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German Citizenship: Required documents

German Citizenship: Required documents Vicky B 5/29/07 5:20 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/1/07 3:33 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents perfekt mr 10/2/07 1:29 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Suji G 10/3/07 1:22 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/3/07 5:40 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/3/07 5:44 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Vicky B 10/4/07 12:15 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Akshay Khanna 10/4/07 12:16 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Vicky B 10/4/07 10:57 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Akshay Khanna 10/5/07 12:19 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Vicky B 10/6/07 4:31 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Akshay Khanna 10/6/07 1:03 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Paul Wehrli 10/6/07 1:18 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Vicky B 10/6/07 3:45 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Akshay Khanna 10/6/07 4:49 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/7/07 5:32 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents perfekt mr 10/8/07 12:54 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Max max 10/8/07 9:58 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Max max 10/8/07 10:03 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/8/07 1:38 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents perfekt mr 10/9/07 1:15 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/9/07 2:08 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Akshay Khanna 10/9/07 2:19 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Paul Wehrli 10/9/07 4:36 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents SSS SSS 10/9/07 4:39 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/9/07 6:22 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents NoBody 10/9/07 6:41 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Akshay Khanna 10/9/07 7:41 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/10/07 2:11 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Akshay Khanna 10/10/07 3:06 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Tamanna Kumar 10/16/07 5:31 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Mandy P 12/7/07 2:43 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Rajesh Krishnadoss 12/7/07 2:51 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Mandy P 12/7/07 2:57 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Rajesh Krishnadoss 12/7/07 3:15 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Harprit Singh 2/1/09 2:02 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Fred Jeffry 2/2/09 3:13 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents subir subir 2/2/09 4:52 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Vicky B 2/3/09 2:03 AM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Sunil 2/3/09 5:23 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Vicky B 2/5/09 6:33 PM
Re: German Citizenship: Required documents Harprit Singh 3/26/09 4:46 AM

I am going to finish my 8 years (3 years as student with Aufenthaltsbewilligung + 5 years with Aufenthaltserlaubnis) in Germany in October this year. Therefore, I'll get eligible for NE and citizenship at the same time.

I went to Einbürgerungamt and they aksed me to submit the application for citizenship along with the documents like Date of birth Certificate, Marriage certificate, Versicherungsverlauf etc.

I have following questions:

1. I was born in India and I don’t have my date of birth certificate. Instead I have one affidavit, which is a stamped letter from court and attested by a notary (isseued this year) on my father’s behalf about my date of birth. Will it be enough for the citizenship application?

2. The date of birth and marriage certificates are in English. Where can I get them translated into German? Do I need to get them later verified also? If yes, then from where? Or Einbürgerungamt will send these anyway to the embassy in India to get these verified/checked?

3. As there is no dual-citizenship agreement between Germany and India, so when will I have to give up my Indian citizenship and what's the procedure?

I would really appreciate your comments and help in this matter.

Thank you very much!
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/1/07 3:33 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Could anyone of you please throw a light on the above question regarding Birth Certificate. As most of us use the 10th class mark-sheet as a proof of Birth info. Does it work?
else whats the best way to get it done in India?
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/2/07 1:29 AM as a reply to Vicky B.

Yes, i can throw light on the question regarding Birth Certificate as you need it.

- Germany will not accept anything other than the Original Birth Cetrificate.
- You'll need to get Non-Availability of Birth Certificate from Local Office (from something called Municipal Office)
- You need to go to court and declare that your Birth was never registered and need one.
- They'll call you when they get sometime (You know court system in that country and the speed in which they work)
- Then you'll have to remove your shoes before getting into court with folded hand and answer the questions which they ask and pay the money.
- Then it'll go to the another office called Tahsildar (if i remember correct)
- There you'll have to wait since the clark have nothing to do and ask you to wait for two weeks.
- You keep some money under the table then the issue is solved in one hour and got your "Original Birth Certificate"!!!
- And that is the only certificate is accepted by German Authorities (I guess form 13)
- No 10th Class Marks Sheet Accepted.
- No Affidevit is accepted.
- To get that Original Birth Certificate You don'nt need to be present as in that country there are no document is tagged to any person. So someone of your family can do (Not legal but works)

So i think i threw enough light on this issue.

Good Luck!

