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Visa Questions


3/14/05 2:35 AM
I got a job as IT developer and my employer offered me Euro 25k per anum,I am going to finish my masters by the end of april 2005, my doubt is:: Shall I get a workpermit with this salary? is there any minimum salary limitation for getting a workpermit?

Thanks in advance..
with kind regards
Sreenivasa Reddy
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Re: Workpermit
3/14/05 11:03 AM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
Hi Reddy,
You did not describe your circumstances in detail, however, if this is the brutto salary which you should get for a full time job (40 hours / week) working as IT developer, then I personally would not considered that as serious offer. If you are tax-class I (alone) you will get 1.350,45 Euro/month netto (based on 12 salaries). With this money you can (at least in Munich) barely survive. It is enough for food and small place to stay. For that reason I also doubt that any ABH/AA will give you work permit based on that. As the orientation, the 39600 Euro brutto / year would be aproximate bottom-entry level for the West Germany. On the other hand, you can try to get workpermit with this salary and collect experience, if you are not able to find anything else in the moment. With 1 year experience you should be able to start with at least 40,000 brutto.
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Re: Workpermit
3/14/05 7:08 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
Hi cedomir,

Thank you for your information, today I got some more information about my salary i.e Euro 25K Per Anumn (brutto) and the location of job is Frankfurt, as full time employee (40 hrs per week)
they will provide me some training for first three months, afterwards I have to be involved in their team. I feel that, this is a good opartunity as being a fresh graduate, they said that they will review this salary by the end of the year. What are the chances of getting a work permit in my case? I dont know how to approach regarding the workp ermit..
can you any one please guide me in this regards..

With regards
Sreenivasa Reddy
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Re: Workpermit
3/14/05 7:23 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
25K per annum is above the market values even for a fresh graduate. Especially in Frankfurt. (I would understand it, if the job was in East-Germany but Framkfurt.. definitely not..)

Arbeitsamt may refuse your work-permit, just because you will be cheap-labour. (German companies are not allowed to hire foreigners where they pay them above the market-average)

Would this company offer the same amount to a fresh graduate German citizen ? No.. so please be careful and do not let yourself be exploited.



PS: 25K per year can be earned even in third world countries with some experience and we are in Germany.
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Re: Workpermit
3/14/05 8:17 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
"25K per annum is above the market values even for a fresh graduate."

you mean under
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Re: Workpermit
3/14/05 9:35 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
hi Lacrima
Thank you for your information.
Can you please explain in detail..
now I dont know what to do..
The company is also saying that they dont know much about the technical things in the processing of work permit.
is there any rule like the minimum salary should be some fixed ammount?

Thanks in advance.

with regards
Sreenivasa Reddy
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Re: Workpermit
3/15/05 12:30 AM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
You are right, it should be "under". Working & Posting at the same time in the Forum work out not that well all the time.. emoticon

During green-card times 40K per annum was the minimum salary in West Germany for someone with an IT-Related degree.
As there is no greencard anymore, one can claim that there is also no salary limit but I am pretty sure that Arbeitsamt will check the salary with market values. I would also highly doubt that they will find 25K enough for someone with Master's Degree in Frankfurt. The company can still try to apply for the work-permit and see whether Arbeitsamt accepts it with such a low salary. I can not define here the steps for the company. It is not that complicated. They will probably get some form from Arbeitsamt and apply for the permit. Your employer can ask it also at Arbeitsamt.

My Personal Advice:
If you have an IT Related Master Degree from a German University. Just go for another job. Market is not that bad nowadays. It is still bad but at least a bit better than the last 3 years.
If you are good, I am sure you can find a 35K-40K job. Why do you so desperately want this company?

