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Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation

Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
16/01/05 23:01
Hello Everyone.

First of all I wish you all a happy new year.

I finished my Masters of Engg. and will be exmatriculated in end of Feb 2005 & then I will be no more a student.

I will prolong my Visa for one more year(according to new immigration law) to search for job/PhD. AOK Medical insurance told me that from March I need to pay 120 Euros as insurance money.

1.Can any one suggest me any cheaper medical insurance?
2.Any other alternatives???

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
17/01/05 13:38 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.
First of all I do not know any cheaper options. But my advice would be: do not go to AOK to inform them that are going to be exmatriculated.
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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
17/01/05 13:51 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.
I suppose you have opted for private Health insurance, which will gradually raise (i.e., initially it will be THE cheapest one but, gradually it will touch the skies)

You better search the net for cheep insurance, hope below link will help you


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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
20/01/05 17:14 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.
Hi MK ,NR and Raghu,

I am also in the same situation.I am a student in Germany ,i would be exmatriculated in the next month but i have the contract for one more year.So, right now i am getting salary without deductions but once i am exmatriculated they deduct Kranken Versch,Renten Versch, Arbeitslos Versc und Pflege versicherung.
Could i prevent them doing so ,i mean is there any alternative to avoid it?
what if i don't mention to my company abt my exmatriculation and pay my kranken versch. to a private agency neglecting Av,Rv and Pv.
Would i face any problems with Arbeitsamt in future?
I would appreciate ur opinions,

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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
20/01/05 17:22 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.

It it very dangerous to do this. If they find out that you are not a student you might even get prosecuted( They have good lawyers). You have to tell your current status clearly to all the concern offices.

It also can give you headaches when you finally want to settle here as it is a kind if fraudulence.

Better pay some euros more and be happy and safe. You should also consider that what you pay to the government is somehow for your benefit.

look for some cheaper insurances and it might help you to save a couple of euros

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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
20/01/05 17:38 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.
vabkish are you mad.
You can skip all those things only if you are selbstständig. And I supose your visa does not allow that.
So pay those things and after 5 years you can be selbstständig and decide what to pay.
If you do not pay you'll never reach 5 years because they will kick you out of Germany when they see this.
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Praktikum Verlangen
21/01/05 13:28 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.
Hi Rajesh and DVD,

Lot of thanks for the inforamtion U have given.Let me clearly explain U my situation and i am not worried abt the money which i pay them (Kv,Pv,Rv ETc)but the Visa here.

I am from Hyderabad, India.I came to Germany through a consultancy- CMIT which has tie ups with German Uni's and the final course completion certificate is issued by the german Uni.It is 2 year exchange Diplom course(they say it but not actually it is)in which 6 months training would be conducted in India and 1 1/2 year in germany.In Germany again 6 months would be theoretical training and they permit us to apply for a practicum(Letter from Prof stating abt 12 moths Praktkum) and do it for 1 year if we have an offer.So,i came here 1 1/2 year ago i completed theory sem and now i am at the end of completing my 1 year practicum.My company has permitted me for extending the practicum for 1 more year and when i have said them that i would be exmatriculating in next few months they replied it wouldn't be problem.But my problem is i have visa only upto Feb so i went to AB for visa ext and heard that they could nomore extend my visa as my practicum for 12 months (which was stated in letter by Uni Proffessor)has finished and so i have to leave to India.I have also asked them to extend my visa on basis of Job-suche visa (as per new Imm rules)but the officer in AB said it is applicable for students who have completed Masters in Germany and not for exchange students.
SO,This is my actual problem i would welcome ur suggestions soon.
I dont know that i am asking Is it illegal to continue practicum with a visa in germany and without student status even though company has nothing to do with it?Later do I or company face any problems?

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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
21/01/05 13:42 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.

In one way you are fotunate that you got a 12 month nachpraktikum visa before you got your Diplom. The AB officer is correct, he could not give you an extension. You cannot even get a jobsuche visa because you are not a german legal student. The consultancy in hydrebad should have collected a lot of money from you but they might not know anything about germany or working conditions here. you should first investigate before you come to a foreign country.

Now, you have only one solution, you have to apply for a full student degree in germany and then go back to india and apply as a normal student and then come back and finish your studies.

The nachpraktikum visa also has a restriction. I think the maximum you can work is only 3 years but each and every year you need to extend. You also need to pay all taxes for the salary you get and if the company offers a full time position, you need to change your visa status to a full time work status.

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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
21/01/05 13:44 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.
Why don’t you ask your professor subhramanayam?

Later do I or company face any problems?

Without the praktikum letter company will not take you so, company will not face any problem.
You better ask for employment contract in your company.

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Re: Medical Insurance After Exmatriculation
21/01/05 14:36 en respuesta a Nataraj J.R.
Hi Rajesh and Raghu26,

Thanks a lot for ur valuable solutions i would proceed then.

Thank u again Raghu26
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