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New to Ulm..
08.07.05 15:17
my name is suman and i am new to Ulm. I moved in 3 months ago. I am currently working at EvoBus. I had done my masters before at esslingen. I would like to know if there is an Indian community at Ulm where I could get to know a few people.

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Re: New to Ulm..
08.07.05 16:01 als Antwort auf sumanoharan narayanan.
Hi Suman,

Nice to know that you have moved to Ulm.
We have a big GC Community here in Ulm.

Further contact pls send mail to the following address
Lets keep in contact.


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Re: New to Ulm..
10.07.05 22:58 als Antwort auf sumanoharan narayanan.

I have a friend in ULM called Tejeswara Rao Gudena.

BTW, AFAIK there are lotz of Indians in ULM.
U can contact Teja at Teja.Gudena@gmail.com

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