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Niederlassungserlaubnis / Freelancer

Niederlassungserlaubnis / Freelancer
3/27/11 6:50 PM
Hi Friends,

I am in Germany 3,5 years, all the time working as Mech.Engineer, now I have good chance to work as Freelancer. I have unlimited working permit "unbefristete Arbeitserlaubnis" but still have not "Niderlassungserlaubnis" that means I have limited residence permit. As far I know, I have to wait 1,5 years more for it.
My question: can I work like Freelancer without unlimited residence permit? If I can not, please is it any possibility to apply for it before 5 years in Germany?
Thank you for answers.
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis / Freelancer
3/27/11 10:02 PM as a reply to Bob Rock.
Unfortunatley not. To work as a freelancer you should have a permission states ''Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet'', that means that you can work as a freelancer or establish your own company.

This is granted only by becoming a Niederlassungserlaubnis after 5 years of living in Germany and meeting the requirements for Niederlassungserlaubnis.

Good luck.
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Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis / Freelancer
3/28/11 2:51 PM as a reply to Bob Rock.
Hi Lekashill,

the answer you got is only 50% right ;-)

You need 'Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet', but you can get this right away. Just go to your alien office and ask for the change, because you want to work as a freelancer.

Some of my engineers got it right from the beginning others after 3 years. Just a matter of luck.

But after 3.5 years the alien office officers should not make any problem!

Good luck
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