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Visa Questions

Got the NE

Got the NE
6/1/06 2:01 PM
Hello All,
Today I got my NE (§9 AufenthG). I would like to thank trust7, Mr. Detlef and all the good people here who always helped in answering questions.

To whom it may concern, I will write down some info about me and the conditions under which I got my NE, maybe it can help some of you guys:
1. I came to Germany in May 2001. Got my first Aufenthaltserlaubnis on June 1 2001. Thats why I got today the NE.

2. I have been working since then under the GC.
3. Most important information: I have a limited contract. It is valid until 2008. So forget all the info telling you need unbefristet vertrag. I got the NE today with a befristet vertrag until 2008.
4. The ABH was very nice and friendly since 5 years and until today.

I think that's all. If you have other questions, I will be happy to answer you.
Best for all.
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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 2:59 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Welcome to the §9-Club.

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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 3:04 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Congratulations :-)

Und weiterhin alles Gute!

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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 3:59 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Best wisches...
Can you tell me please where you get it so I can try there?
Did you had something diferent than others people?
Please do not understand me wrong, but I have several times try with all what they need it, and now I intent do go with german flag there and horn on my head - I hope will give some results.
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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 4:52 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
@Nobody and Detlef, Thanks a lot!
@Max: In Nürnberg. Actually people always claim that's it is hard in Bayern, but not in my case. Actually I did not have anything different than other people, just the normal conditions, and it went painless.
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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 5:28 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Hi Zash,
Wellcome to NE-Club.

Sometime, it works, even, I saw people doing "Ummeldung" to get things done(z.B. Visum, Führerschein usw) at particular Stadt.

But, I think, even, in that area, you still miss further contract. So, as someone mentioned in recent post that he managed to keep the contract going with €28K/anum.

If you check, I aready advised you to contact some Zeitarbeit Firmen.

Wish you again best of Luck.

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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 7:13 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Just a sec...
I was thinking to go in Ausländeramt in Hannover and ask THEM what they need for one Aufenthalt when this one will be finished.
BUT - my wife told me not to be idiot and hold till I get job because they can quit the present one becasue it can happened that I am not beauty to the Beamter.Happened before!
So - I will wait till I found one, a job.
Second - In that §9 for NE is no where written what is: Gesichert lieben or probezeit beenden or all others thing that they pck out from pocket.
And I do not understand what is normality and Law is Law in Germany because is totaly diferent from place to place and person to person.
You say 28K per anum is OK?!
I am 38 man and mostly copmanies (I had it personaly) saying that I am too old for job as IT and beside all good qualifications - answer HANG or NO ANSWER!
And I am sick of that IT I just one something else BUT do not work - They see that I have been doing 15 years just IT and even for one simple WC cleaner in Mcdonalds - they say you have no qualifications.
Last interview - they seaarch from me MS Directory BUT to be verified from Arbeitsamt and with Vermitlungsgutschein.
OK for Vermietlungsgutschein - but Arbeitsamt say - no Ausbildung Hilfe von Arbeitsamt for such things because the Arbeitgeber do not give security that will employ you defenately after it.
And many companies now are giving Project arbeit or Selbstendigen mitarbeiter.
Also they give you Zeit vertrag with - verlangerung möglichkeit - if we ....?!
Yes if they have a nice day at the day that they have to give you some Vertrag for next 3-4 months.
I have submit the papers for NE and after the Law process I was oficialy ON JOB till 31.10.2005.
IT WAS Confirmed that I have to get NE - but the Idiot Employer just wrote Love letter and they quit it!
How they can decide something on some letter from someone? And only 1 week before getting NE.
I was waiting 3 motnths!
Someone has said (I guess you AT) that I do not understand the Law and regulations - HEY I AM NOT CRYING FOR SOME NE after all and I am so idiot that I do not understand where and how wash his heands.
I just am out of mind because I was believing that hier the Law and regulations are equal and correct!
So if I send an anonimys letter to ABH for some of you (who is Ausländer) and nicely wrotte against him/his - than the storry is over!
Who give you then the Law and corrections and chanche for explenation?!
Sorry but even if you piss in WC - you have done it - you pay the process and finish - they can not tell you - sorry yet you must turn back your piss back!
Now this things with 'gesichert is?' -
Does it mean - Unbefristete Arbeitvertrag? (In some cases they give NE without it), enought money 20 or 25 or 28 per Anum... or to be beautifyle, or zeitarbeit or egal welsche arbeit or...
That make me confused.
I do not need luck - I need to learn how to be animall.
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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 7:40 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.

as far as I can understand, one's life can't be called secure if the person is in Probezeit because during this period, you're more easily kicked out, which is not the case if the probation period is over.

That's why even institutions like banks *never* give you a credit if you're still on Probezeit.

If banks do that, ABH will be more likely to do it.

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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 8:45 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Come on D.
Who need credit? I was asking for saving book.
And I was searching saving book at time I was having money on account.
Can you explain me why they decide to check out the saving book 5 minutes later after giving it?
I have never asked for 1 euro over 1 cent.
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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 9:11 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
as far as I can understand, one's life can't be called secure if the person is in Probezeit because during this period, you're more easily kicked out, which is not the case if the probation period is over.

