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Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections

Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Guvenc Gulce 6/21/05 1:37 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Miodrag Vidanovic 6/21/05 2:32 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Asian the Great 6/21/05 3:24 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Paul Wehrli 6/21/05 4:22 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/21/05 5:17 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/21/05 5:46 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ziad Ashkar 6/21/05 6:30 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Asian the Great 6/21/05 6:52 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Asian the Great 6/21/05 7:01 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ziad Ashkar 6/21/05 7:06 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Guvenc Gulce 6/21/05 7:10 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Paul Wehrli 6/21/05 7:37 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Mubasher Hassan 6/21/05 7:52 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Abdul Rahman Mohammed 6/21/05 7:59 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/21/05 8:17 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/21/05 8:26 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/21/05 8:30 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Akshay Khanna 6/21/05 8:44 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Mark Johnson 6/21/05 9:49 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Paul Wehrli 6/22/05 3:48 AM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 3:45 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 3:49 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Akshay Khanna 6/22/05 4:21 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 4:37 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/22/05 4:55 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 5:03 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/22/05 5:17 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Akshay Khanna 6/22/05 5:26 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 5:28 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 5:46 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/22/05 5:51 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Akshay Khanna 6/22/05 5:53 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 6:03 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/22/05 6:09 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Akshay Khanna 6/22/05 6:14 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 6:21 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/22/05 6:26 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Fred Jeffry 6/22/05 6:29 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/22/05 6:30 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Akshay Khanna 6/22/05 6:40 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 7:11 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Akshay Khanna 6/22/05 7:19 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Indian the great 6/22/05 7:29 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections Deepak Bansal 6/22/05 7:31 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections ben fleck 6/22/05 7:50 PM
Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections trust7 6/22/05 8:13 PM
Hi All,
This effects most of us as immigrants in Germany. I just read the following article regarding the Union(CSU/CDU)'s ideas about the immigration policy in Germany. Unfortunately this time we need to take them seriously, as they will probably be elected in the coming elections.

Union: Zuwanderung wird heißes Wahlkampfthema

So what they basicly say is that they dont want to see any (new) immigrants in Germany. They think that they can motivate Germans to have more children. emoticon Even if Germans continue to have this amount of children, Union guys think that they can just set the retirement age a bit higher (e.g 67 ) so that people will pay more contributions to the retirement system. So the demographic problem in Germany is resolved.. emoticon no more immigrants please.. we need only Germans.. emoticon

Hey, let's be realistic, these Guys can really turn Germany to a hell for the immigrants. Who can guarantee that they will not change the immigration law completely when they come to power ??? they will be able to do what they want and maybe all the laws that we are discussing now will be superfluous. Who knows ??? just wanted to bring a new dimension to our daily problematics..


0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 2:32 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Well, they will define a new dimension definitely. Like "grab your NE and go somewhere else".
I felt it during last few weeks when AA beamter contacted my company wondering why they've picked me to do the job (when he could find so many Germans to do it) and how come they are paying me so much (probably more than he gets). Amazing - I thought that it's good for them that I have my wage as high as possible, meaning I'm paying more taxes and other fees to the state. But this sounded like a cheap indirect suggestion "why do you need him when I can get you a real German for less money?". Free enterprise, integration? My deep blue eyes...
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 3:24 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Have to be very careful with the politicians, also the beamters are against the foreigners. They definitely need immigrants irrespective of whatever law they make, but it will make our life difficult. They would not abolish the new immigration law, but they would not encourage to bring new foreigners, and would not give any priority in local jobs for foreigners. It is making the foreigners to go out automatically. This might happen. When i was in the rathaus for abmeldung, the beamter was so happy to see me going out of the country. She was mentioning that with my salary they can give three or four germans employment. But the reality is different, would my company recruit 3 or 4 germans on my place !! crazy!! Who is supporting the foreigners here? Not the politicians, not the beamters...only few employers like mine.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 4:22 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
is it surprising ?
Union just wants to get more votes, very simple.

