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Visa Questions

Zusicherung after 5 years

Zusicherung after 5 years
2/18/05 12:08 PM

I plan to buy a flat and lady from bank said that it will be helpfull if I can provide phone number or some paper from AB where it will be written that I can stay after 5 years in Germany.

Today I went to AB to ask for something like that and lady there told me that I have right to apply and theoretically I will get it but she can not promise that "Zusicherung" will be ok.

Who is making "Zusicherung" ?
Of what is this dependant ?
How long this check last ?

Btw. I changed my job and I had to prepare some papers (mostly that I was employed in last 3 years) and I did not have any special problems except that AB is confused with my helth insurance (for me and my wife we are paying in total around 260€ - of course my company pays half of this).

It is nice when people from AB tells you that you can get unlimited visa if they got approval from that higher organisation (zusicherung).

I was using German language when I had this conversation.
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/18/05 6:01 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.

one of the theoretically new changes of the Zuwanderungsgesetzt, is that you don´t have to go to the arbeitsamt to get the arbeitserlaubnis. Instead of this the ausländerbehörde asks the arbeitsamt for you. Instead of a arbeitserlaubnis the arbeitsamt gives its OK in form of a zusicherung. That´s why the ausländerbehörde can´t give you a promise that you will get a zusicherung in the future.
As far as I know the behörden here, actually nobody would take the reponsibility to garantee that you may stay here.

But you can try to get s.th. in the negative form. Some thing like:
nach dem jetzigen stand spricht nichts dagegen dass du länger bleiben kannst.
Or s.th. like

es besteht für dich die Möglichkeit in der Zukunft eine Erlaubnis für einen längerfristigen aufenthalt zu beantragen.
I hope you understand what I mean. You should let them give you the promise, without binding them to that promise.

Good luck
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/18/05 6:21 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
it is maybe better that they write something in general that goes for every GCler. For example:
"One GCler can after 5 years get NE according to that law provided he has job..."
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/18/05 7:22 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
Just to make this clear emoticon.
Are you talking about "Zusicherung" that AA should give or some other institution (maybe security check by government) ?

When I changed my job before few weeks (under new law) AA gave "zusicherung" that I can change job and because of this I am not sure are we talking about same "Zusicherung".

If AA should give it then I do not understand why should not we receive it because if you have a job that means that you are already approved.

If they do not give you "Zusicherung" that means that they will not extend you working permit and that this is the end of story.

Now I am totally confused becuase I see huge number of places where they can make us some problems.

It is important to say that I never had problems with AA but just that this open possibility that we do not get NE.
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/18/05 7:50 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.

I am confused with your words too emoticon

I believe you are talking about "Zustimmung" of AA but not "Zusicherung". Right ?

if this is correct, could you please ask your question again ? because I can not really understand what you would like to know from your original text.


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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/21/05 11:42 AM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
Hi Dracus,
You are right. I have confused Zusicherung mit Zustimmung.
I know that Zusicherung is the promise you get before getting the official Aufenthaltserlaubnis / Arbeitserlaubnis. This happens normally before the IT-Specialist comes to Germany, or begins his Job.
So its something temporary saying that you will get the AuE/ArE, but you don´ßt have them yet.

I have now searched in aufenthaltstitel.de and found that Zustimmung the new word for Zusicherung see §46 ) -1 hier

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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/21/05 12:32 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
Sorry I was confused with all new things.
I guess that we need "Zustimmung" but I do not understand for what.

We have job in momemnt when we apply for NE, we paid what we had to pay.

Is it possible that AA refuse to issue "Zustimmung" ? Before few weeks when I wanted to change my job AA issued "Zustimmung" when I proved that I am here more than 3 years.

Also what is with security check?

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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/21/05 1:05 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
I see. ABH has keine Ahnung will you get Zustimmung because they just ask the AA.
Tell me what work permit did you receive?
Since you are more than 3 years in D you should get "Beschäftigung erlaubt".
And that would mean that you have unlimited unlimited "Zustimmung".

So if you have "Beschäftigung erlaubt" in your pass, that is Zustimmung.
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/21/05 1:26 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
Unfortunatelly my passport is still in ABH but looking in past I guess that they will just connected my Visa to new company name.

How can I explain to them that I should get not connected type of Visa ? Where I can find this in new law ?
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/21/05 1:36 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.

BeschVerfV § 9.4 says:

(4) Die Zustimmung wird ohne Beschränkungen nach § 13 erteilt.

meaning: Agreement will be given without limits.

so any firma limit, IT limit or time limit is not allowed if you are more than 3 years working in D
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/21/05 1:41 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.

And if you are less than 3 years in D?
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/21/05 1:47 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
than you should get unbefristete work permit for IT area according to BeschV § 46.2
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/22/05 1:17 AM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
"But you can try to get s.th. in the negative form. Some thing like:
nach dem jetzigen stand spricht nichts dagegen dass du länger bleiben kannst.
Or s.th. like

es besteht für dich die Möglichkeit in der Zukunft eine Erlaubnis für einen längerfristigen aufenthalt zu beantragen."

it will not help, it does not abide officials to anything. bank wants to have some guarantees that they will get their money back in any case - it's understandable. if you can give the bank a guarantee from an immigration office that you have a right to stay after 5 years - that would do, 'cause the bank then will get its money from immigration office back if it will later turn out that you can not stay.

the statements you wrote can not be used to get the money back from anybody -> too big risk for a bank -> no credit for you

in fact, the main problem to find a new job is that the companies are not sure that you will be able to stay after 5 years. if you can get a guarantee that you can stay, attach it to your job applications and you should have no problems with a job
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/22/05 9:18 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
that is really biggest problem in job suche.
Nobody believes that you will be allowed to stay because there was oft on TV that GClers are here only for 5 years and that GC can not be verlängert.
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/23/05 2:57 AM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
"Nobody believes that you will be allowed to stay because there was oft on TV that GClers are here only for 5 years and that GC can not be verlängert."

and when you were successful in persuading them that it is not so, they call local employment office and get the confirmation that you are the one who lives in the world of dreams emoticon
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/23/05 4:16 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
My pass is still in AB.
I got "Zustimmung" for working contract from 01.03. but because they told me that I can not quit until they do not give me "Zustimmung" I did not and in a mean time they said that I got it.

Then I asked new company to wait for me until 01.04. I they accepted that so that is a reason why my pass is still in AB.

I left it there before 6 days and I hope that I will receive it until the end of next week so then I will write what type of Visa I have.

I expect to see Visa connected to company name because they always gave me that type of Visa and I do not believe that they will change it to something else.

In a way, that is not important for me because I want to stay in new company for longer period and my 5 years will expire in October.
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Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
2/24/05 12:07 PM as a reply to Marcus Dracus.
Re: Zusicherung after 5 years
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