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Visa Questions

Transit at Paris allowed?

Transit at Paris allowed?
10/8/08 8:06 PM

I came to know from Chennai Consulate that my visa is granted emoticon This will be a Type D visa which is valid for 3 months. I plan to travel by Air France. There will be around 2 hrs waiting time at Paris. Recently I heard about airlines creating problem for people with this visa at transit areas.

Are these decisions made by airlines? If I get a email confirmation from the airlines that I can have a transit via Paris, can I show this at the checkin counter if they create problems?

Direct flights from here costs almost double the price emoticon

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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/8/08 8:42 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
Final decision is with the French Immigration officials, even if the airline allows.

Confirm with French embassy and Air France.
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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/9/08 1:03 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
You shouldn't have problem transiting in a country belonging to the Schengen space and France is one of them.
The reason is that if you wanted, you could just step down in Paris, take a car and drive to Germany.
So don't sweat about it.

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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/9/08 1:42 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
Type D is a national visa, D is not Schengen.

You may not sweat now, but if you try to enter transit area with a Type D visa, French immigration officers can make you sweat, and I mean it.

Do you have a remark like "schengen" on your type D visa ? If not, it may or may not be a problem.

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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/9/08 2:18 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
I didn't said it was a "Schengen" visa but he could transit with it through a Schengen country.

Taken from the Belgium Embassy info center for example: Type D visa: This is a national visa for a stay exceeding 90 days. It is only valid in the country it is issued for, but can also be used for transit through one or more Schengen countries.

or from the page on Wikipedia you just mentionned:
Das Nationale Visum (Typ D) erlaubt grundsätzlich nur den Aufenthalt in einem darin bezeichneten Staat (zumeist der Ausstellerstaat; es gibt aber auch Fälle, in denen sich Staaten gegenseitig bei der Ausstellung vertreten). Es wird vom jeweiligen Zielstaat nach dessen nationalen Aufenthaltsregeln ausgestellt. Ein nationales Visum eines Schengen-Staates erlaubt bei Einhaltung der sonstigen Einreisevoraussetzungen auch den erforderlichen Transit durch andere Schengen-Staaten in das Gastland, jedoch beschränkt auf die (aller-)erste Einreise. Dieses Durchreiserecht erlischt somit auch, wenn bei der ersten Einreise in den Zielstaat mit diesem Visum gar kein Transit durch andere Schengen-Staaten in Anspruch genommen werden musste.

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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/9/08 4:37 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
without getting a confirmation from France, I would not fly, all these text are positive but not guarantee of immigration allowance. French guys may come up with different objections
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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/9/08 5:39 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
Well, 2 things I know of:
1. you have to know your rights
2. you have to learn to be polite and calm

Custom peoples sometimes make problems but as long as you're in your right, which should be the case here, they won't mess a lot.
But the language barrier will be a decisive point, so get an official answer if you want, I personally don't see the importance of it, but that's just me.

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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/10/08 4:50 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
I wrote to French Consulate in India and got the confirmation that a transit Visa is not necessary in case of Type D Deutschland visa

Email id of French Consulate in India: visas at consulfrance-pondichery dot org
I mailed an official in the consulate using a direct email id and got reply in 1 hr. Incase someone needs it, please mail me at nirmalts at yahoo dot com

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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/11/08 6:31 PM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
Told you so.

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Re: Transit at Paris allowed?
10/12/08 7:29 AM as a reply to Nirmal Sasidharan.
Yes Nobody you were right.

But there were some incidents in my company where some colleagues who had Type D were sent back at Paris without allowing to continue to Germany by the immigration authorities. The company also got the clarification only last month from French Consulate and now they ask employees to carry a copy of this email to avoid further such instances.

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