This is daily life in germany. Ich liebe es...
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 5:17 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
When I took an ugly topic at the other end some months ago people thought this guy must be insane but the reality is, there is no good future for immigrants in Germany and some of you are realising it from the media talks. To be frank, Germany will have to fix a lot before it can keep its strong economic form going on and for that they will do whatever is required and for every reason there will find a bakra (goat in English) and unfortunately they turned out to be no one else than the foreign immigrants. Actually by going with reasoning, there is no one to blame for and if there is one then it should be you for deciding to live in a country with so much confusion and also myself :-(
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 5:46 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
So babloo, you are blaming yourself!! How long you plan to keep blaming yourself?
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 6:30 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
do u really think we as GCs will be negatively affected when CDU/CSU come to power. could it happen for example that one finishes the 5 years but does not get the NE?? Personally I think this is not possible, because I already live in Bayern (CSU), and I never felt any big problems with the ABH. Why should it change then??
Regards to all!
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 6:52 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

There wouldnt be any problems for NE, you would get it as per new law. But the government should encourage and welcome immigrants!! That is more important than your NE. If the government is immigrant friendly, you can even work with a temporary work permit !! But if the government is against the immigrants, and when you are not given any job, what is the use of your NE?
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 7:01 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
I Personally feel this would create a problem or unhappy situation for the foreigners here. When the political leaders want to use this for their safety, then it will definitely affect us. This does not happen only in Germany, it happens everywhere, may be in germany either it is more serious or we find it serious since our community (ausländer) is very small. I lived and worked as immigrant in Australia and few major asian countries before coming here, and during the econimic crisis or increasing unemployment period, the locals there felt the same and blamed only the foreigners. So the government (without announcing) made some changes in immigration policies to discourage foreigners and companies recruiting foreigners. In asia, in my own business firm, during the unemployment period, when i wanted to recruit people from overseas, i was not allowed to do that. Though there were no rules, i was forced to appoint the locals. This may happen here. If you are a foreigner you are not safe anywhere. Regards, Asian
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 7:06 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
I really do not see a relation between finding a job and the government being with or against immigration. What the government can do is to make it harder to get the NE or Arbeitserlaubnis but they can not affect if you find a job or not.
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 7:10 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Very frankly said, when I hear the politicians from CSU/CDU speaking, I have the feeling that they actually deeply hate foreigners just like an average NPD supporter might do. The fact is that they can not tell this to public honestly, because they are afraid of being stamped as "Right-Wing-Extremist".
They just hide their "real" feelings and they try to control themselves. My fear is that, when they come to power, they may lose their control.

BTW, ruling the whole Germany is much more different than ruling a state. I believe, what is happening in Bayern now doesn't necessarily indicate what might happen on the federal-level, when CSU/CDU comes to power.

I personally expect some "hard" moves in the laws regarding the immigration policies and the policies for the foreigners who already live in Germany. I really hope to be mistaken.


0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 7:37 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
"I personally expect some "hard" moves in the laws regarding the immigration policies and the policies for the foreigners who already live in Germany. I really hope to be mistaken."


NO, you are not mistaken, these hard moves that you are talking about, they already exist, it is on the street, it is at the kiosk, it is at where you go shopping, it is at police, it is at rathaus etc.

There is no immigration at the moment to Germany, which immigration are you talking about? what can be more strict ? It is already that way, the officers do not want to implement laws, regulations. They do everything to avoid these, how can it be more strict ? and lets say it would be that way, do you want to stay here further and continue ? me not.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 7:52 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
why dont we understand that CDU/CSU want to use "immigration" topic for their political means, because they have no solid grounds to win the elections. Even if they come into Govt. they will not change ausländersrecht etc. because these laws were made recently with their own support. They only want to attract conservative Germans to vote for them.
Even in 16 years of CDU/CSU Govt. there were many foriegners working illegally/legally in Germany.

