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Visa Questions

Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition

Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/13/08 12:26 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition prasadp kumar 5/13/08 12:40 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/13/08 12:52 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition dd rr 5/14/08 12:42 AM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/14/08 12:27 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition dd rr 5/15/08 10:41 AM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/15/08 1:43 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition dd rr 5/15/08 4:35 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Rajitha Saju 5/15/08 6:46 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/15/08 10:10 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Rajesh Krishnadoss 5/16/08 12:18 AM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/16/08 12:56 AM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Rajesh Krishnadoss 5/16/08 3:22 AM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition ram balram 5/16/08 1:29 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/16/08 5:34 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Rajitha Saju 5/17/08 3:20 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/17/08 4:08 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Rajitha Saju 5/17/08 7:21 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/17/08 11:11 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Rajitha Saju 5/18/08 1:54 AM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 5/19/08 11:51 AM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Rajitha Saju 5/19/08 3:01 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition ram balram 5/19/08 6:19 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Toni Tabet 6/2/08 11:44 PM
Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition Anonymous 6/26/08 4:56 PM
Hello everyone,

my wife is in Germany since 2 months, and went this morning to get her visa stamped with a residence permit with a validity like mine which is till august 2009.

She asked the lady at the Ausländeramt about her work possibilities, but we were surprised that the lady told my wife that she's not allowed to work here since she is only here accompanying me!

Furthermore the lady sent my wife to a man who said the same and told my wife that even after 5 years or whatever she won't be allowed to work but then gave her a paper that she should fill and submit somewhere, and see if she gets a work permit but told her that this would be unlikely.

The visa says something like Erwerbstätigkeit nicht gestattet, begleitung des Ehemannes or something like this.

I am now a little shocked but I know that this cannot be true.
Any ideas on this?
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/13/08 12:40 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Yes this is very much true.You are not the only one but there are many of us whose wife is here who accompanied us and got Aufenhalt visa which does not allow them to work.If she manages to get a job and if the company is ready to take care of her Visa then only she can apply for a work permit same like you have a work permit.
You don't need to be shocked because this is same everywhere if its UK,US or Australia.
If you have a permanent residence which you get after 5 years then only your spouse can get the permission to work otherwise not.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/13/08 12:52 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Thank you prasadp for the the quick reply.

Some other guys here told me that she would be allowed to work from day 1. If you check the other thread "Arbeitserlaubnis für Ehefrau".

I suppose they misread my BE and thought I had NE.

Can you comment on this?

Concerning finding a company and the company applying a work permit for her, how willing are usually big companies in doing this nowadays? (My wife is highly qualified with Master's degree, previous work experience and speaks 4 languages fluently).
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/14/08 12:42 AM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
For me it is not the case. After 1 year, spouse is allowed to work and it is open for any companies. But freelancer is not allowed.

It is not the same with other countries. In UK spouse can work if the other half has work permit. In Australia as well. But not in US if you have H1B. In case you have L1B, then the spouse can work.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/14/08 12:27 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
@sidoriva1: was that long ago? What was your exact Aufenthaltstitel?

I thought that since I had BE, my wife would be allowed to work since she would get similar conditions to mine. Is it not the case?
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/15/08 10:41 AM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
both of us have aufenthaltserlaubnis. i can work everywhere but it area, but no freelancer. my wife can work everywhere and in every area but no freelancer. location BW
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/15/08 1:43 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Thanks for the extra info, but I still don't have a full answer to my question.

My wife and I both have Aufenthaltserlaubnis.

I have BE and I quote from my passport: "Jede Beschäftigung erlaubt. Selbständige Erwerbstätigkeit nur mit Genehmigung der Auslämderbehörde gestattet."

My wife has been here for 3 months.

Is she allowed to get employed NOW?
If not, then when?
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/15/08 4:35 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
after 1 year.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/15/08 6:46 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
I've been told 2yrs(But it is applicable only if my husband has an unlimited job contract)
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/15/08 10:10 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
OK is it 1 or 2 years?

