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Visa Questions

Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination

Procedure at Job Contract Termination Devrim Erdem 9/16/04 2:10 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/16/04 4:26 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination NoBody 9/16/04 4:34 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Devrim Erdem 9/16/04 7:15 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination NoBody 9/16/04 7:37 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/16/04 7:55 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Fred Jeffry 9/16/04 8:23 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/17/04 12:13 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination D J 9/17/04 3:46 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination NoBody 9/17/04 3:56 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Fred Jeffry 9/17/04 4:17 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Fred Jeffry 9/21/04 4:12 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Jackson Jackal 9/21/04 4:18 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/21/04 5:44 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Jackson Jackal 9/21/04 5:53 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/21/04 6:08 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination YO 1 9/21/04 6:16 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Jackson Jackal 9/21/04 6:17 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/21/04 6:19 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Jackson Jackal 9/21/04 6:38 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/21/04 6:44 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Jackson Jackal 9/21/04 6:49 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Denis von Domikulic 9/21/04 6:51 PM
Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination Wael El-Dali 9/22/04 6:35 PM
Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/16/04 2:10 PM

Soon my work contract will terminate ( expire ) and I am not going to renew it. Does anybody know the process which I need to go thru. Specific questions :

1. Shall I talk to the Arbeitsamt ? How can they know that I am working for company X anymore ?
2. How much time will I have before I need to leave Germany ? Is there any clear law or is this a Beamter issue ?
3. What else would I need to do ?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/16/04 4:26 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
how long did you work?
is there in your Visa firma name or:
Erlischt mit Beendigung der Tätigkeit

if not you are lucky emoticon
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/16/04 4:34 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
1a. "Shall I talk to the Arbeitsamt ?", yes because you will be unemployed and they need to be notified of that.
1b. "How can they know that I am working for company X anymore?", it can be known be checking with the Social insurance company because you leaving your company, your employer will notifiy them that they won't be paying that anymore.
2a. "How much time will I have before I need to leave Germany ?", if you're eligible for unemployment benefits, then the time of yout unemployment benefits.
2b. "Is there any clear law or is this a Beamter issue ?", there's a law for that.
3. "What else would I need to do ?", hum... search for another job?

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/16/04 7:15 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
Thanks for the answers. Restating my questions :

Q1. My visa says the visa will expire when my working contract with my current company ends. Currently I have already made my application for "selbststaendige erwerbtaetigkeit". I am still waiting for the decision. But it is of course possible that the decision can be made left. Would I get any problems if my current visa expires and my visa application is not yet answered ( a period of 2-3 weeks I guess. ) ?

Q2. I have been working for this company since 3 years. Is this enough for being eligible to unemployment benefits ?

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/16/04 7:37 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
Answer to Q1: as your visa says so, you will be staying illegally after the end of the contract with your current employer, but you can then argument it by the fact that you have a visa request in progress.
But you better register to the AA so you could be eligible to stay for 12 months and by this mean, wait for the answer of your application.

Answer to Q2: yes, for 12 months.

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/16/04 7:55 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
"Answer to Q2: yes, for 12 months."

no it is 18 months.
but you also need Visa.
if they give you Visa only for 6 months then if you do not find job in 6 months you are out in 6 months.
whole 18 months is hard to get.
They give 3-6 months
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/16/04 8:23 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
This is absolute nonsense that we are all forced to pay into the Arbeitslosengeld-Kasse, when we are not allowed to enjoy its benefit at all !!

If the government knows to formulate such stupid rules regarding the visa, and that too specially for GC Holders, they should also have exempted us from PV, RV and ALV, as they say to us: "We dont want you after 5 years". This holds true till the new law comes into effect! Only the health insurance is something useful for GC´s.

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/17/04 12:13 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/17/04 3:46 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
" when we are not allowed to enjoy its benefit at all !! "

I think no one should really be "enjoying" the unemployment benifits actually...emoticon

Anyway, If the Ausländerbehörde gives a visa of 3 months, then it is possible to extend it for another 3 months, if you prove that you are already looking for a job in these three months and want to try for 3 months more.

