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Why did the talk 4 years about Kaplan but not one day about the needs of th

Read the entire story:

Gesamte Story nachzulesen unter:


The illegal girl

She will finish school soon, German language is her favourite subject and she wants to study law.

There is only one problem. She is illegal in Germany since ten years.

And there is no way out of her "prison".

Das illegale Mädchen

Sie steht vor dem Abitur, hat Deutsch als Leistungskurs und will Jura studieren.

Es gibt nur ein Problem: Kim aus Vietnam lebt ohne Pass in Deutschland - seit über zehn Jahren.
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Kaplan - cardholder
7/2/04 10:02 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
This is a sad story. All my best wishes to Kim, I hope she will get a legal status.

But this forum is for Green Card holders. They have their own and special problems and we can not solve all the problems of the world here.

It is so easy and more than 1600 users know this, only one, who calls himself 'cardholder' thinks, can not accept this simple fact.

And do not talk to me about the freedom of speech.

Do not forget I am the one who founded this forum and I am the one who worked for GC interest many hundred hours already.

What have you done for this community, except bringing your personal hate in?

Please leave us alone
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Re: Why did the talk 4 years about Kaplan but not one day about the needs o
7/2/04 10:22 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
Hello Cardholder,

Please respect what Detlef is saying. It seems to all that you are always bringing the pessimistic opinions to the forum and only critisize... Take it easy and respect the forum..
Detlef, we will always appriciate your work! have a nice weekend.

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Re: Why did the talk 4 years about Kaplan but not one day about the needs o
7/2/04 10:31 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
Hi Cardholder,
I would also ask you to please refrain from posting messages those are not in direct relevance.Most of us have been members of this forum since a long time now,and have tremendous respect for Detlef and for his efforts to help us.
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Re: Why did the talk 4 years about Kaplan but not one day about the needs o
7/3/04 12:31 AM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
You have more in common with the illegal girl than you think.

The problems of the illegal girl were not solved by the new immigration law nor were the Green Card holders' problems solved.

It does not matter how wonderful you find germany. Nobody cares about it when it comes to leave.
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Re: Why did the talk 4 years about Kaplan but not one day about the needs o
7/3/04 1:21 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
lol you see Kaplan's case was just an ideal one for the current needs of politicians: i mean here explanation of necessity for simplifying a deportation procedure: ideal because hardly anyone would say that he should not be deported, after all that he has done here in Germany. moreover, now it is clear that his deportation is inevitable sooner or later, therefore it's a kind of success story in a fight vs. foreigner as well ;)

surely it's not like so in case of illegal girls without passports, their stories show that the system is not perfect and therefore that politicians do not do their job good.

2 detlef: regarding freedom of speech and purpose of this forum: i thought that this forum was intended to help GCs integrate in german society, to become rightful members of german society. how they will be able to achieve that if they are not allowed to learn all aspects of life here, is not completely clear for me.
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Re: Why did the talk 4 years about Kaplan but not one day about the needs o
7/3/04 4:55 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
btw if to think about it, Kaplan in reality worked for Germany, not for Turks. Think about it. From where did he get money for his political actions? Turks paid, from their wages and salaries. Where did those money go? They were paid for organization of political actions (hint: to german workers and businesses), for defence of Kaplan (hint: to german lawyers and judges). is that bad or good for german economy *lol*? ;)

now, i have read that Kaplan still has something like 1 million euros in his house. do you know where those money will go in case of his deportation? they are going to be used for paying back the social aid that he has got while living in Germany during all those years, for paying for expenses and work of local immigration office, police, for paying for his personal airplane that will bring him in Erdogan's hands ... i mean why it is bad for Germany if the man created so much work for natives and paid for all that work by Turks money? emoticon

lol i understand very well why he does not want to go back to Turkey ...
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Re: Why did the talk 4 years about Kaplan but not one day about the needs o
7/3/04 7:11 PM as a reply to Alfred Maier.
I do not hate Germany and I do not hate natives.

I shall never declare that anything at home is better than it is here.

Because anxiety against foreigners is known all over the world.

But I shall speak out freely what I believe is not good.
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