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Visa Questions

Complicated clause on Visa

Complicated clause on Visa
2/9/05 1:06 AM
Hi all,

I had my appointment today at the ABH. As most of the people experienced the beamter did not have any idea abt the new law. The minute I showed that I had a Green card she brought a big book of law and started reading what clause she should put on my Visa. She decided to put company name on the visa. I had a discussion with her and showed her some papers that I had carried with me (Thanks to trust7 members) Finally she put a clause stating !!

Erwerbstätigkeit nur gemäß § 9 BeschV erlaubt als IT Fachkraft.

Anmerkungen : § 18(4) S.1 AufenthG, s. Zusatzblatt Nr. 04003092

She told me that now for the visa period i.e. 1 yr (as my 5 yrs are getting over this year end) I do not require to come for a new visa even if I change my company..Is it correct ? any idea ?

Also one nice thing done was she then gave me a appointment for making a Neiderlassungserlaubnis on 15th September 2005 at 08:00 in the morning emoticon So now keeping for fingers crossed till this date !!

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/9/05 10:16 AM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Could you please tell which all laws did you discuss with the beamter. We can also carry these laws, when we go the ABH
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/9/05 10:46 AM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
"She told me that now for the visa period i.e. 1 yr (as my 5 yrs are getting over this year end) I do not require to come for a new visa even if I change my company..Is it correct ? any idea ?"

of course it is correct.
but your new job should be in IT.
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/9/05 12:01 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.

Can you tell us for what reason did you go to the ABH i.e job change etc?. Did they stamp a new visa with validity of 1 year? (this is because someone else got visa for 3 yrs).

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/9/05 12:47 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.

Search the forum I am sure one will get much more data that one requires to take for their own specific case !!

I got one yr Visa because I had a work permit from AA which I had taken in December. So she blindly gave me 1 yr visa. Also I got a appointment for NE so I did not care abt one yr Visa !!

For NE she has asked me to get 2 photos, last 3 salary slips, Passport, Meldebestätigung and Meitvertrag !!

Regards !!
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/9/05 2:40 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
In fact, all the times I changed jobs, I never had to get a new visa. The name of the company was not on my actual visa but just to underline that if the name of the company is not on the visa, you don't need to get a new visa when changing job, only a new WP.
But that was back in the days, now things are different, as you get all the things from the ABH.
But I think, this branch specific visa should get an end, it was one of the biggest clause of the GC law and as this one is dead (peace to its soul), non-binded WP or visa should be given to people.
Because this bounded-branch thing makes you a GC, which couldn't be anymore.

I'm still proud to be called a GC-Holder but our time is passed, reason why, I think, I was able to get this WP I spoke about last week.

Just my thoughts.

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/16/05 10:55 AM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Hi all,

One more addition to my post !! On last friday I got a letter from ABH and was requested to call them as they had given me a wrong visa. I called them on monday and then visited them yesterday. They have cut off all the complicated clauses that I had written about and have written

Beschäftignung erlaubt

The ABH lady got it confirmed from one of the top boss in Hamburg Mr Thele for AA. According to him this has to be the clause for any employee who has worked more than 3 yrs in Germany !!!

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/16/05 3:01 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Exactly what I was talking about.

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/16/05 3:38 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Hi NoBody,

Rt said, but the earlier Visa gave me a possibility to work Selbstständig !!! With this Visa, she told me, that I can work only as Angestellter !!

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/16/05 11:27 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Hi amolp76 ,

First of all:
"Congratulations for getting stamped 'Beschäftigung Erlaubt' on your passport!"

A few questions if u don't mind:

1.What's the name of the Visa you got?

2.Which Ausländerbehörde in HH , my AB is Wandsbek( schloss Strasse)

3.So it seems you had a GC which is/was going to expire in September this year, No?
does it mean that your current Visa will also expire in September/2005 or you got it extended until 2006 ?

4.What is written in your: Gültig bis.......

I am planning to pay them a visit too..i live in Hamburg; but woking a bit Hamburg-Außerhalb..been woking here since October/2000.
I won't even make a Verabredung-i will get up 1 Early Morning and get dem waiting cards at AB.
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/16/05 11:44 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.

Hi, Amol,

Could you tell me which parts of the law did you discuss with ABH? Could you, please, send me a link (or the docs itself at p.petrov at gmx.net)?

I'm changing my job now, the next week I have to go to ABH.

Thanks in advance,
0 (0 Votes)

Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 10:49 AM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.

>> 1.What's the name of the Visa you got?
Well it is normal work permit now !! Green card does not exist...

>> 2. Which Ausländerbehörde in HH
ABH Nord at Kellinghuesen Strasse.
But u can ask the people to get it confirmed from Mr Thele. He is one of the boss at AA in Hamburg and all the officers know him !!!

>>So it seems you had a GC which is/was going to expire in September this year, No?

I came to germany on a normal work permit in August and then changed my status to Green card in Jan 2001 so my Visa for 5 yrs ends this Dec.

>> What is written in your: Gültig bis.......
Dec 2005

In some previous posts all the clauses are nicely explained by DVD !!! just search for his posts in the forum you will get all proper explanations !!!

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 11:54 AM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Hi amolp,

always the same story: I got exactly the same mention in my pass now, but the guy DID told me that I could go freelancer if I wanted. So different places, different explanations...

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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 12:56 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
"They have cut off all the complicated clauses that I had written about and have written

Beschäftignung erlaubt

The ABH lady got it confirmed from one of the top boss in Hamburg Mr Thele for AA. According to him this has to be the clause for any employee who has worked more than 3 yrs in Germany !!!"

This information is very, very usefull. And it makes sense since after 3 years you need no AMC, so you can get any job you like.
I will just try to get one "Beschäftignung erlaubt" in my pass. emoticon
And if they do not give it: VPMK
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 1:58 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.

It's not so easy...

Do you mean this thread?


What did you post?
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 2:27 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Today I visited the ABH to change my visa without Firma name. I provided her my discussion with info4alien regarding my claim of visa without firma name. She may give me an answer at the end of next week. I will inform you the outcome.


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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 2:52 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
"What did you post?"

I posted a lot. You should be more specific

@mk & @plamen

in order to get "BeschErlaubt" or BE it would be smart to show ABH this law § that states at after 3 years you need no AMC
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 3:04 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
@ dvd
danke für dein Anraten.

As a matter of fact, I do not have a AE for 3 years. I have more than 3 years of rente with ABW as. So I may not qualify in this category or what??


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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 3:06 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
Also es ist BeschVerfV § 9 Punkt 1.1 und 4

§ 9 Beschäftigung bei Vorbeschäftigungszeiten oder längerfristigem Voraufenthalt
(1) Die Zustimmung zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung kann ohne Prüfung nach § 39 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 1 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes Ausländern erteilt werden, die eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzen und

1 - drei Jahre rechtmäßig eine versicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung im Bundesgebiet ausgeübt haben oder ...

(4) Die Zustimmung wird ---ohne Beschränkungen--- nach § 13 erteilt.

Hier ist explanation:
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 3:11 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
ABW is counted by half but only for 4 years.
Maybe they will just take your number of Renten into account, but according to law normal student time and working student time are not counted.
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 4:53 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
let me see what happens next week.
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 5:31 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
I supose you went to ABH on your own, without any company letter or job Wechsel or new job description?
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Re: Complicated clause on Visa
2/17/05 5:48 PM as a reply to Amol Pargaonkar.
yes, u r right!
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