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Today is not the day for the VwV?

Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 1:17 PM

I was taking a little while to look to the link sent by DvD.

Today, the Ausschutsssitzung of two comissions (Arbeit und Sozialpolitik and Familie und Senioren) will discuss both drafts of the reglamentation of the immigration law and BeschV. The session started at 10:00.

But I think (not 100% sure) that this is only one step. Surely this commisions studies the problem and emit a conclusion, but surely this must be treated later in a higher instance (maybe Bundesrat?)

If anybody can enlight me with some legal knowledge will be welcome.

By the way, I found this today:


I think is very interesting, because one member of the FDP ask for the state of the law and the answer is this:


Please, anybody who knows more than me, just reply.


PS: By the way, something is moving in the underground. I was yesterday with my "friends" from Ausländeramt and the attitude from them to me was quiiiiite different and easyly and pollaidly they told me they will give me ASAP the resting years of my GC (I´ve got first two years and they have three times refused to enlarge the visum more than a year)
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 2:32 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Re: BeschV not today?
Yes, sure:

821. Ausschusssitzung
am Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2004, 9.30 Uhr,
in Berlin, Bundesrat, Leipziger Str. 3-4, Saal 2.088


18. Verordnung über die Zulassung von neueinreisenden Ausländern zur
Ausübung einer Beschäftigung (Beschäftigungsverordnung - BeschV)
Drucksache: 727/04
Beteiligung: AS - A - G - In - K - Wi - Wo
19. Verordnung zur Durchführung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes
Drucksache: 731/04
Beteiligung: In - AS - Fz - K

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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 2:40 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Yes I know, I know...

I mean, today is "Ausschusssitzung". You pointed so clear.

But, Ausschuss is a comission, a small group or people specialized in some specific subjects that usually FIRST discuss one determined thema and if they agree, they send the resolution/project/whatever to the higher instance, that I personally think is Bundesrat.

So I asked. Any comment?

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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 2:41 PM as a reply to YO 1.
It is Bundesrats Ausschuss für Innere Angelegenheiten
that has Sitzung heute.

It should be accepted from Bundesrat also.
Meaning today wan't be over yet.
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 2:45 PM as a reply to YO 1.
YO you are right. My post wasn't answer.
I just copied it so others can see what link are you talking about.
So we have to wait.
Anybody knows when will it finnaly be accepted in Bundesrat?
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 3:09 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Next Bundesrat Sitzung is on 5.11.04. Maybe than.
I think someone here said that some Beamter told him that
after 5. November it will be clear for GClers.

Another two weeks to wait!
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 3:13 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Ok, there are not too much options.

Bundesratsitzung is on 5th November. I don´t know what is "sitzung" or if they (Bundesrat) must be in "Sitzung" to approve the Verordnung.

There are also on 27th. October a "Vermittlungsausschuss" .

So, I think (if the things are here like in my country) the important thing is today. In this small sessions, representants of all the political parties discuss very hard and strong (frequently this are also a closed sessions) and the destiny of a verordnung is decided here. After that all is smooth, because the plenary session has things very important to discuss and they cannot be stopped for "kleinigkeiten" like this.

But, if you have time, please read the PDF I posted before. There is answered in black and white in which state is the thing and at the end, they posted won´t be a problem to have this approved for 1.1.05

See also where are the "problems" of the VwV: the values of the fees, the integration courses and I think the autonomy of the states

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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 3:16 PM as a reply to YO 1.
And by the way I mentioned the 5th November.

I heard this from my "friends" Beamtern in a "clear" Baydish

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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/21/04 4:05 PM as a reply to YO 1.
I thought so
Sitzung is session.
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/22/04 1:31 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Look this

"Der Beschäftigungsverordnung/Inland muss der Bundesrat nicht zustimmen. Obwohl die Bundesregierung ohne die Opposition handeln könnte, torpediert Schily den bereits zwischen den Ministerien abgestimmten Verordnungsentwurf."

I don't get it. Are they trying to spend another 4 years on this BeschV.
If it doesn't need Bundesrats Zustimmung is it maybe allready accepted.
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/22/04 1:45 PM as a reply to YO 1.

this has nothing to do with GCs and other qualified experts. This is relevant for people who have to leave Germany, for example refugees who's application for asylum had been denied, but who are not 'kicked off' immediately. This means 'Geduldet'.

I wish everybody a nice weekend
and... viele Grüße aus Berlin
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/22/04 1:58 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Grüß Detlef,

I understand that Duldung has nothing with us zu tun,
but BeschV has those Regelungen where they say that
GC is considered as unbefristet.
If they do not accept BeschV because of Duldung questions
than we do not have our unbefristete PR.
And btw I see that in this letter http://dip.bundestag.de/btd/15/038/1503896.pdf they mention DVZuwG but not BeschV.
Acctually someone says that BeschV needs no acceptance from Bundesrat.
Than, maybe BeschV is allready through.
Yesterday was BeschV on Tagesordnung in some Ausschuss des Bundesrates.
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/22/04 2:46 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Hi DvD,

to be honest... I hate to read these official documents! I am German and of course German is my language, but this special 'Beamten Deutsch' with all these paragraphs and endless sentences are cruel.

But you and all the others can relax! As I said it already since many month, everything will be fine for GCs. I have reliable sources and very close contacts, and everybody told me, that GCs can easily get the 'Niederlassungserlaubnis' after 5 years, or even right now, if they fulfill the prerequisites for 'Hoch Qualifizierte'.

By the way... next week trust7 will introduce our cooperation partner, a law firm (Anwaltskanzlei), specialized in alien law. Together we will offer different services for GCs and other experts, to get the Permanent Residence Permission and other visa.

I will publish the details next week.

So again, ein schönes Wochenende!
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Re: Today is not the day for the VwV?
10/24/04 5:38 AM as a reply to YO 1.
Hello to everyone!

I neither have questions nor answers. I just want to say high to DvD. I apologise for using other language than German and English. I promise I won't do it again. :-)

Bok Prika,

Razumia san da si Splicanin iz nekih tvojih dopisivanja. Ja san jednon studira u Splitu na FESBu zatin san se prebacia na ETF (sadasnji FER).
Dragao mi je znati da nisan jedini koji san na GC-u ovdje.

Da ne bi ometali ostalima ovdje, bit ce mi drago ako se javis na rimas971@yahoo.com

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