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Visa Questions

Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?

Any ideas what to do, if they 'kick me out from job' 3-4 months before applying for NE?
How long have I time to stay then, when my visum ending at 08.2005 and he throw me out 3-4 months before.
Can I afterward get NE no matter how long the next working contract will be (if I find job in period of 6 months as max. time to stay without job in DE) and my status is exactly 5 years in DE as GC?
Thanks in advance....
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/17/05 12:01 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
Hard to say. Everything is posible.
It mostly depends on Beamter's mood that day.
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/17/05 12:30 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
He could give you verlängerung for the time where you receive ALG (max 1 year now).
If you find job then you can get NE, if not you will probably lose AE.
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/19/05 11:42 AM as a reply to Johnny English.
So....as I have understand....
If he kick me out, I have right to stay 6 months...and search a new job.
If I get lucky to find one, and have 5 years exactly of residence and the job, then I have right for NE?!
If I do not find in period of 6 months and I have 5 years in DE but no job, then I have to go and loose all?
And....yet I have 'unbefristed vertrag'....if I have(get) new job and 'befristed vertrag' for 3-4 years, and 5 years residence do I have right for NE then?
Finaly....can I search new job now (5-6 months) before having 5 years residence and (ABH has replay to me) thet I have right for NE and to go in midle September....
Thanks for reply...

Oh Goad....I am so sick of all.
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/20/05 11:48 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
i will tell you what will happen.

1. You find a new job
2. You go to your local immigration office and tell them that you found a new job
3. Local immigration office gets necessary documents from your would-be employer, sends them to local employment office, local employment office starts to check whether there are unemployed german or EU-citizens who could do that job
4. As in reality there are lots of unemployed natives, in IT as well, and because of new reform (Hartz IV - Alg II) they can not longer refuse ANY position, ANYWHERE in Germany or they lose the right to receive Alg II - local employment office finds potentional employees from the number of unemployed natives, your would-be employer employs one of them. After that local employment office stops to pay you an unemployement benefit because you have no chance to get any job in Germany and therefore are not available as a labour force.
5. Local immigration office learns about that and takes necessary steps in order to ensure that you leave Germany without making problems

Why this is going to happen (and please do not tell me that i am a pessimist, the point of view that i present below is not mine, but comes from Mr. Ostermann from ZAV IT-Sonderteam)

From 01.01.2005 there is a new regulation - BeschV. In that BeschV, among other things, following is written:

§ 46 Übergangsregelungen
(2) Die einer IT-Fachkraft nach § 6 Abs. 2 der Verordnung über die Arbeitsgenehmigung für hoch qualifizierte Fachkräfte der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie erteilte befristete Arbeitserlaubnis gilt als unbefristete Zustimmung zum Aufenthaltstitel zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung fort.

This was added to ensure that GC-holders can get an NE after 5 years, in reality though works against the GC-holders who loose their job and find new one after 01.01.2005 but before they can apply for NE. Because §46 Abs. 2 BeschV by officials is understood in a way, that your job permit - which is limited to a duration of five years - from 01.01.2005 became an unlimited job permit, BUT ONLY FOR A JOB FOR WHICH IT WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED, not for any job. If you find a new job - the officials are pretty sure that you need to get a new job permit - which is now actually an agreement of local employment office with a new residence permit, but the sense is the same. Then they have comments to BeschV, in which, in particular, following is written:

Die als Green Card bekannte Regelung wird als Zulassung zu qualifizierten Beschäftigungen im IT-Bereich fortgeführt. Die sonstigen Elemente der IT-ArGV werden überflüssig, weil das Zuwanderungsgesetz nicht mehr an die individuellen Fähigkeiten der Personen anknüpft, sondern an die vorgesehene qualifizierte oder hoch qualifizierte Beschäftigung, die auch der mindestens tarifgerechten Einstufung der vorgesehenen Vergütung der zu beschäftigenden Person zu entsprechen hat.

this is understood in a way, that a regulation which prohibited checks of labour market in case of GC-holders who are already in Germany, is no longer valid. Therefore in order to decide whether a GC-holder can get a new job, first a labour market needs to be checked, and if there are unemployed natives - IN THE WHOLE GERMANY, NOT ONLY IN YOUR CITY - who can do the job, GC gets no agreement of local employment office and therefore no job.