And topic "immigration" is being used in many developed EU countries for elections, even in Canada which is most liberal in this matter, i heard opposition is thinking to use it.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 7:59 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Hi all,
Even I have gone through all this in my last 6yrs in Germany. Thank god I am out of this and enjoying my Freedom and peace.Germany has got many good things besides one still lives in Rules/Regulations/Strict life.In my opinion even if one makes it for NE/BE, he is still an Alien looking for identity and branded straight on face "AUSLANDER".Even after decades people will be called "AUSLANDERS". In a country where people are branded this way,I dont see any/my future.No where in the world did I hear people so openly calling "AUSLANDERS" who visit their countries for various purposes.Had nice time n memories of Germany which gave me much to learn n earn :-)

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 8:17 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>So babloo, you are blaming yourself!! How long you plan to keep blaming yourself?<<

oye oye my lady I missed your comments lately. Welcome back! who expected that things will turn so badly as it started happening now so it is time for you to blame yourself too or you will soon do it when you are denied NE .. hehehehehe! had a nice laugh. by the way, do you come from latin america? If so from where?
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 8:26 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Babloo, I dont blame myself, as i knew about germany before coming here. And i am here only for a short time and even with that i dont blame this country (like you do). So it seems, you have started thinking of alternatives!!! Well, i dont come from latin america, do i look like latin american? I look like indian right???
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 8:30 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Dear Zong8,

So it took six years for you to find germany is unsuitable place for you?? Doesnt is a bit longer??
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 8:44 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
I was wondering too if JLo had any indische-Vetterschaft :-)
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/21/05 9:49 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Hi Lacrima and all,

I agree with you, these bastards are as right wing as you can get, stoiber, beckstein, merkel, roland koch, etc. German society will definetly get more hostile toward foreigners, openly.

Time to get out.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 3:48 AM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
with or without Union, SPD or whatever,
I would suggest to get BE,NE, sail to the location until the wind is over. When the wind does not exist any more, time to fire up the engine and get to the place where you have wind and start to sail again.

I never thought myself 4 years ago, i will be in a geography like germany, speaking 2 languages daily other than my mother tongue etc. So you never know. Trying to plan and guarantee facts about life can be sometimes painful.

my 2 cents...
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 3:45 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>Babloo, I dont blame myself, as i knew about germany before coming here. And i am here only for a short time and even with that i dont blame this country (like you do). <<
are you sure????????

>>Well, i dont come from latin america, do i look like latin american? I look like indian right???<<
yes, like a red-indian without sindoor. Traditional Indian girls wear sindoor and look bright and beautiful like my wife.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 3:49 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>I was wondering too if JLo had any indische-Vetterschaft<<
she is a bittcchh, why do you connect such ugly people to India?
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 4:21 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

>>....and look bright and beautiful like my wife<<

mmmmmmmm.....I thought grass is always greener on the other side though ;-)
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 4:37 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>mmmmmmmm.....I thought grass is always greener on the other side though<<
what the heck do you mean?
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 4:55 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Dear Babloo,

Does Aishwarya Rai is with Sindhoor in all photos?
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 5:03 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>Does Aishwarya Rai is with Sindhoor in all photos?<<

I think you people are wasting the disk space here with your innocent questions & answers so lets stop it here and mind your business but I will answer this one, watch bollywood movie "Devdas" and you will realise what I meant.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 5:17 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Oh, in Devdas, I saw her in the cannes festival and couldnt find any sindhoor!! Wasting the database space has initiated only from you, (read all your old posts to know how much space you have wasted)
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 5:26 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

Devdas? Aishwarya? Sindhoor?....ROFL....you must be off your rocker, btw I remember watching a film of Nadia Nyce with Sindhoor and stuff, and she didnt look much bright to me.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 5:28 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>Oh, in Devdas, I saw her in the cannes festival and couldnt find any sindhoor!! Wasting the database space has initiated only from you, (read all your old posts to know how much space you have wasted)<<

oh my dear Indian lady, Cannes is Cannes and Devdas is Devdas where is the connection? I think during that festival probably she forgot it in her dressing room so you should ask her directly about it. For me atleast Indian women without bindhi or sindoor look like a widow. I am sorry it is painful to hear but I cannot help you in this matter.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 5:46 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>Devdas? Aishwarya? Sindhoor?....ROFL....you must be off your rocker, btw I remember watching a film of Nadia Nyce with Sindhoor and stuff, and she didnt look much bright to me.<<

you rock man! probably you were wearing your sun glasses
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 5:51 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Babloo, Well It is not a pain to hear, i am not married, so not to worry much. But I have seen many indian females without sindhoor, and they look like widows to your poor eyes!! Wash your eyes man!!
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 5:53 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

