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Pvt. Health Insurance Vs Public Health Insurance

Hi All,

Again back with another question. I have got an offer from my company regarding private medical insurance(this offer also valid even if i move to another company, same price and same conditions).
At present i have TK Public Insurance, i dont have any complaints on them, so didnt have thoughts of moving to private one, but after coming to know the advantages of private health insurance, got a second thought, but before taking any decision, i would like to know your thoughts and experiences with public and private insurances.
Recently there are lot of changes in public health system in germany when compared to the last 5 years, i guess still changes are to come in coming years? I am married, dont have kids at this moment. Does this really worth if we stay in public health insurance for life long or good idea to opt for private insurance right from now onwards?
what are your thoughts and sugesstions about this? which are the best private medical insurance companies in germany and what are the advantages and disadvantages of both private and public health insurance.
I got the offer from Gothaer
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Re: Pvt. Health Insurance Vs Public Health Insurance
11/05/05 21:17 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
I had private health insurance from Allianz. I saved a lot of money before i got married but after marriage and one kid the cost was the same as i had to buy it for my wife and child also. In public insurance the employer will pay half the insurance but in private it is limited to around 250 euros max(I dont know the exact, but it was around 250 last year).
In respect of treatment i havent found any difference. There were only few occassions when doctor prefered me as he can charge me more because of private insurance. Personaly i hated this and went to other doctor next time.

Let me tell you a real incident of mine. I had overgrown tonsilles last year and this was not a new problem. My hausartz suggested for the operation. I went to a private HNO, who also runs a private hospitals and normally sees only patients with private insurance. He insisted that i should have the operation for my tonsills and nose at the same time in his hospital. Luckily i also consulted few more HNO and they all said that there is no need for the nose operation, and in addition if there would have been such a need they cannot be operated at the same time. The point is that to be careful if you have private insurance as you are money making customers for some doctors.

My experience is that if you are single then private is good for you as it saves money. With family it is better to have public as it also saves your much time from making claims and settelling your bill with the doctor, that you can spend with your family.

P.S There are some restrictions switching the insurance from private to public and its not easy.
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Re: Pvt. Health Insurance Vs Public Health Insurance
13/05/05 14:02 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
Hello Imran and Deepak,
I had a similar question in mind , and hope you can help me too. Both (myself and my wife) are working and we have a public helath insurance .Both the employers are paying the insurance companies .Do you think that its a good idea that i switch to private and save some money where as my wife stays with the public insurance?.... what if any one of us loses his or her job.. i would really appreciate a advice from you or anyone here in the forum.
And can anyone send detlef's insurance company suggetsion link.
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Re: Pvt. Health Insurance Vs Public Health Insurance
13/05/05 14:15 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
nobody takes private insur. because it saves money.
on the far run private costs much more than public. if you want to have better service than take private and you will pay in time much more than with public.
if you want to save money do not take private.
you will not be able to get rid of it.

if you lose your job you can switch to public but if you do not lose it, than you will pay more and more and to switch to private will not be allowed.
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Re: Pvt. Health Insurance Vs Public Health Insurance
13/05/05 14:15 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
Hi stier, hi *,

the so called 'gesetzliche Krankenversicherung' is good for families, especially when only one of the parents works.

A private insurance costs less and if you go to a doctor, you will get a better service. I know, that there are exceptions, but generally it is like that. One example: You need a date at a well known doctor with many clients. With 'gesetzliche' you have to wait some weeks or you will not even get a date, with a private insurance you get the date very quick :-)

There are more 'pros and contras', but I do not have the time to explain it.

If you are thinking of joining a private insurance, than please take some time and compare the offer of our sponsor...


with the other insurances.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
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What is all covered under a Sports Insurance?
31/08/09 14:28 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
Most of us will play some or other sport during our free time. It is very possible that some times we meet with accidents while playing and land up in an unexpected insurance problems... To avoid such incidents and also to provide information to other mates, I thought of initiating this thread..

If any of you have already made any experience or have any information about the sports insurance, please share with the community here:

It would be great if you could address the following:
1.What is all insured under SportsVerischerung?
2.It's alignment with Gesetzliche KV & PrivatKV in case of accidents(Arm/leg fractures or any other major injuries)
Ofcourse, you can add any good points to the list.

Thank you.
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Re: Pvt. Health Insurance Vs Public Health Insurance
31/08/09 15:30 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
IMHO sportversicherung is a waste of money unless you are earning money as a sportsman. You would be better off with a Unfallversicherung
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Re: Pvt. Health Insurance Vs Public Health Insurance
31/08/09 15:45 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
Hi Pramod,

agree totally with Raj.

I tell you my experience. After two months being in Germany, still under Probezeit, I went to play football and I broke my Achille's tendon.

I had no idea on how bad was my situation, I returned home, went to work the other day (yes it was painfull like hell but I was in Probezeit and I could't afford to be fired...).

The day after I went in to the doctor (almost) walking, I went out with crutches straight to the hospital, had a surgery, plaster cast then special orthopedic boot, more crutches, phisical therapy etc etc. The complete treatment was 6 months long.

The Gesetzliche health insurance covered all. They only sent me a questionaire to fill and send in order the lawyers of the BKK were able to suit anybody for injure me (sport place, other team guys etc etc) but it was nothing to do therefore nothing happened.

So, get an Unfallversicherung unless you play american football profesionally.
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