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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line

Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 18:31
Hi all,

I am living in Germany since March 2003, I am expecting my NE in January 2010. I have a question regarding the dead line for Elterngeld application.

We are expecting a baby in October 2009. My wife is presently having a dependent visa status. She will be receiving her work permit in January 2010 at the same time when I receive my NE.

Is it possible for her to apply for Eltrngeld in January?

Is there a time limit (from the time when the baby is born) to apply for Elterngeld?

Like the mother or father has to apply for elterngeld in the first 3 months from the time the baby is born or some thing like that. I have browsed the internet and everywhere they mention that Elterngeld will be given for a maximum period of 14 months from the time the baby is born but nothing mentioned about the deadline for Elterngeld application.

Please help me in this regard!

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 18:39 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
1) Without NE, Elterngeld is not possible(even 300€/month for housewife). You can avail with NE from Jan'10 onwards but not your wife.
2) There is deadline of 3months after baby born, You can file for Elterngeld as soon as Baby born. They calculate from the day baby born, even if you are late till 3months.
3)As you are getting NE in Jan'10 you will not get from Oct-Dec, Bu effectively from Jan'10 onwards you will get elterngeld. If you are willing to take elternzeit, not your wife as she has no NE.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 18:47 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
Hi Ram,

Thanks for the quick reply.

This means that my wife needs to have a NE in order to apply for Elternzeit. If she has a permission for employment, can't she apply for Elterngeld (300 Euros)?

Is it mentioned some where, if yes please point me to that link.

Please answer me!
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 18:52 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
That's the fact. My wife have faced the same drama.....but luckily she has got after 3months baby born NE. So elterngeld effectively started from the day she got NE stamped.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 18:57 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
Well, I am also trying to find out the same.
Could you please point to some document where it is written so, the reason why I am asking is I read in some documents but nothing is mentioned about it.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 18:59 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
There is no such rule for elterngeld. I know many people getting elterngeld, without having NE.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 19:03 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
Can any Indian- Nationality people confirmed that they have received Elterngeld without NE on normal working Permit. Please don't go on written rules on internet.....
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 19:25 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
Nationality does not matter at all.

The rule is that the person who want to apply for Elterngeld, should have work permission.

My wife do not have NE but she has work permission and we got Elterngeld without any problems.I know lot of friends, which are also getting Elterngeld without NE.

So important is that you/your wife should have work permission.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 19:38 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
Its not official website, but i think its accurate

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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
25/08/09 19:56 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
Please follow the link..


Andere ausländische Antragsteller können Elterngeld erhalten, wenn sie eine Niederlassungserlaubnis besitzen oder eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis, die zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit berechtigt oder berechtigt hat.

Ausnahme: kein Anspruch besteht, wenn die Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zweck der Ausbildung (§§ 16, 17 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes - AufenthG -) erteilt wurde oder nach § 18 Abs. 2 AufenthG erteilt wurde, und die Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit nach der Beschäftigungsverordnung nur für einen bestimmten Höchstzeitraum erteilt werden darf

The rule says clearly that one need not have NE only to get Elterngeld.

No more Speculations necessary I suppose.

My wife applied with work permit and not NE. She got it.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
26/08/09 13:50 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
Thank you all for your valuable answers.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
28/08/09 18:47 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.

We also went throw this process. Last year we faced the same problem, that my wife had not workpermit and NE. but they gave us elterngeld only for 12 months.

In the beginning they rejected our application, but then we went to Gesundheitsamt and there was one office for women help. I forgot the exact name (some thing like FrauenHilfe). And they proceed our case. Finally after some fight, L-Bank accepted our application.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
28/08/09 19:31 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.

even our Elterngeld application was rejected last year.

Could you please recollect exactly name of the amt or Frauenhilfe office who helped you to get the Elterngeld ?

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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
31/08/09 14:07 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.

I found the name of office
"Beratungsstelle für Schwangere"
anerkannte Beratungsstelle nach § 219 StGB

Just go to Gesendheitsamt and ask for "Beratungsstelle für Schwangere", I think they will help you.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
31/08/09 14:16 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.

I also have one question regarding the time limit to apply for Elterngeld? I heard from some body that we can apply for elterngeld before the child is 3 years old. Is it true? My wife received the elterngeld for 12 month. Can I apply for remaining 2 months? I am doing the job how can I manage dates, because I want to take the holidays in next march. It will be nice If any body describe the complete process, how he did it.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
31/08/09 15:37 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.

Are you really thinking of applying for Elterngeld when taking your normal holidays? As you will be paid full salary by your employer during your holidays, you will not get any Elterngeld as it will be reduced according to your earnings. Visit a Elterngeldstelle in you city to find more information.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
31/08/09 15:49 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.

I know the salary will be reduced, but I need more holidays than allowed during job. I have to visit my home country at least for 3 months. I have some personal things to sort out there. In my regular job I can only take 6 week holidays. That's why I am thinking about elternzeit.
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Re: Elterngeld Application Dead line
31/08/09 16:07 en respuesta a Dora Swamy Naidu Raghavarapu.
I dont think you can get the 2 months now if the 12 months is already over. It is for 14 months concurrently if both are claiming. The 3 year rule is not written anywhere but if i remember correctly it was planned if one is goin to take parttime and spread the money entitled over 3 years.


As i said before, you already have the contact details, give them a ring and find out the actual law.
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