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Visiting India ,Swine flu

Visiting India ,Swine flu
8/12/09 1:37 PM
Im visiting india in october.Any advise can be given to be taken care on the both Airports +while travelling In delhi (anyone have recent experiance).
Do i need to wear all the time these Masks when im out?
Anyone know is there some vaccine availabe here that can be used to prevent flu in India?
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Re: Visiting India ,Swine flu
8/12/09 3:47 PM as a reply to Max max.
There is nothing to worry about the swine flu,this is similar to the normal influenza and only get worse and causes death due to pneumonia or lung infections.In US its above 30,000 reported cases,UK above 1,0000 and Germany 3000 whereas in India its less than 1000 and people make a big issue with it and death is caused only due to improper treatment not because of the virus.
There is no use wearing the mask only if you are infected then wear the mask to stop spreading to others,proper hygiene is the only method to protect.If you travel to India then the chances of you getting the infection is more from the passengers in the plane than being in India where you are more safe.It is said that in next 3 months 1/3 of Germans going to get this flu.


The vaccine is still not tested now even some say the vaccine has chances of people to get cancer so just be brave and then its your destiny.
In India there are other diseases like Malaria,Cholera,Jaundice,Typhoid etc which is dangerous that swine flu.
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Re: Visiting India ,Swine flu
8/12/09 9:50 PM as a reply to Max max.
Yes your fear is absolutely right. It is indeed scaring to go to India in this situation. I would advice you “Please don't go”. There is nothing precious than life !!

But if it is very important and you must have to go, I would advice to go wearing a space suit at lest.
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May God protect you!! My best wises
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Re: Visiting India ,Swine flu
8/13/09 3:39 AM as a reply to Max max.
The chances of getting swine flu in India is not more than getting it in Germany. Probably more in Germany. If you are travelling to India it is a good idea that you quarantine yourself for a week in India to stop any possible import of swine flu to India from Germany. On the other hand it is a good idea to get vacination from your doctor against hepatitis, malaria, Typhoid , Rabies, Polio & Japanese encephalitis (depending which part of India you plan to visit). Your doctor will have all the list.
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