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Intel 3,06GHz....

Intel 3,06GHz....
15/12/03 21:07
Computer to sale:

I am leaving Germany, so that’s why i want to sale my very much new conditioned computer which i purchased 30.06.03 on installments of 66-Euro per month untill 15-09-05.Its actual cost is 1584-Euro If anybody want to purchase it i can transfer credit documents to his name.

Specifications :

Company Fujitsu siemens

CPU Intel p4 3.06GHz HAT 512KB
HDD : 160 GB IDE 7200u/m
DVD : 16 x IDE
DVD + RW + R : DVD + RW + R 16x10x4012x4x2.4
Data / Fax Modem 56kbps
Sound AC97 LAN Intel
VGA nVIDIA GFx5600 256M ViVo DVI-I
MEM 2x DDR 512MB PC333
Mouse & Keyboard.Wireless Key Board & Mouse
USB Ports. 6 USB Ports.
VEDIO CAMERA. 2 Ports for video camera.1 for front,1 back.
Digital Card. Digital Card / Memory stick Reader 6 in 1
Softwares :
Windows XP Home Ed.
Anti –Virus Software
Security f.Children
Adobe Photosh.Elements
MS Works Suite 2003
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Intel 3,06GHz....
15/12/03 21:12 en respuesta a a a.
my contact :

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Intel 3,06GHz....
15/12/03 23:26 en respuesta a a a.
Oh dear... this must hurt. Today, similar spec machines sell around 1000 Euro new (cash, without the financing). Why did you mention the 'actual cost'? Are you looking to get more than around 700-800 Euro?

Why selling it after it suffered so much depreciation? Are PCs cheaper where you're moving?
0 (0 Votos)

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