PS : I got my citizenship already long time ago, soon after my passport arrived, within three months i left Germany.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/3/07 1:22 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
Hello Perfekt,

Could you please drop me an email at mailsuji@excite.com

I have few questions related to citizenship.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/3/07 5:40 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Please discuss your Qs here in the forum. I am sure this way most of the ppl will benefit.
If its a repeat of something, then the generous ppl of this forum will show you the right links.
And it will still help others like me & you.
0 (0 Votes)

Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/3/07 5:44 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
What are all the documents required while filing for DE Pass.
There are a few mentioned on the form, but it would be nice to know what all are in actual required ( a comprehensive list is what I am looking for in the answers)
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/4/07 12:15 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
It seems like a long complicated process to get a birth certificate emoticon

Recently I went to Einbürgerungamt to ask about it and i was told that one can get the birth certificate from the country's consulate/embassy in Germany. I'm not sure about it and will check with Indian embassy in Germany.

Any body else having experience about it?
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/4/07 12:16 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

Send your friend to Municipal Office in your town to get you a birth certificate. It would cost you around Rs.1000 (over and under the table).

Here is a sample birth certificate.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/4/07 10:57 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

Thanks for the tip & for sample certificate.

Do you know where can these documents be officialy translated in Germany? I'm wondering if it will be much cheaper to do it in India e.g. from Goethe Institute.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/5/07 12:19 AM as a reply to Vicky B.

Sorry yaar, there is no cheaper option, you need a govt. certified translator. That would be another 200 Euro. Who says life is fair? :-)
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/6/07 4:31 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
Ahh these Amts..

Couple of months ago when I went to Einbürgerungamt, I was not asked to appear for any German exam/integration course. It was also not there in the list of required documents, the one I got with the application form. I had the impression that they take their own exam (verbal one) like you need to read & understand a article from the newspaper or so & they'll ask questions etc, which is easier than other written exams like Zertificat Deutsch.

But yesterday when I went there, I met another lady and she told me that first I have to pass B1 exam (I guess Zetifikat Deutsch) before applying for citizenship. She also included it in the list of required documents. And when I told her that I'm going to finish my 8 years this month, she said that still I have to give the exam because the "Law has changed".

Is it like this? Any idea?

Although I have taken some courses in VHS and also Orientierungskurs but ZD exam can be a pain and will delay my application.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/6/07 1:03 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

Yes, the law has changed since 28. August 2007 :-)

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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/6/07 1:18 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Zertifikat Deutsch B1 is *VERY* easy for people who just stayed in Germany like 5 years and only open their post boxes and read/understand the standard letters from here and there.

It is hard to comprehend when I see such comments. You want to be a citizen but you do not want to speak/understand the language even at B1 level. Is it possible to be American or UK citizen with broken English? No wonder locals are manipulating foreigners since foreigners are not able to speak/write German.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/6/07 3:45 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Thanks Akshay.

@ pwehrli

It's good to know that ZD exam is easy emoticon . I totally agree with you that one should know enough German before applying for German citizenship but my main concern was that it would delay the whole procedure. It seems that VHS in my city offers the exams only 2 times in a year & next one is in February. I still need to find if it's also offered by other institutes here like Goethe. Moreover, as I understood from another posting that it can take upto 2 months to get the certificate after the exam. This all would mean that I have to wait for 7 months before I can apply for citizenship & then other 5-6 months.

I have found some additional info about obtaining birth certificate & would like to share



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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/6/07 4:49 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

I don't understand, what's the f****** rush? Just start the process now and see how it goes.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/7/07 5:32 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
One of the required documents is eigenhändig geschriebener Lebenslauf.
Has someone got any idea/experience if its a must and if so , what all to write in there. Any sample !

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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/8/07 12:54 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
Hi Serene,

You always comp up with new question. Could you please summarize your doubts in all, so that someone (or many) can provide information properly. I donot think it makes any sense for anyone to answer everytime new creative question like this. Hope you understand what i mean and no offence.

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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/8/07 9:58 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
I didnt get time to read the whole thread but about birth certificate hm .this had also put pain in my ass.As i also didnt had that and they didnt accepted my 10th class certificate(earlier they did but later they made objections) and it was more pain in ass when these government people in india are knowing that u need it so hard and they took a good amout of money for that but at the end it was all finished in 5 days.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/8/07 10:03 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
eigenhändig geschriebener Lebenslauf.
i think he means CV in german written with ur own hands:-)
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/8/07 1:38 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
I didn't understand, what did you find so difficult in my question?
The thread is about 'German Citizenship: Required documents' and I asked about one of the required documents, which is concerning writing CV with own hands. What was so difficult in it to understand? (no offense meant to your reply)
All I wanted to know is:
Should it be like a Resume'/CV like we write for job interview or should it be a very small intro about yourself.Handwritten or can also be typed on computer? I have never written a CV in German. Any sample resume from actual life for such a situation (DE Pass application) was the second request from me.
And secondly, I don't have a list of already existing doubts. I have to ask my friends out here for help, as and when I get some doubts. I hope I made myself clear and no one is offended.

