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Visa Questions

urgent work permit issues

urgent work permit issues
28/09/11 0:15
Dear all;

I need urgent help!
I am a non-eu national who found an internship position for 6 months in Hamburg, Germany. (800 euros per month.) Before I had a standard work permit from Spain valid until September 2012 and I was just working there. Using this job offer, I am planning to apply for a temporary work permit in Germany which would allow me to search full-time jobs after I finish my intern. Is this possible? What should I do for this?

Thanks a lot
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Re: urgent work permit issues
28/09/11 16:34 en respuesta a shan sa.
Please I would be very happy if somebody gives me some info, I need information about this in short time because I will make a decision accordingly.
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Re: urgent work permit issues
30/09/11 18:38 en respuesta a shan sa.
As far as I know to apply for a temporary work permit you will need to have a contract I doubt there is a way to obtain one to search full time jobs.
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Re: urgent work permit issues
2/10/11 10:48 en respuesta a shan sa.
Dear Lazelar, provide a better picture of the whole situation. Your nationality, your fild of study, numbers of years of experience and maybe your age. The legislation here is as well based on people that studied and graduated in germany and to some professionnals from specific countries in specific fields.

Kind regards!
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Re: urgent work permit issues
2/10/11 15:32 en respuesta a shan sa.
Thank you for your help.
I am from Turkey, I finished my undergraduate studies, there and completed my master in Spain, all of them in mathematics. I was lastly working at a company in Spain as an application developer. (I have full-time work permit from Spain.) Then I moved to Austria and started my PhD. I will be going on for finishing my PhD, but I am planning to move from Austria. During the master, I got at around 2 years of work experience as a researcher/programmer in both academic projects and idustrial projects. I am fluent in Turkish, Spanish and English. I am 29 years old.

I found the job position (praktikum) I described in my first message and the company is willing to handle the paper work.

In fact, I have already filled in the forms; "Antrag auf eines Aufenthaltstitels", and the company is going to fill in the forms "Stellenbeschreibung" and "Antrag auf Erlaubnis einer Beschaeftigung" and I will hand the forms filled in with necessary documents to the relevant authority. I am also going to include a copy of my work permit in Spain, and a formal letter stating my situation and goals, and hope that it works out.

After this job position, either I am going to go on with the company with a much better contract or I want to find a much better paid position in the field of IT as a research engineer/programmer/developer. Now lack of good German language skills seems to be a problem to find such a job, my German level is elementary/intermediate (which I see does not improve in Austria) so my plan is to reach a good level of German, during this internship position.

So this plan must work and I don't want to have any road accidents, so I asked the question in the previous post.

I hope this is enough information.

Thanks a lot;
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Re: urgent work permit issues
3/10/11 17:30 en respuesta a shan sa.
If there are still things to be clarified, please ask me.
And I would appreciate any opinion from experienced people regarding this road map.
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Re: urgent work permit issues
3/10/11 21:38 en respuesta a shan sa.
Well it sounds good and i think you have some chances. It will be good to come via this internship but then start german classes a soon as possible and at the same time look for a job to follow up ur internship.
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Re: urgent work permit issues
21/10/11 19:28 en respuesta a shan sa.
By the way, would there be a way to start working just after giving them the papers?
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Re: urgent work permit issues
21/10/11 19:55 en respuesta a shan sa.
Never Ever work without getting the visa stamped!!! Even if your employers says it is ok and they will take care of it.
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Re: urgent work permit issues
9/11/11 12:29 en respuesta a shan sa.
OK! But now I found a full-time job as a trainee, and the company said me that they were going to offer a better contract in a few months, so I accepted this job offer. But it appears that with my current work permit in Spain, I can apply for a German work permit in Spain not in Germany. This is also OK! But is there a possibility that they reject my application? I am going to cover for the first months 1000 euros. Is the salary too low for being able to get a work permit? I asked these things to a non-governmental organization working for immigrants, and they said there weren't going to be any problems, but in any case I wanted to post this question to here.
Now I am going to resign from my current post and go back to Spain for application, and if they reject I'll find myself unemployed.
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Re: urgent work permit issues
9/11/11 12:53 en respuesta a shan sa.
On thing i dont understand ist, you moved from spain to Austria to do your Phd. So you are basically resident in Austria and not spain. So why you have to apply in spain is for me confusing. So where are you working now in spain or austria

>>But is there a possibility that they reject my application?


>>Now I am going to resign from my current post and go back to Spain for application, and if they reject I'll find myself unemployed.

Dont resign in anycase. Applying for the workpermit will take only a few days...just take off from work, apply for workpermit..continue working and when your visa is through then resign from present company
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Re: urgent work permit issues
10/11/11 17:18 en respuesta a shan sa.
The conditions for residence in Austria gives me less opportunities and I thought maybe I'd return back to Spain if things wouldn't go on fine.
So I decided to keep my Spanish work permit.
The problem is that I cannot take holidays nowadays.
Under what conditions my application would be rejected?
Is it the salary or are there other things? What would be the problem? Did anybody hear such a case?
I mean I have the form filled in by the employer, so it must be the case that I must be able to get it under normal conditions.
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