- Dushkal
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/17/04 3:56 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
Hey Fred,

you wrote "This is absolute nonsense that we are all forced to pay into the Arbeitslosengeld-Kasse, when we are not allowed to enjoy its benefit at all !!" :-) For enjoying the benefit of the Arbeitslosengeld, you have to be unemployed, and do you think you're gonna 'enjoy' your state of being unemployed when all you care about is working? :-D

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/17/04 4:17 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
Come on, friends.....Why shout at me as I said "enjoy" ALG? ;-)
Change it as "Get" or "Receive" when you read it.

Actually I didnt feel it wrong. You have something to support you when you havent a job. I dont mean it enjoyable to be unemployed. But its good that we get some income. In my homeland, India, you wont get a single dime if you dont have a job. In a way its good too. People know that saving is important. If you save all the money you pay into the various Kassen, its enough for you to live in your old age !!!

Can someone here assure me that not even a single person living in Germany is not sitting back on his couch watching TV and getting (or rather enjoying) AL Geld? Why work for 450 Euro per month and pay the half in taxes when you can take rest at home and get 300 Euro ALG without moving a single muscle????

Long live German Welfare Schemes!!! :-(


(Please dont misunderstand that am saying anything against Germany. I love Germany and its my second home. But the schemes have to be revamped and GCs should be treated equally as humans, and not crap!)
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 4:12 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 4:18 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
HI All,

What i heard from my other german coleauges is that, even though if you resign your job for any reason, its only that the first three months they dont give you the arbeitslosgeld and then on they start giving, until when you have the entitlement of receiving arbeitslosgeld.

But by the way, its some thing comic, like arbeitslosgeld(its like you a re paying monthly some insurance for insuring yourself from job loss) and is denied to you.

But one more case is, if you are married and your wife stayed here for two years and she gets a arbeits berechtigung, so offically you can get a residence permit depending one her and then claim the aarbeits los geld becoz u are entitled to get it for 12 or 18 ...months.

SO any one clear me the above scenario if it is correct.

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 5:44 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
I don't see how can wife get AB after 2 years.
She needs 6 years for AB and 5 if she works.
Same as you.
That thing with 2 years is true only if you have citizenship.
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 5:53 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
Oh Come on DVD,

Please dont make us start again ...

My wife as dependant on me, stayed here for more than 2 years,

So after 1 Year : i applied for arbeitsgenehmigung that is after checking with D and Eu people she will be given a job any kind.

After 2 years: She directly applied for Arbeits berechtigung and she got it , its a simple letter from Arbeitsamt (which was the same as arbeitsgenehmigung) except that the end time is specified as "unbefristete" and also valid for whole deutchland and not limited in any kind like (money or kind of work or employer)

So...thats it, my wife has it and she can work independantly irrelevant of my status. I think the reason behind giving this permit so soon is something to do with woman rights (which are very strong in germany) and that to make her self dependant rather than depend on me ...like they teach here the kinder garten children to complain about their parents if they are trating them bad or beating them.

other guys and gals please give input or authenticate

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:08 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
hi Jackal,

I am glad to hear that but I am afraid that
it coulld be different in other Bundesland or what is worse,
that some Beamter haben keine Ahnung davon.
Tell me few things.
What BLand are you in?
Did your wife worked here and how long?
That means that I could also get that for my wife.
What should I say if they refuse, what law should I mention?
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:16 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
Hi DvD

I think you are too young to this Forum

This subject was largely discussed. You are right, some Beamters are a little bit dificult, so there were some post regarding to this subject and even one in particular, the wife of a GC started a claim in the justice for this right. She won and this pollaid guy also posted here the verdict of the judge.

Somebody also posted here a model letter to write to ask for that benefit.

I myself posted some letter the people of ZAV sent me regarding this subject, about three weeks ago.