Anybody has some more info with maybe some official documents/law mentioning this?
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/16/08 12:18 AM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/16/08 12:56 AM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Thanks raj, this is what I was looking for.

I am now confused after reading this paragraph,

(5) Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis berechtigt zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit,

1. soweit der Ausländer, zu dem der Familiennachzug stattfindet, zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit berechtigt ist oder(...)

This means my wife is allowed to work right now.

Can you please confirm?
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/16/08 3:22 AM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
sorry dude, i have no idea. why dont you ask it in info4alien.de. They will come up with the correct rules and sections.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/16/08 1:29 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Your wife can start working immediately if she has exactly same Visa like you like in my case (luckily), otherwise if she has dependent visa then she can start working after 1 year.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/16/08 5:34 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Her Aufenthaltserlaubnis is dependent on mine but the Nebenbestimmung says: "Ausübung eine Erwerbstätigkeit nicht gestattet, nur zur Begleitung des Ehemannes"

It looks like they did a mistake because since I have BE, my wife is allowed to work from day 1 according to the following paragraph,

"Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis berechtigt zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit,

1. soweit der Ausländer, zu dem der Familiennachzug stattfindet, zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit berechtigt ist"

We will go and ask them to change this clause on her passport next week. Hopefully things will go smoothly. I'll let you know what happens.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/17/08 3:20 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Pls post the reply from the Foreigners office.

My case is simiiar to your wife's.My husband visa says''§ 18 Beschäftigung erlaubt''(He's permitted to work as a freelancer but doesn't have NE)I'm not allowed to work in Germany though I'm here since 2005.

Wish you Gud Luck!
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/17/08 4:08 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Daaamn since 2005 here!! Why don't you go and ask them to change your Nebenbestimmung!?

According to the following you can work in Germany from day 1 if your husband has BE or after 2 years of residence in Germany as married.

Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis berechtigt zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit,

1. soweit der Ausländer, zu dem der Familiennachzug stattfindet, zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit berechtigt ist oder
2. wenn die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft seit mindestens zwei Jahren rechtmäßig im Bundesgebiet bestanden hat und die Aufenthaltserlaubnis des Ausländers, zu dem der Familiennachzug stattfindet, nicht mit einer Nebenbestimmung nach § 8 Abs. 2 versehen oder dessen Aufenthalt nicht bereits durch Gesetz oder Verordnung von einer Verlängerung ausgeschlossen ist.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/17/08 7:21 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
yes,I already been to 'Aüslanderbüro' with this issue after completing my 2yr stay in Germany.

This is the written answer that I got from them ''§9(1)Nr.1 Beser. Vr V.Wen der Ehegatte diese Arbeits erlaubnis besitzt,k.f- die Ehefrau eine Arbeits erlaubnis stellt werde''(which means that my husband must have an unlimted work contract & he didn't have that,so,I was not eligible for WP)

Then we shifted to some other city and approached the 'Aüslanderbüro' in that city.They said that I must have a job offer for processing the work permit.Later I found a job,but unfortunatley the 'Arbeitsamt'rejected my application for the WP since they had Germans,EU citizens to fill out that particular position:-((I'm not into IT field anyway)

BTW,what is BE?

Is it ''Beschäftigung erlaubnis''?It means ''Employment Permission'' right?and It is given to everybody(I mean to 'husbands')would that be helpful in getting the WP for his wife?
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Now,I wait my husband to be eligible for NE to apply for my WP.Anyway you try to get a written statement from Aülanderbüro about your wife's WP.It would be always better to approach them with a lawyer(since I got 2 different answers from different 'Foreign offices:-)

Does your wife speak German?Isn't she supposed to do the Integration German language course?In my case it was a MUST to do that course and I've done with it.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/17/08 11:11 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
They misread the law. If you lived as married couple here for 2 years then the unlimited work permit for your husband is not necessary.