Good luck

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Re: Workpermit
3/16/05 7:02 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
hi Lacrima,
Thank you very much from your information.
I asked to my employer regarding my salary, they said they will share their profits at the end of the financial year and they have included all these information in the contract also. If they will share theis profits for me, what is the probabilitiy of getting the work permit with this 25k Per Anumn + some percentage of profits?
I am trying for a job since two months,I thought that the market is not so good as you thought, I went for some interviews also but I did not get any positive responce from any other company, thats why I am interested to join in this company, If I work for one year with this company I will get one year of experience so that I can demand more salary from the second year onwards. What is your sugession about my situation? still I am in confuse whether will I get workpermit or not? to whom I have to consult to know the official information of workpermits?

Thanking you
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Re: Workpermit
3/16/05 7:14 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
"what is the probabilitiy of getting the work permit with this 25k Per Anumn + some percentage of profits?"

I dont know.. but the probability should be higher than just 25k per annum salary.

"I am trying for a job since two months,I thought that the market is not so good as you thought, I went for some interviews also but I did not get any positive responce from any other company, thats why I am interested to join in this company, If I work for one year with this company I will get one year of experience so that I can demand more salary from the second year onwards. What is your sugession about my situation?"

I mean, it is your decision. If you feel like that you can not find any other employer/job, ofcourse you should go for this one.

"still I am in confuse whether will I get workpermit or not? to whom I have to consult to know the official information of workpermits?"

Sorry, I can not help you here. I have never dealt with Arbeitsamt from an Employer perspective. Maybe others in the forum can...

Good luck

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Re: Workpermit
3/17/05 10:52 AM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
If I am wrong somewhere,pls correct me.

@ Mr.Srinu,

I clearly understood your problem.Dont leave this oppurtunity thinking that 25K per anum is a less amount.If you dont get any other oppurtunity you will have to endup with nothing.

After one or two years,you will get some experience as well as confidence.By that time you will know things better how to deal with arbeitsamt.

There is no rule of minimem cieling but however the salary should be at par with your German colleagues.But I suspect that it is not true in your case because frankfurt will have 36000-40000 as minimum salary.So dont apply as permanent job holder,try as Fach Praktikant.For Fach praktikant 25000 is more than sufficient.

However I have to admit that if you work as fach praktikant your work period will not be considered for permenant residence.

By the way which university you are from?Whats your course?Where did you do your thesis & praktikum.(I mean is it the same company)?

Can you please give your email id?my email id is chakri_germany@yahoo.com.

All the Best
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Re: Workpermit
3/17/05 11:07 AM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
Chakri, your thinking is completely correct. Praktikum is very good to gather experience and have 1 Year experience. After that you can start with 40,000. This is also normal way for germans, if they have zero experience. Our friend must find a way to get work and residence permit with 25,000, to collect work experience. But how ?
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Re: Workpermit
3/17/05 11:23 AM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
Praktikum is bad idea and it should be used only if really necessery. You have chance for real AE and try to get it. If you succeed forget Praktikum. If not than try it.

But time which is not counted is not problem at all. Biggest problem is when you do this year you are on the beginning. It could even happend that if you do not find it you are send nach Hause.
If you get real AE now you will hardly be sent home.
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Re: Workpermit
3/17/05 3:03 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.

Dou you mean to say that if one fails to get "NachPraktikum VISA" he will be sent home.

Will one year job suche visa wont help?

pls clarify

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Re: Workpermit
3/17/05 3:25 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
I don't think you can fail to get "NachPraktikum VISA".
You will get job search visa for one year, but is it stupid. Than you are on the start again. Than you will be in even worse situation than now because now you have job and you need only AE. And after Prakt. you will search for job again. And if you do not find it in year, bye bye.

You allready found job and now try to get real AE.
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Re: Workpermit
3/17/05 4:50 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.

Sorry for not being able to understand your point earlier and now I understood what you are saying.

yes you are right that its better to get AE than praktikum.If he fails to get it,he can apply for Nach praktikum Visa and work as praktikant for one year and later apply for job visa when the same company gives him more salary or when he manages to get another job with sufficient salary.

Thank you very much Mr.DVD
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Re: Workpermit
3/17/05 6:03 PM as a reply to sreenivasa Reddy Majjigau.
you don't need that Mr.
we are all same here
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