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Divorced sugesstion indian couple

Divorced sugesstion indian couple
07.01.10 16:53
Hello All,
I am writing this for my indian friend. He would like to know the process of divorcing. The situation is follwing:
- He is married since 5 years and having two children. He possess NE and wife with visa and was going to apply for NE for wife. Due to lot of problem he decided to take the divorced step but very sad because of both children one is 3 and other 6 year old.
so the qustion are:
1) what are the legal way here in Germany due to foriegner.
2) He told this will be not easy because of wife dont want but she make his life hell, any suggestion?
3) what are right of child custody?
4) Is laywer needed in his case?
any other suggestion are welcom?
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Re: Divorced sugesstion indian couple
08.01.10 00:50 als Antwort auf amir shah.
where did they register their married? if it is in India, better do it back home there.
It will create tons of paperwork in Germany.
I don't think the wife may get NE if there is no financial prove.

But this is the 1st foreigner couple divorce I have ever heard.
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Re: Divorced sugesstion indian couple
08.01.10 06:41 als Antwort auf amir shah.
Just advise your bloody friend and his wife to look at his innocent childrens eyes and then decide if they want a divorse or not.

If they (SOemoticon wanted to have marriage for fun they should do it without children.

No more comments or replies you can expect from me.
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Re: Divorced sugesstion indian couple
08.01.10 12:11 als Antwort auf amir shah.

You are married since 5 years and have a kid who is 6 years old?? Looks like very generous dowry to me ;-)

Needless to say you screwed up big time. However, follow these steps to avoid further damage:

1. Do not apply for divorce as long as your wife is in Germany. Thank god for bringing you to senses before she got her NE.

2. Wait for her visa to be expired and under no circumstances renew her visa, even if it means rejecting the best blowjob ever known to mankind.

3. When her visa is not extended she has left with no choice to leave the country and after 6 months she can forget about applying for residence permit or NE.

4. Apply for anticipatory bail in India and get it for all members of your family. Because, she is going to invoke IPC Section 498A, which is going to put you and your family members in jail for years to come.

5. Apply for divorce in an Indian court and let the court decide the right of child custody. She would use kids as a weapon against you and try to fork out as much money as possible from you.

6. When all is done and settled, try to learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.
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