I would certainly wear sun glasses if I am working in that movie :-) :-)
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:03 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>Babloo, Well It is not a pain to hear, i am not married, so not to worry much. But I have seen many indian females without sindhoor, and they look like widows to your poor eyes!! Wash your eyes man!!<<
but you should learn to wash your mouth first

>>I would certainly wear sun glasses if I am working in that movie<<
it is not enough buddy you need much more to act in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:09 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
See, how babloo can turn a good topic to utter nonsense!! But he doesnt like to waste space here. He wants to have more empty space like his head!!
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:14 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

>>......act in a sensational manner........arouse a quick intense...<<

wow!!....so deep man...how did you arrive to this height of wisdom?
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Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:21 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
>>See, how babloo can turn a good topic to utter nonsense!! But he doesnt like to waste space here. He wants to have more empty space like his head!!<<
better than having no head .. lady if you have so much pleasure for chatting then please do come at yahoo and chat with ID "baablooo" I am waiting for you and I created this especially for you and bring along your aksai kumar.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:26 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Ya, something is better than nothing!! But in your case "nothing is better than nonsense". So by creating one special id in yahoo, you have also wasted space in yahoo !!!
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:29 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
dear Indian

Its better to talk useful things in this Forum, as people participating here are not here coz its boring for them, but have lot of problems and looking for a way-out.

And dont spoil the name "Indian"!
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:30 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Ok, Fred. I stop here, If the so called "Indian" has a name, i dont want to spoil it. Regards,
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 6:40 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

>>.......and bring along your aksai kumar<<

gee :-) thanks for the invitation man, hope you are not planning anything Abartig :-)
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 7:11 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
"And dont spoil the name "Indian"!"

I requested her not to do this long long ago and somehow you managed. Do you know she is an Indian basher? she is so filthy about Indian tax system and she did not explain the reasons and also she compares it with German tax system.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 7:19 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

Any chance that you come from a highly advance state in India known as Bihar?
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 7:29 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Dear Babloo,

I bash only hyprocrat indians like you, who do not want to accept the fact. And, enjoying all good things in germany and writing bad about germany. If you have so much love on india, why did u come here in the first place? Even at this moment, you are living in germany and whenever any uninteresting issues come about germany, you simply come inside and vomit bad about germany. I bash only that type of Indians. It is not my objective to write bad against india.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 7:31 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
Oh God, i thought this thread is something to know about the happenings in germany, and some of them used this thread as a online chat room spoiling the Indian Community in germany. If you want to argue some matters which are not related to the topic said, better to exchange email ids and argue there. I has wasted about 20mins to read this thread and i found the matter which is irrelevent.

Trust7 is read by all foreign communities who came here, none has that much patience to read all this stuff which is waste.

As we all know, coz of some german people, complete Germany is Blammed, if someone read this thread, coz of some indians, all the indian community who are living in germany gets blammed.
I request the people, not to argue such irrelevent issues here.


0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 7:50 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.
actually I was on topic only (pls check my very first message) and then suddenly this lady came in and started spitting her fkg rants on me and last time I let her continue without a word but this time I couldn't resist as she keeps crippling on me as if I ruined her life that is why all this shitt lies here. I toned down my usual slur long back after Detlef warned me to do so but this time I am better off with my arguments without foul language otherwise she could not have tolerated that big thug.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Union wants to use "Immigration" Subject in the elections
6/22/05 8:13 PM as a reply to Guvenc Gulce.

it has been a long time since I had to ask you to stop a discussion, because it went to personal. But now the time has come again :-(

Please do not post any more messages under this topic, it is enough!

On the other hand, I am very much interested in your opinion about the German political scene, so I suggest to start a new topic, regarding the news.

I thank all the cool blooded trust7 members, who remind the more 'hot blooded' ones to be polite, as it is the way we do it here.

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