You would have been eligible for a work permit from day 1 if your your husband had BE, which is "Beschäftigung Erlaubt" or unlimited work permit in time or field, it has nothing to do with work contract which could be limited or unlimited.

Your husband is eligible for BE if he worked for 2 full years in Germany or if he has been staying for at least 3 years.

My wife speaks German already, she went to a language school and reached level B1, so the people at the integration office exempted her from the integration course after they interviewed her, and saw that she had a quite advanced level.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/18/08 1:54 AM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Ok..I'm still confused about BE.My husband has recently got the permission to work as a freelancer(since he's already completed 3 yrs of living in Germany)but he's not allowed to set up a business.Is that the case with BE??

Are you allowed to work as a freelancer?

I thought the term used 'unlimited' is 'Unbefristet'..something like that. None of my friends(all of them are Engineering grads)got the permission to work here and they were in the same situation as mine:-(
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/19/08 11:51 AM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Yeah that's the case with BE I guess, although I'm not sure about freelancing because I don't plan on working as a freelancer anytime in the future.

Concerning the work permit, luck plays a big role here because in some cities, the law is misinterpreted and they deal with parts of it in their own way.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/19/08 3:01 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Yes,That's right!My experience tells the same:-(
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
5/19/08 6:19 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Yes thats right, Singhh is Kingg rules applies in Ausländerbehorde in Germany, Else you have to opt a lawyer to get corrected Stamp of visa.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
6/2/08 11:44 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Hello everyone,

I got the following reply after I told a Beamtin that my wife should be allowed to work according to the law.

What do you guys think? Is she right or are they misinterpreting the law?

I'm interested in the opinion of the more experienced users.

ehr geehrter Herr X,

vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.

Ich hoffe, dass ich Ihnen das verständlich erklären kann.

"zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit berechtigt" bedeutet, dass die Person uneingeschränkt auf dem Arbeitsmarkt Zugang hat und sich auch selbständig machen kann. Dies erkennt man an der Nebenbestimmtung "Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet". Sollte die Person, die sich bereits im Bundesgebiet aufhält, diesen Zusatz haben, wird dem nachziehenden Ehegatten ebenfalls diese Auflage erteilt. Das ist bei Ihnen leider nicht der Fall.

Sie besitzen die unbefristete Beschäftigungserlaubnis - die jedoch nicht die Selbständigkeit gestattet. (Jede Beschäftigung erlaubt. Sonstige Erwerbstätigkeit nur mit Genehmigung der Ausländerbehörde gestattet)
Dazu kommt, dass sie zur Arbeitsaufnahme eingereist sind und somit eigentlich nur einen vorrübergehenden Aufenhalt im Bundesgebiet beantragt haben. Somit ist nur Ihnen und nicht Ihrer Frau die Beschäftigung erlaubt.

Sollten Sie später in den Besitz der Niederlassungserlaubnis kommen, wird Ihnen und Ihrer Frau der Zusatz "Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet" in den Aufenthalt eingetragen.
Sollte Ihre Frau die Chance haben, eine Arbeit / einen Job zu bekommen, besteht die Möglichkeit, die Arbeitserlaubnis seperat zu beantragen. Ich kann Ihnen jedoch nicht garantieren, dass Dieser auch stattgegeben wird. Für die Prüfung bräuchte ich allerdings einen Arbeitsvertrag oder wenigstens eine Bescheinigung, dass Ihre Frau eingestellt werden würde.

Da es sich bei Ihrer Frau um einen Ehegattennachzug handelt, greift hier § 30 Abs. 1 Nr. 3e AufenthG.
Ich hoffe, ich konnte Ihnen behilflich sein.

Da dies ziemlich kompliziert ist, stehe ich Ihnen gerne jederzeit für weitere Fragen zur Verfügung.
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Re: Urgent help needed: spouse visa condition
6/26/08 4:56 PM as a reply to Toni Tabet.
Hallo All!1

I am going to marry a german girl in few days and then I will go to austria for work later my wife will also join me. Will I get any residence permit of visa from Germany as my wife is german?

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