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Visa Questions

URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK

Hallo Detlev,

here we have some EXTREME case. His name is max.


He obviously need help from lawyer for example from VPMK but he is completely lost and I think he can not recognize what should he do to get out of troubles. He has wife and 2 kids (2 and 9 years old).

Since he is not able to find solution for him self I suggest that VPMK approaches him and tries to help him.

I think it would be extremely big Werbung for VPMK if they would solve his case.
And it would be great help for Max because alone he is not even able to convince ABH that GC can be extended (although even birds know that till now).

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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/25/05 5:25 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
Hi DvD,

I appreciate your engagement for MAX, but he has to approach VPMK or at least me, by himself!

Believe me, I watched the whole discussion and sometimes it was not easy for me to keep cool and stay out of this, but I did, because I know Max personally and I did not want to be rude.

Max is a nice guy and I like him. We had 2 or 3 beers together and we discussed something this April. I told him something and later many of our members gave him good advices also and you still do!


Sometimes I guess he is one of those, who only ask for the right way, in order to be sure to take the wrong way ;-)

Manche Leute fragen nur nach dem richtigen Weg, damit sie dann mit Sicherheit den falschen Weg einschlagen können.

So if he takes your advice and if he asks for the help of our lawyers, he is very welcome. But it is his turn to make the first step.

Viele Grüsse aus Berlin
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/25/05 5:58 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
MAX will need to do this little step of approaching VPMK or atleast Detelef.

We can work out the financials.


Thanks a million again for the right advice with which i coudl get the firma name out of my visum.On reading the MAX case I now understand how very important that suggestion was.
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/25/05 6:04 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/25/05 6:42 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
Rightly said Mr. Detlef.
I have also read whole of these messages. Sometimes I felt pity on MAX and sometimes I felt like beating him up emoticon so as to bring his mind into the right direction(as suggested by DVD and many others).
I can understand that not everybody is so sharp in thinking in such situations(related to lawers and criminal cases etc.) - But atleast MAX(being an IT person for so many years now) should think LOGICALLY and act LOGICALLY.

If he knows Detlef then why he didn't approach him under such *BAD* situation - at least he can have another beer with Detlef and explain him whole of his situation. After having some drinks he will speak truth and declare everything in front of Detlef ;) And then Detlef can give him his able guidance.

How can MAX act so stupid related to his visa situations? even after being an active member of Trust7 and having read all the posts related to Visa regulations and new rules etc. in last 2-3 years. He should know by now what he is eligible for and what not. And based upon that he should approach the VPMK lawyers(as suggested by DVD)

From MAX's posts what I can conclude is that:
- He hired his lawer only to solve the crisis with his employer(so as to save himself from being sent to prison etc.).
- His lawer is not so much experienced(or aware) with Arbeit related laws for GreenCard holders OR MAX has not approached him with these problems/issues.
- He is approaching Auslenderämt on his own and they are showing him the door everytime. The reason is clear - his previous employer has already send/written/said so much poison against MAX that Auslenderämt people are not willing to entertain/listen such a person anymore. BUt they have to listen and act according to law if he approaches them with some knowledgeable lawyer.

So now, as his case with ex-employer is partially solved he should immediately approach Detlef and VPMK lawyers to take their help related to ALG and Visa extension in order to find another job etc.

Already a lot has been suggested to MAX by so many active members of Trust7. Only MAX can help himself by using his presence of mind and bringing his senses back in order.

God bless you and your family MAX. But for this also you have to take some actions on your own.

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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/26/05 8:40 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
Thank you all...thank you!
I am over VPMK now and Frau Ponert.
I do not know how to thank you...
Oh Goad I wish I coud have you all in Monday.
Only I can say to all of you now is just THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
If I stand (I hope I will stand) on my feet again...
Thank you!
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/26/05 9:04 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
wish you all luck ..and hope you get over the troubled times.
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/27/05 11:56 AM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/27/05 11:57 AM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
MAX finally did you approach VPMK lawyers.
Where are you located now.

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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/27/05 12:59 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
Now that you have finally reached the VPMK please do tehe followign too:

---Please take their suggestions seriously and stick to it. If you have lingering doubts still call Detlef speak to him.

--PLEASE donot Go along YOUR suggestions.

I pray that u come outof this mess, alive happy and fresh !!
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/27/05 4:15 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
Thank you all for your support.
I also hope and pray that something can be done soon.
Thank you all.
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Re: URGEN HELP NEEDED - from Detlev and VPMK
10/29/05 4:38 PM as a reply to Denis von Domikulic.
New chapter from my live.
Today I got god news.
I do not want to wite much but as soon as all is over I will inform you about it.
Thnak you ALL for your support and pray, thank you very much. I do not know how to thank you really.
0 (0 Votes)

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