Wajeehuddin Samdani:
Hi Bro,
I would like to answer some of your questions. First one is . Yes it does take atleast 2 to 3 months to process the whole family visa. First the papers will be submitted in the Embassy in your city and then they will be sent to Germany in your local "Auslanderamt" for further verfication. The Auslanderamt will send you a paper in a month or 6 weeks after you applied in India and ask you to prove the following:
1. Place of residence (if its big enough)
2. How much you earn?
3. How long your visa is?
All of this info you will submit back to the auslanderamt. After this it will take 3 days for the papers to be sent back to India after a thorough verification in Koeln (for whatever reasons mine were sent to koeln).
Answer to your second question? I have no idea if she can get a visit visa during that time. But she would have to go back to India for the original Family visa and they will call her for that visa as soon it is processed.
Answer to your 3rd question is "NO" because as you most probably know that your "Anmeldung" is done only after you have a permanent visa (Long term) for Germany. So she would have to get a visa first and then she would be registered with the Rathaus.
Hope all of this helps..
Wajeeh aka Amorpheous
Hi Wajeeh,
In the case of family reunion visa. The Ausländeramt here informed me that they have given their opinion and have forwarded it to german consulate karachi. They said it is first sent to koeln and from there it is forwarded to consulate. Its been 7 working days excluding the easter holidays and the consulate have yet not recieved the opinion from ABH.
Have you heard any other case like this except yours?
My wife has mentioned the travel date to be in september 2017 which has still 4 months time.