Sorry, today I don´t have too much time to search for, but if you search it, you will find it


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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:17 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
My wife started working here after the first year lets say 1.5 years
So she got a conditional work permit after a lots of struggle
and then she got Arbiets Berechtigung after 2 yrs and she is still working in the same job but with a different paper...but now she can jump to other job easily. And my bundesland is BAYERN

So just search for words "spouse work permit" in this forum and you will get everything you want, and the experiences of all teh "BRAVEHEARTS" who went and won this war....

enjoy and make it soon, be on the safe side

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:19 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
btw Jackal,
could you tell me what does this AE or AB looks like.
My wife z.B. got WP after only few days here. But this WP was acctualy same as mine. That was form where I should provide few data and company also + Stempel.

That means that this WP is useles if she does not find job because some things are field by employer.

So I hope this AB is something else.
Is there a chance that I get AB after her? There are some laws that garantie AB for Ehepartner after some time.
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:38 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.

this AB (arbeits berechtigung) looks same as like mine but the only difference is in our case the employer information is filled and also the end period is mentioned ...
but for my wife
-the employer information is left empty (that meas its not employer specific)
- the end time is set to unbefristet (unlimited)
- and most important place valid for whole Deutschland (for us this paper is only valid only for the place you are currently working so u shuld get a new one if u change the city and want to work there)

so life is easy for the spouses rather than the GreenCard holders.
And whats more funny is if your spouse works here for five years with this Arbeuts berechtigung then she will be given citizenship even and we the green card holders dont even know if we are allowed to stay here after 5 years

so get it soon if u are married

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:44 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
some german expert on AuslG says:
"Es ist jedenfalls sinnvoll, bei der zuständigen Ausländerbehörde eine eigene Aufenthaltserlaubnis für den Ehepartner zu beantragen. Denn nach 2 Jahren Aufenthalt hat der Ehepartner die Möglichkeit, einen Antrag auf eine Aufenthaltsberechtigung zu stellen (derzeit der höchste deutsche Aufenthaltstitel). Die Genehmigung der Aufenthaltsberechtigung durch die Ausländerbehörde liegt aber im Ermessen der Behörde. Das heißt, dieser Möglichkeit liegt kein Gesetz zugrunde. Es sind jedoch schon einige erfolgreiche Genehmigungen von Arbeitsberechtigungen für GC-Partner bekannt. Der Ehepartner ist dann in seinem Status nicht mehr abhängig vom GC, sondern hat mit seiner Arbeitsstelle einen eigenen Aufenthaltsgrund. Darüber hinaus kann sich der GC, wenn er arbeitslos wird und seine Ausweisung droht, auf den Status seines Ehepartners berufen und als Ehepartner eines/einer Ausländers/in mit Arbeitsberechtigung in Deutschland bleiben."

looks like Behörde can give it if they want.
My wife doesn't work so I don't know if she will get it.

Beside Jackal you are talking about WP or Arbeitsberechtigung.
This guy even says that wife can get Aufenthaltsberechtigung.
It is kein WP. It is much more. It is PR he is talking about.
Does your wife has this PR Jackal, or only WP?
If only WP she can get PR and than you are also safe and warm?
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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:49 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
yes she only has workpermit now and she may get PR easily if she works further on.

The catch here for me is she is also working here in the same company as i do but for a less salary and i would like her to change from my company as you know, if they remove then they will remove both of us....i should find some other solution...i am waiting for some of other guys advises here..

By the way it doesnt matter if your wife works or not u can apply and get it, if you follow the process described in the forums.

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/21/04 6:51 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.
Thanks for advices jackal.

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Re: Procedure at Job Contract Termination
9/22/04 6:35 PM as a reply to Devrim Erdem.

I have been reading this thread carefully, I couldn't really find an unswer for the following question (unless the answer is hidden somewhere in the German text, my German is not so good yet!):

If my wife is residant in Germany for more than 2 years as a Hausfrau (dependant on me), is she able to get an independant residence permit?if yes, is this only valid if she is working, what about if she has to continue as a Hausfrau to take care of childeren?

Any clarification will be appreciated.

Thanks to all of you, this site is really very useful.

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