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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 1:15 AM as a reply to Vicky B.

I guess it was my mistake, i was able to scan through once again this thread and got exactly what you meant. I did see that you got an Answer / Clarification for your doubt(s).

Good Luck!
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 2:08 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
no no, my questions are still open.
Please advise.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 2:19 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

Today, I spoke to the lady from Einbürgerungamt and she literally meant hand written CV...no computer print out.

Better start working on your hand-writing :-)
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 4:36 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
What is the handwritten CV good for?
What does a lawyer say about this?
Do they have the right of asking handwritten CV?

Which state and city are they asking for this?
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 4:39 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
That is normal...it was requested from me when I applied for the GC last year (in Bayern). a friend of mine in NRW had to do the same too.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 6:22 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Thanks for the answers.
Could anyone throw light on what all to include in such a kind of resume'?
Its definitely not the one we are used to apply for work.
Does anyone have any sample resume' to refer to.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 6:41 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

thru handwriting, one can study the psychological character of a person.

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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/9/07 7:41 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

....thru handwriting, one can study the psychological character of a person.

.....just to avoid the reincarnated version of some evil Austrians :-)
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/10/07 2:11 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Please suggest what to write in such a Lebenslauf. Has anyone already written such a stuff for the Behörden?
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/10/07 3:06 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

...Please suggest what to write in such a Lebenslauf...

Just usual stuff like wild fantasies, first love....etc. etc.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
10/16/07 5:31 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
In the required document list, the only requirement regarding work related docs I could found was:
Employment contract & last 3 salary slips.

Please suggest if it is necessary to get a letter from the employer that you are working there and and and + + +

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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
12/7/07 2:43 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Hi friends,
Could anyone please reply this question.

i am in the process of gettiny my german citizen. but befor that i have to give up my indian citizen .As there is no dual-citizenship agreement between Germany and India, so when will I have to give up my Indian citizenship and what's the procedure?
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
12/7/07 2:51 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
>> i am in the process of gettiny my german citizen. but befor that i have to give up my indian citizen .As there is no dual-citizenship agreement between Germany and India, so when will I have to give up my Indian citizenship and what's the procedure?

Who is asking you to give up your german citizenship? Did u get a letter confirming the same from the Amt?

I think you are only assuming stuffs here. In the case of Indian Passport normally the Einbürgerungsamt themselves do that,My source is Standesamt in Frankfurt.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
12/7/07 2:57 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
hi raj,
I read in the internet but if they do it themself, very good. I thought i have to do something myself .
Do you get our indian passport back? i want to keep it just for rememberance.
thanks for your reply.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
12/7/07 3:15 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
>>Do you get our indian passport back? i want to keep it just for rememberance.
thanks for your reply.

Well i am still a Indian passport holder. Indian passport is the property of Government of India, so unfortunately they dont give it as Soveniours ;-) Take a Digital and Hard copy of the passport and all previous passports before giving it back. You will need it to apply for OCI and other stuffs
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
2/1/09 2:02 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Regarding birth certificate - if you are unable to get it from India, then you can ask the local Indian embassy (Frankfurt) to issue a birth certificate (they take the info from your passport) and give it to you in both English and German language!
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
2/2/09 3:13 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
The Indian Consulate issues a "birth certificate" which says "acc. to this persons passport, his place and DOB are...."

Is this accepted when applying for German Citizenship?
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
2/2/09 4:52 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

luckily its accepted. but at any time it is possible that bemater rejects it.
it looks little bit silly on consulate part that its writing the same thing written in passport. So, its upto bemater to make objection and in that unfortunate case i consider it valid objection.
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
2/3/09 2:03 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
Finally I got the citizenship. I would like to thank Trust7 for providing this wonderful platform and to the members for sharing the useful information.

@ fred: They also accepted the certifacte for me, which was issued by the consulate but, as subir79 had mentioned, there can also be a possibilty that beamter rejects it.

Actually, in my case, the beamter herself had suggested me to get one from the consulate. Perhaps some of the beamters are aware of this common problem.

Good luck!
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
2/3/09 5:23 PM as a reply to Vicky B.
Congratulations for having received your citizenship.
I have a similar problem with respect to my date of birth proof. Could you please indicate in detail,
1. From which city did your consulate provide this letter?
2. Is it Indian consulate office?

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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
2/5/09 6:33 PM as a reply to Vicky B.

1. Hamburg

2. Yes
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Re: German Citizenship: Required documents
3/26/09 4:46 AM as a reply to Vicky B.
@Vicky - Congrats! How long did it take you from the Antrag date till you got the citizenship ? Anybody else who got the citizenship want to share how long the procedure takes presuming all required documents are submitted ? Thank you !
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