"Hi Thursday!
Last time. when the law was passed and finally scrapped.. there was a provision.
All Existing GCs.. who are here for more then 2.5 years will get PR automatically."
lol it would require additional regulation, if politicians will make such a regulation, it's very nice. but why didn't they make it earlier, it was possible with existing laws as well? :o
"if a new person, who has salary of more than 80k can come and get the PR .. why cant the existing GCs with that back ground get the one.. Dont you think, it is bit stupid..."
not necesseraly, only if there will be a regulation for people of his profession and i guess it will appear only if those people are needed for a labour market *lol* ;)
"Even lawyers do not know details of the law."
do you know what it takes to become a lawyer in Germany? you can become one as well if you want, it is not necessary to finish a University for that.
BRAO § 4 Zugang zum Beruf des Rechtsanwalts
Zur Rechtsanwaltschaft kann nur zugelassen werden, wer die Befähigung zum Richteramt nach dem Deutschen Richtergesetz erlangt hat oder die Eingliederungsvoraussetzungen nach dem Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland vom 9. März 2000 (BGBl. I S. 182) erfüllt oder die Eignungsprüfung nach diesem Gesetz bestanden hat.
"oder die Eignungsprüfung nach diesem Gesetz bestanden hat." - proved *lol*
to become a judge however you have to finish a university *lol* ;)
"who needs PR immidiately
it is unimportant if you get immidiately PR and it will probably be hard(for newcomers).
but it is enough to get Aufenthalt and after few years PR is there"
I was just telling that there will be no PR except "Niederlassungserlaubnis" when new law comes into force, nothing else *lol* ;)
"if you get Visa extended for two years without PR you will automaticaly get PR after one year."
Show me the place in a law where it is written please ;)
"yope. normal laws are for everyone so also for GCs.
what you say menas only that Visum can as GC last maximal 5 years. after that for GCs are normal laws wichtig and in normal law that comes after 5 year you are safe"
5.2 AAV - public interest (that is creation of new working places - remember how H. Schröder argumented GC-regulation? that every GC creates three new working places
) and extensive investigation of labour market. i did not read corresponding parts of new immigration law yet, but i heard some proposal of Union to check a labour market in whole Germany, not only locally; i wonder if this proposal will be a part of new law; but we will see, won't we?
what is impossible, could you please be more specific?
for others it is never same to get Visum first time and later Verlängerungs, and for GCs is the same"
§ 8 Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis
(1) Auf die Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis finden dieselben Vorschriften
Anwendung wie auf die Erteilung.
at least by the template of new law it is so *lol* ;)
"true but now that should really depend on facts, not on someone's mood"
lol it always depended mainly on facts. on someone's mood it depended only if a local official was really pissed off with someone and therefore made more work in order to find some unemployed native who could take a position instead. normally they are a bit lazy and therefore foreigners sometimes get permits even if there are unemployed natives who could take a position.