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Visa Questions

help me to get out from this hell!

help me to get out from this hell!
1/9/07 5:38 PM
hi everybody.....
stupid me i wrote one msg.5min.ago but i dont see it anymore,so i thought to write them shortly here again.
max maybe u are right and u are....coz u said my english u cant understand,yeah i must tell u english is my second language and sure i am not proffesional in it,
dude everybody in this forim to solve thier problems not to insult anyone i guess.
back to the topic.....
so i got my latest problem.
first of all,im asian and i came to germany 2 years ago and till now i got no my visa that mean i am illegal here in germany.and i never had a problem coz i doing my job without my contract and my working place also knows about my situation,and they also like to help me in this case.
after i reading this frum poems i talked with my girl friend and finally we ve decide to go to my mother country and get married there.and i belive she will stay with me forever i mean she will not run away when i get problems i really wanted to say is she knows me and i know her we know each other very well.
but my problem is i really dont know if i will face to an other problem when i go to the immigration at the german airport.
do u guys know which kind of possibilities i have.
i really thankful to this site and to all the ppl who can help me in this case,and i ll never leave this site,coz its really really helpful.
plz reply me whoever can help me.thank you all!
best regards!
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/9/07 5:57 PM as a reply to brown suger.
Hi Brownsugar,
Did your gf is German or Asian? As you have no Visa they will questioned you, beacuse you are illegally resident here. I am not sure they will either deport you or prisoned you.
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/9/07 6:22 PM as a reply to brown suger.
thanx for the reply.
sure im not legel here.and if i give any reason to the immigration or any knid of other reason that i need to go back to my country,what can happen?
do they control also my visa if i go back to my country?
i dont think there is a point that they should keep me in germany i mean in (prison)....
i dont know plz help me,i really need that.but i must come back to germany.
which kind of possible thing i have?and she is german native,
and is there any posibilities to get married here in germany without my visa?
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/9/07 6:25 PM as a reply to brown suger.
Your situation is similar with someone that I know - but they weren't in germany. In very corrupt country that they have luck to get some ID in the end.

To me there are 3 option:
- go to lawyer for consultation to find possible solution
- go out as the way you entered germany
- hide and seek the whole of your life

I feel terribly sorry for you.
good luck!
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thanx but
1/9/07 7:10 PM as a reply to brown suger.
its does not help me ur answer.
listen dont feel sorry about me,,, coz its a way to hurt helpless ppl.amywaay thanx for reading mt text.
i hope anybody else can give me a possible answer.
i decided to take that risk that i go to my country back.mayber in this forum no one has faced to such things.maybe i am the first one.
so guys i still hope anyone can give me a helpful answer,,,,i ll write all what i do with my case here,
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/9/07 7:15 PM as a reply to brown suger.
OK honey,

Fisrt get some nice tea, smoke if you do and then walk in the park.
I can not tell U what do U have to do, but if I would be U I would do this...
-If the girl is German and loves me - no problemos!
I will go into my country embassy.It is free and my country.I take the girl with me and married in the embassy.It is possible and can be done.Then ask some lawer how and what about the papers.
-Other option...I have done noting bad in Germany, I am clean so I go in the Ausländeramt.I explain them and try to get Asyl.
What do I have to loose?
If nothing happened, then I go home and do as the rest of my people.
This is my thinking U now.Maybe it is not good and is fullisch but - I told U.
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/9/07 8:29 PM as a reply to brown suger.
I remember some similar case.hav u also destroy ur passport?
In my view go to authorities and tell that u want to go back to ur country.
try to convince them not to deport u as u want to go with ur own wish so then u hav to just pay the fine(i guess).

2 or go to ur country the way u came here. if passport is destroied then make new passport, marry in ur country and apply for visa.
if u choose the second step then it would be a bit fast for u coz offically u dont hav any history in germany.

in case they deport u then i guess u cant apply for any visa at least for 2 years.
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yea dude
1/9/07 8:36 PM as a reply to brown suger.
here u mean we can do that in that way?
and if we check it with the embassy in germany(i mean the my country embassy in germany)do u think its possible?
if it is possible that would be the best way,
we will check it also but if u would know about detaile about that more let me know plz.
thank you very much!
i wish i was u that i can be happy when i have problems (just kiding)
anyway again thank u so much
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/9/07 10:32 PM as a reply to brown suger.
Sure U can do.
Just ask them.Also, if the girl loves U really and she is german, if in the embassy is not possible, go back to U contry take the girl, married and there all problems will be finished.
Look..I was also down on the earth, I was in hospital, heart attack, they made me terrorist, saboteur, I was beging for money over this forum, all sommer I was again in hospital because of nerv breackdown..man u do not know where I was.I was on the edge.I cry, I spell my live...I was down....but you know, nothing of that has helped me.So..no use of it.
U have your live,u have your future and no matter where U are, only matter is to e happy.
Do U think that some of us who have NE sticker and are in germany are so much happy?
Well thanks to Goad that I have realise that that NE is not my happines.
Go and try all U can.Fight and be man.
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/10/07 2:02 AM as a reply to brown suger.
Well, being illegal is not a good thing, so don't expect that the german authorities be nice with you. Deportation is probably what you will get. I just simply cannot believe that you plan go and come without visa expecting that nothing is going to happen.

