with a German which is really a challenging task.
All the best
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10/17/08 1:31 AM as a reply to Sheldon Fernandes.
thankyou for your reply Mr Sandeep Kumar,

although i must say that you are misinformed that one has to wait for 5 yrs to recieve German Citizenship even as a spouse. No where in the German consulate website is there any mention of first a Resident permit and then 2 yrs later Citizenship.
I asked this question only because i read a couple of times in this forum that one can start the application process a couple of months before the 3 years are up.

also i was curious about the day of citizenship. From your reply it also seems that you have had bad experiences with a german partner and hence the bitterness or sarcacism in your reply. It amazes me to see this kind of sarcacism, especially from foreigners like us who continue to live here in Germany , aspire to have the citizenship and then criticize the folk.

Challenging relationships are not solely a german problem, that coming from me an Indian divorcee incredibly happy with my German wife and family.

just for your information!!

thank you once again for your reply

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10/17/08 7:12 PM as a reply to Sheldon Fernandes.

1. Do i have to wait past February to apply for my citizenship?

I am sure you are counting the days :-)

Sorry to say that there is no short-cut, you have to bear the full 3 years + time taken during application process.

2. whats it like on the day one recieves the citizenship. Do they have some kind of ceremony or a gathering where you are given the passport and say a pledge like in America or is it just like any other Amt visit. Just curious?

Are you dreaming of a red-carpet treatment? :-)

From your reply it also seems that you have had bad experiences with a german partner and hence the bitterness or sarcacism in your reply.

Relax....that guy was pulling your leg.

Not only us but even the german govt. has complete sympathy with you. It is inhuman to make suffer more than 3 years. I know, it is not easy but just hold on to it for a couple of more months, afterall your compensation package includes a red-passport.
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