I cannot agree on this, what if the termination period is just one month?????
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Re: Got the NE
6/1/06 9:36 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
@max, babloo
even if the termination period is just one month (it was the case for me) or even 1 week, for them, your life is secure after you get your probation over, I'm not telling that's how it should/could be, but how they think.

The better way to overcome an enemy is not to think he is thinking right and will be fair to you, but just to know how he thinks (learned from my dad).

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Re: Got the NE
6/2/06 3:27 AM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
I know D...I know.
We all (some of us) have come hire taking only one bag, full with dreams, and leaved the past behind us. I am one of them.
The fear of returning back to those worlds, it makes my self – the worst enemy to me.
It is not how they think and what they do, but what they have and how they have.
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Re: Got the NE
6/2/06 3:31 AM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Hey zash, sorry....
This is your title man and your time, sorry for making it a nonsense boxing ring.
Best wishes from me to you and your family and… I wish you above all health.
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Re: Got the NE
6/2/06 11:03 AM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.

Look, in the end, you have to be normal as you did yourself by wishing "Zash".

If every poor country (3WC or specially Africa) is made rich, from where would you get cheap things in the developed world.

To whom and how could these developed countries sell their weapons, if the "Conflicts" in the world are solved. Though, we talk of Globalization.

Come on, man, you are just 38, and DE has 65 years for Rente.

I too have contract till next year and most of GCs have changed 3 to 4 jobs including Nobody, DVD etc.

So, it could be late for you, due to some reason, otherwise, still, there are lot of opportunities, if you keep "Cool" and apply without(telling your story) losing hope.

I tell you, your wife seem to be "Wise" and its a good sign that you will get a job soon and so does come NE/Citizenship.

Have a nice weekend and wish you best of luck in your "Job Search".

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Re: Got the NE
6/2/06 2:05 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
@ A.T and Max, thanks!
Max, I really wish you good luck too and hopefully you will make your dreams come true. I know life is not easy, but try to look at it differently. I am sure you know the half-full, half-empty glass of water..
I don't want to write philosophy here, all I wanted to say things could always be worse and try to take the best of your on-going life. Life is a journey, and throughtout that journey, there is day, and there is night, up-hills, and down-hills. This is what I learned in my life. Try to make the best of it!
Have a good weekend.
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Re: Got the NE
6/2/06 4:08 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.

just to correct you, I didn't changed 3 to 4 jobs, I'm on my 6th now :-D and I will change next year for sure as I now work exclusively under contracts, so I'm quite on a 1 job per year average ;-)

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Re: Got the NE
6/3/06 3:30 AM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
I just miss my best friend.
He died last year this time at age of 40 in car accident.
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Re: Got the NE
6/6/06 1:43 PM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
So, you are going to make another record "Changing Jobs" :-)

Yes, ofcourse, everybody, who is born, is to die for the "Resurrection".(what I believe)

The company/person, who did wrong to you, would also get his share by then.

You may also try "Freelance" option, if you are not yet able to find job(as Nobody wrote). Just give this a try as well.

Wish you best of luck,

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Re: Got the NE
6/11/06 11:18 AM as a reply to ziad Ashkar.
Sometime, it works, even, I saw people doing "Ummeldung" to get things done(z.B. Visum, Führerschein usw) at particular Stadt.

the problem is that your papers travel with you, and officials in your new city gonna read all those nice things about you before they decide on your application.

you can't clean away anything from your name in Germany just by leaving one city. Therefore you have to fight in order to have your name cleared and the names of other people stained. And those other people gonna defend themselves regardless of the fact that they were completely wrong, just 'cause they know very well what it means when you have your name stained in Germany ;)

now I intent do go with german flag there and horn on my head - I hope will give some results.

get beretta - it works better ;)

that's just a joke and should be understood as such. i am a peaceful person and wouldn't suggest any violence

That's why even institutions like banks *never* give you a credit if you're still on Probezeit.

they do if you are not a foreigner that can be kicked out goad knows where ones he loses his job.

as for regulations regarding "Lebensunterhalt gesichert ist", here is the rule:

für die Entscheidung über die Verlängerung eines Aufenthaltstitels ist grundsätzlich der letzte Tag der Geltungsdauer des bisherigen Aufenthalts maßgeblich, sofern der Verlängerungsantrag rechtszeitig gestellt worden ist (Huber, Handbuch des Ausländer- und Asylrechts, II SystDarst, Rn 93)

but i wouldn't go to court of law only with that in my hands. 'cause NoBody is right, and judge will think exactly like officials in immigration office do

Yes, ofcourse, everybody, who is born, is to die for the "Resurrection".(what I believe)

Nope. i would think that chronic loosers do not get any other chance; by chronic loosers i mean the ones who can't do anything themselves, are afraid of everything and for everything blaim everybody around them but never themselves

i do not point on anybody by these words, just wanted to tell that people should be not completely careless about their present life just because they hope they will get a better one. people that believe they will forever get to heaven for their suffering in this world, are wrong. they are going to loose their souls and will never be reborn again if they are chronic loosers, that's all
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