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Visa Questions

Asked to wait

Asked to wait
2/21/05 3:08 PM
I have been asked to wait by my Ab till two weeks before my Gc expires .The beamterin said that "its einfach , do come just 2 weeks before and ill make ur NE". What do you guys think... shud i wait or what course of action should i take?.

Need advice
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 3:25 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
looks like she will do it the same day when you come. It is not that bad. But if you come 6 weeks before, she could also do it.
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 4:18 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
Even I was told the same. Infact I took all the papers to ABH and the Beamter asked me to come with the same set of papers just before the GC expires.


I remember few months back there was a discussion that 60 months of renten is not required (Citizen Watch). In front of me, the Beamter read from a document that 60 months of
renten is required. I know that there were number of discussions around this topic. I only wanted to share my experience.

Best Regards,
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 4:22 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
They have told me the same. I have my doubts. If they are able to give you this information "schriftlich" then it is ok.

One question: I am missing perhaps alltogether 1 or 2 months of "Renten" (in 2001 and 2003). So it means that first I will have to get extension according to Paragraph 46. Pkt. 2 BeschV, and then come again after 2 months to get NE ?
Or it is possible to "buy" your renten ? Anybody has more info about that ?
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 4:27 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
I even requested the Beamter to give it 'Schriftlich' but the Beamter refused saying that 'Why should the ABH not give NE when I fullfill all the conditions ~ to the present situation except 5 years'.
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 4:47 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
Just to add, I took all the papers like work permit, anmeldung, abreitsvertrag, last 3 months pay slips. I was just told to come with the same papers just before the GC expires
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 4:54 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
they are wrong and I get another two Citizen watch:

§ 104 Übergangsregelungen
(2) Bei Ausländern, die vor dem 1. Januar 2005 im Besitz einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis oder Aufenthaltsbefugnis sind, ist es bei der Entscheidung über die Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis hinsichtlich der sprachlichen Kenntnisse nur erforderlich, dass sie sich auf einfache Art in deutscher Sprache mündlich verständigen können. § 9 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 und 8 findet keine Anwendung.


Cedo and gc-friend,
give me your email and I will send you my address so that you can send me Citizen watches.
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To cedomir
2/21/05 5:08 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
Hey cedomir,

there is a "Ausnahme-Regelung": To get the "Niederlassungserlaubnis", You do not need
to pay full 60 month "Rente", if you have already had the "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" before
01.01.2005. This Information is even provided on the homepage of "Muenchen" (Rathaus).
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 5:08 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
I knew they were wrong as I remember your discussions with Nobody few months back. Since I didnt have the law printed with me, I left the matter and dint proceed further.
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 5:18 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
Thank you DvD this is really some great news ! I have read all this stuff many times but actually now I understand what it means.

About Citizen watch: I remember something about some citizen watches, this was something between YO1 and DvD, wasn't it ? You want to collect Citizen watches so much, or you want to ebay them ??? Normally you should get some ham, rakija or coffee (did I forget something ? :-) ), or to keep it plain and simple some ca$h :-) .

Anyway, here is the Email: (delete spaces, replace at with @ and dot with . )

c d i j a n o v i c a t y a h o o d o t c o m
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 5:32 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
just joking.
It was between NoBody and me.
So acctually Nobody owes me watch.
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Re: Asked to wait
2/21/05 5:55 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
I am relieved DVD :-)).
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Re: Asked to wait
2/22/05 12:02 AM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
Hi ,

Es ist klar dass, § 9 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 und 8 findet keine Anwendung für die Leute die vor dem 01.01.2005
in DE befinden und die im Besitzt einer AE sind.

Das großte problem is auf jedenfall § 9 Abs. 2
Nr. 1 und 2


#1 er seit fünf Jahren die Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzt,
#2 sein Lebensunterhalt gesichert ist

Das schlimste ist natürlich #2 emoticon

The problem is , Somebody is telling you to come two weeks before your current AE has expired...
mnhm...What happens when you get fired two weeks before your NE Appointment at AB? - they will definetely tell you that you do not satisfy #2 , unless ofcourse you are able to find a another Job ASAP, which by all means is not possible because your AE will have expired by then!!!

If your Job ist gesichert , then it's Ok.
Otherwise , i don't see anything promising here.

Besides , why don't they give the NE to GCLer whose GCs are going to expire in the next 6 to 8 Months from now , and instead they are asking them to come two weeks before Ablauf ?

Schade Schade Schade Deutschland!

This Green-Card thing is really a Hassle emoticon
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Re: Asked to wait
2/22/05 12:39 AM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
"Besides , why don't they give the NE to GCLer whose GCs are going to expire in the next 6 to 8 Months from now , and instead they are asking them to come two weeks before Ablauf ?"

they do such a thing usually when they do not want to give you something for what you currently have right. simple tactic: now you have a right, but in 6 months something can change so you will not have it - for example, new regulation appears or you lose a job.
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Re: Asked to wait
2/22/05 2:24 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
well i know i am not going to loose my job and i am also from a reputed firm.I speak fließend Deutsch.I have satisfied all their clauses that they have enlisted .. but then there is always a inch of doubt in ur mind ...my wife is also working and she is dependent on my visa .though her work permit is unlimted .I think ill ask them if she can apply for a separate residence visa . do u think its possible? Ill check with abh before 6 weeks of my expiry of my visa .
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Re: Asked to wait
2/22/05 2:46 PM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
they dont give u NE now, because there is a 5 years requirment. Apart from that, they feel its unnecessary work for them, because u r going too much advance in time (6-8 months)to apply for NE.

in the situation when u could loose job just before weeks of finishing 5 years term, i suggest to put "Antrag auf Aufhebung der Auflage" at AB, so if u are more then 3 years here, ur Arbeitserlaubnis would be extended unlimited, so the thing that u would loose your AE in above case would not likely to happen. You would be a bit more secure - and ofcourse having unbefristet erlaubnis could play for u in positive manner that u get atleast 2 years extension, where u get ur ALG.
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Re: Asked to wait
2/23/05 2:46 AM as a reply to Manfred Baksh.
"i suggest to put "Antrag auf Aufhebung der Auflage" at AB"

guess the first thing that they will think about is why you are making such an application. so you have to think up a good reason in order to make it work; otherwise the thing will look highly suspicious to them -> they can ask you to bring a letter from your employer that confirms your employment -> your employer will give you such a letter, it will be however written in such a way that an immigration office will immediately understand that you are losing your job.

it can be advantageous when your unemployment goes unnoticed by immigration office for some time, so it's kinda hard to say what is better ... guess everything depends on a concrete situation ...
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