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I finally got a new job

I finally got a new job
4/30/04 1:31 AM
Hi all,

as I always say, you're like my family and we all share pains and joy, that's why I would like to tell you all that I got my new contract this morning, and I will be starting a new job in one of the most hated company in Germany next monday :-) the GEZ in Köln.

I really encourage all of us who are still jobless to not get tired trying to find a new job. I thought it would have been impossible for me to find another one with the actual state of the job market, the 1 1/2 year remaining on my GC, the fact that I am nt only Ausländer but also black and all that but after 4 months of suffering and pain (2 months less than my previous unemployement), but I finally did and I owe you that and all the personal advices Detlef give me (you the man D., I've always enjoyed our personal talk and if it wasn't that late, I would have called you, but I never call after 10 PM).

Keep your head up, the struggle ain't over, but it worths it.

Greencard-ly and friendly yours,

0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 1:33 AM as a reply to NoBody.
BTW My GC is still August 2005 but even knowing that, my contract is until December 2006, just to let you know.
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Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 2:56 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Congratulations D!
Pl accept my warm wishes on the event of this great news and also for your family emoticon
best regards
0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 11:36 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Hey NoBody,

"I thought it would have been impossible for me to find another one with the actual state of the job market, the 1 1/2 year remaining on my GC, the fact that I am nt only Ausländer but also black and all that but after 4 months of suffering and pain "

I find your posting interesting !

You are an epitome of SOLID FAITH (:-) ) !
0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 12:18 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Congratulations NoBody. Now we finaly have someone to blame for the fees. Would you, please, be so kind and delete my record from their data base?

0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally ... These are good news!
4/30/04 12:35 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hey Master NoBody


I allways thought that Canada was a little bit too cold for you!

Happy to see you are keep fighting and maybe today we can have a "good surprise" with the f.. law.

Last thing: I´m innocent! I swear I pay all the month GEZ, I can send you the quitungs!! ;-)


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Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 12:54 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Congratulations NoBody,

This is very encouraging for other GC's here and due credits to your own energy/drive for this job.

Best wishes for New Job.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 2:25 PM as a reply to NoBody.
congrats NoBoody! hope you fight to keep your job until the probation period ends. what kind of responsibilites you will have form this new job? just curious to know because GEZ is not a pure IT company.

all the best!
0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 3:03 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Congrats and best wisehs.

One question to u .
Did u managed with english or german ( or french ) ?

Once again

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Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 5:29 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Congratulations! Schon GEZahlt?
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Re: I finally got a new job
4/30/04 7:06 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Ich freue mich sehr darüber!!

Pa' arriba!

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Re: I finally got a new job
5/1/04 2:06 AM as a reply to NoBody.
Thanks to all of you but I really owe it to y'all because of all the advices on what to do and not to do, for the support and all.

And Uttam, I only managed it with German, I think that was also a good point because it shows how much one would like to integrate himself and if you are able to speak and understand it with the time you've done here, then you can surely be willing to integrate yourself in a company without barrers (that's what a recruiter told me).

So for finding a new job, please be kind and speak German, of all the itnerviews I made, I think I did just 5 % of them in English but then it was because English was the language required.

Take care,

0 (0 Votes)

5/1/04 12:25 PM as a reply to NoBody.
" Das Web-Agentur ARXIA aus Cluj-Napoca sucht dringend
PROJECT MANAGER fuer web-Projekte, die mit deutschen
Unternehmen entwickelt sind.

Wir suchen eine zuverlaessige Person mit
mehrjaehrigen Erfahrung in der Programmierung (PHP,
ASP, MySQL,PostgreSQL, HTML,JavaScript, Flash,usw.),
die gerne im Team arbeitet und die Verantwortung der
Projekt- und Teamleitung annehmen kann.

Man fordert sehr gute Deutsch- und
Englisch-Kenntnisse und man muss sich auch gut mit dem
Linux System auskennen.

Der PROJECT MANAGER wird fuer die web-Projekten der
Firma zustaendig sein: die Planung, die Ausfuehrung,
die Ueberwachung und die Einhaltung den Terminen,
wobei die eine Seite im knappen zusammenhang mit dem
Team und die andere Seite mit dem Kunden arbeiten

Gewinne: Bezahlung nach Erfahrung, aller
Ueberstunden, flexibell arbeiten, Trainings im

Wir wuerden uns freuen, Ihre Bewebungsunterlagen
(Lebenslauf und Motivationsschreiben - wobei das
gewuenschte Gehalt angegeben sein soll) an die
folgende Adresse zu bekommen: jobs@arxia.com
oder am Telephon (0040)722 711 236. "
0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job - to Nitin
5/1/04 6:06 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hi Nitin,

sorry for answering so late, I just remembered that I read your question but didn't answered it.

I will be working there as a Java programmer (even thought I would have wanted a developer position) and I will have to implement some systems they are building at the moment, both for the public and for their internal services.
Sure that GEZ is not a "pure IT company", but I think that you meant by that that it wasn't focused on IT because at least every company now needs some kinda IT people in there, even if the main business is not IT focused.
About the GEZ, they have roughly more than 40 millions suscribers and relative data to handle, with something like 1/4 every day and with that, you can see that they should really need people to work on managing and building solutions to manage all these data, reason why I got hired there.

They are implementing some systems in partnership with IBM, so just wait and see, but you will see if you are a suscriber, for sure :-)

0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job
5/1/04 9:46 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Congratulations for new job.
I am making my CV for new job hunt. Can you give some tips for Coverup letter and CV writting. It would be nice (if you like to share) if you send German CV to dilbir_majo@yahoo.com


0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job - to Dilbir
5/1/04 10:48 PM as a reply to NoBody.
I've just sent you a mail buddy.

0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job
5/3/04 3:12 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hi NoBody,

If you dont mind I would like to have some tips from you as regards
Coverup letter and CV writting. It would be nice (if you like to share)
0 (0 Votes)

Re: I finally got a new job;to Nobody
5/4/04 7:30 PM as a reply to NoBody.
Hi NoBody,
I am also repeating the same request
Can you kindly mail be some tips relating to
Coverup letter and CV writting.
0 (0 Votes)

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