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Citizenship for childeren

Citizenship for childeren
german citizenship
9/4/15 2:29 PM
My German citizenship application concluded successfully in Munich. Yet to pay money and take the Urkunde. I applied for me as well as my daughter (now she is 2years 9 months old).

Einburgerungsstelle asked for a paper form her children doctor about language development. The doctor wrote that she is speaking 5 letter words in our native language and English and speaks Begrussen und Abschied formality words in German language with an addition that she can learn German language after going to Kindergarten. My contact person in Einburgurungstelle says that this is what they dont want. She wants to clarify this letter internally. I find this completely strange.

Can someone clarify the language requirements for childeren under 3 years? I did google research and found nothing. At this point can they block my daughter's citizenship?

It would be great if you can provide feedback.
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