Deportation means that you can't never come back to Germany (I almost sure about this). Getting married with german woman won't solve that.

Solution: Forget to get out of Germany now and find a good lawyer which could help you to find a way to get married here. They are the only one who know which trick(s) can be used to carry out that.



PD. Marriage does not guarantee that your legal situation in Germany will be solved.
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i think its beter
1/10/07 9:04 PM as a reply to brown suger.
yes on one side u are right,and i never thought to meet a lawyer and talk about this.
but i must also think that the lawyers are gonna help me or they bringme in to another prolem so i guess i should think about that twice.
but im sure in this site da ppl have faced to a kind of this problem anyway...
so tell me guys if u know would it be really good that i meet a lawyer and talk,about this.
and the other thing is i wanted to ask is if i try that with the my country embassy in germany.is it possible to get marry there in embassy without my visa,
and someone asked me if i have destroy my passport.. no i have not done that,and i came to germany by flight and i had visa.for one month.now dont tell me what the **** have u done coz i know it was not a good thing.
but its happened and i cant help it anymore.
im now only interesting to find a solution.
not to suffer......
thanx friends.
give me a ride....
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/10/07 9:47 PM as a reply to brown suger.
Actually you are barking at the wrong tree. Visit the website below and ask your girlfriend to post the problem there.

The forum members here have come to germany legally and wouldnt have faced the problems of an illegal. You will not get solutions for your legal problems here. Its only out of courtesy and heresay are they giving you some advice or their thoughts.

Contact a lawyer if you have enough money. Thats where you will get the best suggestions.
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ok ok
1/10/07 10:05 PM as a reply to brown suger.
here listen dude i didnt come to germany in illegal way lol
but sure at the morment i am.....
what to do man its happend.
thanx anyway........
best regards!
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/10/07 10:41 PM as a reply to brown suger.
I totally agree with raj. The people posting here are mainly (ex-)GC Holders with valid employment/residence permits. If you want to get information about how to convert your illegal status to legal by marriage or whatever, this forum may not be the right place. I would try my chance at info4alien, but a lawyer would be ofcourse the safest option for such an important issue.


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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/11/07 11:50 AM as a reply to brown suger.

I do not want to be a critic of your deeds, but what u have done is really really bad. Its a problem not only for you but all the rest of the people of your country who want to come through proper channel.

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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/11/07 1:33 PM as a reply to brown suger.

Raj and Lacrima are right. First of all, you have an illegal status in this country and to make the matter worst, you are exploiting an innocent german girl to get a legal status in Germany.

I just hope that you are not from India, we don't want people like you in germany to give us bad reputation.
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/11/07 6:39 PM as a reply to brown suger.
yeah u all are right....
what do u guys now teling me to do ha.
and i didnt wanted u guys ur answerz in this way,and i dont think that i did anything wrong coz im illegal here in germany,but i was not here for a 2 years i was in a other country in europe and i had my working contract there .dont ask me in which way i got,my stayng allownce was expired in september,coz i came to germany back.i thought that i could get the working allownce from the goverment,but now im too late,i have been illegal.there are so many thing happen in this world that u guys cant understand eazily.
anyway i was so down with this case,and now i dont worry coz,as u guys say i should not fire an innocent girl.....dude dont think in that shity way plz coz we wanted to do that coz we wanted to live together and legal.but i ll not leave her in this case,whatever i do we will stay together.
there are so many ways that i dont know even but i know what i can do....and i ll do that.
thanx for ur helps.
and i ll renew my working contract where i was.
good luck for all!
but i ll write u what i did,hope to see u soon!
good bye!
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/11/07 8:03 PM as a reply to brown suger.
dont get emotional
u said whatever i do we will stay together.
so if u r deported then u will take this girl to ur country?
If u dont mind then what is the age of ur gf and urs(honestly)?
And from exactly which country u belong in asia?
btw If u have now decided to be with her then i tell u one other thing maybe that will work for u ,make her preagnent and there is no way a father can stay away from his baby(may be the official will ask u to go back to ur home country and apply in a leagel way but u will then get the success ).
btw this government is not too much favouring the illegals so what ever u do think twice.

for which third country now u r talking about to get work permit?
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/12/07 10:54 AM as a reply to brown suger.

....make her preagnent and there is no way a father can stay away from his baby....

hmmm....when I think about it, it may be the best solution. This is indeed a brilliant idea.

In Germany demographic rates are down the drain and german govt would appreciate any foreign help to knock up local chicks. The next greencard process should involve fertility/potence test.
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/12/07 12:34 PM as a reply to brown suger.

Hahahaaa ... emoticon
Good one !

Have a lot of fun ....
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Re: help me to get out from this hell!
1/12/07 8:34 PM as a reply to brown suger.
you all are .... people ... donkeys you people forget which country you come from ????
if u not able to give good advice better dont play with anyone emotion keep your idea into ....censored ;-)

Hi Bharath!

Say what you want to, but please avoid rude words!

P.S.: Have a nice weekend! All of you
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