"I am in probationary period with my current employer which ends on 28.02.06. However my problem is that i have no interest to work with this company anymore."
is it something was'nt defined in your contract before you accepted the job offer? or they change your job category after hiring you?
"The reason behind it is lack of professional growth in the area that
i want to grow, too much travel and my own interest to specialize in Oracle technology."
oracle technology is little bit overcrowded now, but still there are many jobs around as database developers/specialists and search around and keep-searching, i know it takes little bit of time.
"whereas my specific area in this company is Java Software Engineer!!"
java is not doing bad now anyway, but it all depends what exactly you are looking for.
"I see that if i work some more months in this company i will forget all my technical expertise in java and oracle."
to keep your technical skills just get involved in any of the opensource technology as commiter
as many do.
"I really dont want to go even to my workplace because lack of interest in everything in the company."
my suggestion is to look for different job while working and not to show your lack of interest to your employer.
"What should i do in this situation? provided the fact that i'm still on search for a new job which has not been quite successfull yet."
as i said, just keep looking for new job and might get one by luck at least. but keep learning something at the same time.
"How will it effect me (in terms of finding a new job later, Arbeitszeugnis and arbeitslosegeld) if i resign myself within probationary period?
How will it effect me if company kicks me out because i am not showing much interest to them?"
it is not a good idea to quit job just because you don't like it and at the same time donot have any other job in hand. it is also not good idea to get kicked off from the company, would affect your future plans, even morally it is not good idea (just my opinion) resgining from the job means you'll not get any unemployment benefits, meaning you'll need to pay all bills by your own just for your info (rent, travelling for interviews, food-yourself&pets, health insurence, energy bills, postage, print resume, copy resume, fotos, entertrainment, gez and so on...) so think-about-resigning yourself.