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Visa Questions

A strange issue with family reunion

A strange issue with family reunion
7/10/13 6:13 PM
I was not there in my Nikah(Muslim occassion of religiously getting married and registering it) and father was my representative "Wakeel" to sign the Nikahnama( document of registeration) with my oral approval and understanding . This is possible in Islamic tradition and my marriage is registered in my union council back home. I was there on occasion of celebration of marriage( called Barat and Waleema) but not on this religious cum registeration ceremony .

My wife applied for family reunion in Feb. After almost 5 months, during
which Marriage verification in Pakistan also took place as lawyer visited my family ,saw the photos of marriage and collected all the info, I
got following written in a letter from local visa office finally:

bereits telefonisch erläutert is die deutsche Botschaft der Auffassung ,
dass die Eheschließung im deutschen Rechtsbereich keine Gültigkeit
besitzt, da Sie für den von Ihnen bei der Hochzeit benannten Vertreter
keine Vollmacht vorgelegt haben.

Die deutschen Botschaft schlägt vor , das Visum zur Familienzusammenführung in ein Visum zur Eheschließung umzuwandeln.

Jedoch benötige ich zwingend eine Bescheinigung über die Anmeldung Ihrer Eheschließung vom zuständigen Standesamt

Rough Translation:

As already explained on phone,German embassy believes that the marriage in the German area of ​​law is not valid because you have not submitted a power of attorney for the representative nominated by you at the wedding.

The German Embassy proposes to convert the visa for family reunification to visa for marriage.

However, I absolutely need a certificate of registration of you rmarriage from the appropriate Registrar.

In other words, as I have not given a written power of attorney to my
father to be my representative at my NIKAH (religious cum registeration ceremony), they are asking me to get
married again in Germany once my wife comes here on a" visa to register a

It seems that after marriage verification through lawyer in
Pakistan they believe that marriage has taken place but then there is
conflict with German law because of missing Power of attorney. So they
have proposed another way to get visa for my wife which has its own poblems.

Any work around if you have faced similar situation in past?

I somehow feel that proposal by Embassy in filled with landmines in
future with two different dates of marriage in two different countries
and resulting mismatch
in documents with unforeseen consequences.
0 (0 Votes)

RE: A strange issue with family reunion
7/13/13 8:45 AM as a reply to Abdul Majid Majid Malik.
I was not there in my Nikah(Muslim occassion of religiously getting married and registering it) and father was my representative "Wakeel" to sign the Nikahnama( document of registeration) with my oral approval and understanding . This is possible in Islamic tradition

hmmm.......very interesting, just wondering who consummated the marriage???
-1 (1 Vote)

RE: A strange issue with family reunion
7/13/13 3:47 PM as a reply to Abdul Majid Majid Malik.
die deutsche Botschaft der Auffassung ,
dass die Eheschließung im deutschen Rechtsbereich keine Gültigkeit
besitzt, da Sie für den von Ihnen bei der Hochzeit benannten Vertreter
keine Vollmacht vorgelegt haben.
The Embassy is confused. If your marriage is valid under local law, it can also be recognised in Germany.

I would suggest that you contact the Auswärtiges Amt at buergerservice@diplo.de for assistance.
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