There are of course always many solutions available, but in order to find any of them the person has to to stop to rely on anybody - including Detlef - has to to understand that everybody in Germany pursuits only his own interests, must stop to listen to politians and officials and start to think by his own head. If you will do that, you will find a suitable solution yourself, if not - and i know what i am talking about, have lots of related experience - my advices will not help you, simply because you will not listen to them.

Good luck!
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/21/05 9:01 AM as a reply to Johnny English.
Hey Johnny English,

Do not worry!

According 46.2 in the BeschV, you can work as IT-Expert unlimited. Not only for your current job, even for the new job in IT after 01.01.2005.

According 9 in the BeschVerfV, you can work what you want, without any Labour-Markt-check, if you have worked for 3 years.

But some officer in ABH or in AA do not know this, OR they donot want to know this, Or they interpret wrongly like somebody in our forum. So I think, it is more easy, to take a Lawyer from Vpmk, like our friend "Nobody" in Berlin.

Your real problem is, to find a new Job in IT. But it is not so easy. I wish you good luck!
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/21/05 12:40 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
When I wanted to change a job in February I had to prove that I am more than 3 years in Germany (provement was for people in AA) and after that they issued "Zustimmung".

So basicaly before you go to any government institutions bring all parts of law connected with your case and leave that to them so that they can make check also.

Probably, in beginning they will tell you that you do not have right for anything but if you can show to them that they are wrong they will correct their "words". Of course knowledge of German language helps a lot.
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/21/05 2:09 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
"Because §46 Abs. 2 BeschV by officials is understood in a way, that your job permit - which is limited to a duration of five years - from 01.01.2005 became an unlimited job permit, BUT ONLY FOR A JOB FOR WHICH IT WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED, not for any job."

They did understand it that way but it is wrong.
GC is work permit for whole IT area. If they do not believe lawyer and judge will teach them.
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/21/05 2:32 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
Hallo *,

Could you please refer to the link, paragraph of BeschVerord, where its written that one get unlimited work-permit, if one has worked/stayed here for 3/4 years.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/21/05 2:44 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
BeschVerfV not BeschVerord
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/23/05 1:17 AM as a reply to Johnny English.
Thanks for your answers.
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/23/05 1:28 AM as a reply to Johnny English.
§ 9 Beschäftigung bei Vorbeschäftigungszeiten oder längerfristigem Voraufenthalt
(1) Die Zustimmung zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung kann ohne Prüfung nach § 39 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 1 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes Ausländern erteilt werden, die eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzen und

drei Jahre rechtmäßig eine versicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung im Bundesgebiet ausgeübt haben oder
sich seit vier Jahren im Bundesgebiet ununterbrochen erlaubt oder geduldet aufhalten; Unterbrechungszeiten werden entsprechend § 51 Abs. 1 Nr. 7 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes berücksichtigt.

This means that I can search a new job...and AA can not make any problems if I find new job and ABH, if I have a job simply will put a stamp that I can go on?!
I am I right or wrong?
I have fire under my feet.......
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/23/05 12:16 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
even more.
if you work more than 3 years than you can ask for "Beschäftigung erlaubt".

You could just say that you want to work as selbstständig or work for more companies at the same time.
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/23/05 1:29 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
British family living in Germany, require an au pair to care for three girls. (two are at school). There will be lots of free time in the day to study etc..
Email if interested or if you know an available au pair.

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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/23/05 4:07 PM as a reply to Johnny English.
that was your answer max.
if you get fired you can work as a au pair girl
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Re: Maybe he give me quit from job!Any idea what to do?
2/24/05 12:45 AM as a reply to Johnny English.
For children, I am too old and bold and I have 3 one on my own.I will beter go in SAHARA then take care of children.
For study...I have my university degree.
Aupair idea....I need Aupair girl.I am totaly lost and confused.
I want NE!
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