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Visa Questions

Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.

Hi all

Hey, if you have a couple of minutes, take a look in Info4alien a thread of a guy asking for the famous change of job question.


You can see here very clear how differents ABHs interpret the law in different ways.

Always the same, is a matter of luck isn´t it?
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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
4/28/05 2:12 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Funny how things change from man to man, ain't it?

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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
4/28/05 2:28 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Hi YO,
Thanks for pointing out to this thread. Yes, actually different ABHs interpret it differently. Sometimes it looks like the best way is to take the help of a lawyer for such a critical decision of ABH which can effect one's life so dramatically.


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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
4/28/05 2:34 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Yes friends. Sad but true.

As far as I know, Mick is the "friend" of DvD and the other guy (Chap) I don´t know him but both are ABH Beamte.

I think with more than three/four years in D is almost a fact that a change of job is no problem but with less ... Lacrima you are dam..d right, a lawyer could be an investment and not an expense.

Pity that the thread stops there, maybe we could had an interesant subject to discuss.
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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
4/28/05 4:00 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Thats completely bullshit, and they know it.
With BeschV 46.2 you can work in any company as IT, and you can also work in any company as specialist for whatever. Look what is written here, this is explanation to BeschV 46.2:

Zu Absatz 2:

Für IT-Fachkräfte wird mit der Übergangsbestimmung die zeitliche Befristung der erteilten Arbeitserlaubnis aufgehoben und - wie für andere qualifizierte Beschäftigungen
auch ­ die dauernde Zulassung zum Arbeitsmarkt durch Fortgeltung der Arbeitserlaubnis als unbefristete Zustimmung zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung eröffnet.
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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
4/29/05 3:07 PM as a reply to YO 1.
Hi Cedo

OK, you are right. We are convinced.

But regrettably, you don´t stamp our passports. The people in ABH do that!!!

And by the way, ABHs seems to be also not convinced about your appreciations, take a look again in info4alien.
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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
4/29/05 6:07 PM as a reply to YO 1.
if you are afraid, ask Detlef lawyers to do it for you. They will get it, even if Beamters at ABH have null Ahnung
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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
4/30/05 12:58 AM as a reply to YO 1.
Somewhat I feel that you are not talking to me with due respect. Am I superfluous in this forum ?

I have managed to get what I have wanted in passport for myself and for some friends. My ABH was convinced with my argumentation. So much to that.

But, yes, it is true, I do not stamp passports (you got me there :-) ), because I was since elementary school looking for some fastidious activities in my life. So unfortunately I cannot help people directly with their problems and obtain them new AE, but also nobody's posting on some forum can, so what's the big deal ?

If I write here that starting from now white is black, and black is white, and this is so because I work in paint factory, would you believe me ? Probably not.

With same caveat you should enjoy the informal statements of the (alleged) ABH employees.

I am very careful with making any judgement based on information and "universal truths" presented on any forum and internet in general.

The postings on each forum are (almost) free of any responsibility, one can post virtually anything and create virtual world that one would perhaps like to exist, but it does not exist because one is not in position to make decisions, but rather to implement the decision of others.

With what personal interest is somebody posting on some forum, you cannot know it, and you can also cannot know who is actually hiding behind some nick.
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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
5/2/05 12:39 PM as a reply to YO 1.
@ Cedomir:

First of all, truly sorry if I offended you. I didn´t mean to do that. I do respect your opinion

I do respect also all the people here, even more if they are trying to help. But is not necessary I agree with all the opinions.

No one is superfluos in this forum, please don´t you do that.

But as you told, some of this "Universal truth" posted here didn´t worked for me in my ABH. That´s because I joked with "you don´t stamp my passport". Somebody else do that and this somebody else usually caused me problems.

About the responsibilities and things behind the Nicks, yes of course each post is almost free of responsibility, no comment about it. Thanks God the Internet Police/Trials are not working till now. Personal interest? In my case NULL. Just maybe help somebody with some solution but not always.

Just to end, you got me man. I know sooner or later somebody will catch me. I´ll confess you: I´m Bill Gates ;-).
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Re: Change of job - DvD, Lacrima(o), NoB u.s.w.
5/2/05 12:48 PM as a reply to YO 1.
:-) So we are cool :-)

I did not mean you actually with nicks & co... I have ment other people on other forum :-).

And if you remember, we have got this letter from BMI where is written that BeschV 46 is also valid for change of job.

There is also address and name there where one can complain if ABH is not working correctly. The way from BMI to the last "Beamte" in some ABH is long and slow, but it should work.
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