Hi Marc.
Absolutely correct about references.. but then again do not let go off ur rights for a *better* job, because this *better* job might also have employer like Ur current one, who would wanna take advantage of ones vunlerable situation.. I have been lucky since I was taken into a very good job by one of the best employers in German market without even asking for any references... but then everyone is not lucky as me

thanks Marc for putting some more reasons which could lead to be fired.. like being late in office etc etc.. it really helps everyone in being careful.. could U also pls put down a list of these kinda possible reasons ? just so that we can be more careful

Marc>> 'Here you mentioned time at the company, age and family status (generally "Unterhaltsverpflichtungen" are relevant, which could also be for a divorced ex-wive). While you're right in that all these factors will have to be taken into account, your statement 3.A. is wrong.
It is up to the employer to take all the factors into accont and come to a reasonable (!) decision. This does not always mean the person who has last recently been hired needs to go first. They may be preferred to stay because of other social issues (e.g. age or dependents) or because that person has skills which are exceptionally valueable to the company.'<<Marc
I dont see Ur point Marc.. in first paragraph U r saying that I am right in my statement but then U r saying that point 3.A is wrong.... did U happen to read my statement that
Nitin>>'3. Economic reasons.. pretty much ur case.. even in that case there are 3 factors which decide who can be fired and who cannot.. '<<Nitin,
meaning that all these factors are taken into consideration before firing someone. again.. meaning that ALL THESE FACTORS ARE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION, and not just 3.A or not just 3.B or not just 3.B...
and U Urself said that Marc>>'It is up to the employer to take all the factors into accont and come to a reasonable (!) decision'<<Marc
and Marc>>''Here you mentioned TIME AT THE COMPANY, age and family status (generally "Unterhaltsverpflichtungen" are relevant'<<Marc
thanks for all Ur inputs, we benefit sooo much from Germans like U.
Nitin Malhotra