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Problem with Ebay Buyer

Problem with Ebay Buyer
13/09/07 23:18
Hi guys,

Put an angebote for my kitchen in ebay last week as I was shifting.I did also put an advertisement for the sale of kitchen in "kurz und fundig" as well,well before I put the advertisement in Ebay.

In mean time one guy who saw my advertisement in "Kurz und fundig" was interested in my kitchen & I sold the kitchen to him, because I want to get rid of my kitchen as soon as possible. In mean time my Advertisement in ebay came to an end and a guy bought the kitchen.

I told this guy that Iam sorry,but the kitchen is sold.He wrote the following to me saying that Iam binded to the vetrag and still wanted to have the kitchen...

>>Sie sind einen bindenden
>>Kaufvertrag mit uns eingegangen, indem Sie die Küche bis zur
>>Versteigerung bei ebay eingestellt hatten.
>>Da wir die Küche nicht sofort benötigen, teilen Sie uns bitte mit bis
>>wann wir die Küche zu dem ersteigerten Preis abholen können.

What can I do now?.Is there any way to terminate my vetrag through ebay or does he has any right to go for legal actions...

He hasnt payed anything for the kitchen as the condition was payment on cash on collecting the kitchen....

Waiting for your valuable inputs...

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Re: Problem with Ebay Buyer
13/09/07 23:36 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
Didnt u removed ur add from ebay as soon as the other guy brought the kitchen from u?
If not then u r still in vertrag.Try to make some agrement with him then.
I think as per law ball is in his cort.
hm lets see what other r saying here.
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Re: Problem with Ebay Buyer
14/09/07 11:48 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
This is the new reply I got from them....

Hallo nochmal, nachdem wir bis heute keinen neuen Abholtermin für die Küche von Ihnen genannt bekommen haben müssen wir davon ausgehen, dass Sie sie uns überhaupt nicht übergeben möchten - auch nicht zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Da jedoch Sie als Verkäufer und wir als Käufer nach § 433 Abs. 1 BGB einen Kaufvertrag geschlossen haben, sind Sie verpflichtet uns die Ware auszuliefern. Wir kommen Ihnen entgegen indem wir uns dazu bereit erklären, dass wir die Küche auch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt abnehmen. Sollten Sie uns bis Dienstag den 18.09.07 keinen Abholtermin nennen, werden wir rechtliche Schritte einleiten.
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Re: Problem with Ebay Buyer
14/09/07 12:56 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.

Now that was really stupid, you can't promise the stuff to one person and sell it to the other person.

But, there is a loophole in this process which can be exercised in your case, since he has not paid the money and no delivery date has been agreed upon.

Since he does not want the kitchen immediately, a delivery date far away in future would be a good solution.

Write him something like.....you are off to Tibet in quest of enlightenment, and only upon return (sometime in 2009) would you be willing to part with your material possessions.
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Re: Problem with Ebay Buyer
14/09/07 16:20 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
I remember reading about similar case (only it was regarding a car) - it went into court and in the end seller had to pay 25% of the final amount to the buyer.
Still don't understand why you didn't stop ebay auction - you can do it up to the last minute.
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Re: Problem with Ebay Buyer
14/09/07 17:22 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
yes,it was stupid not to stop the auction.But as I told you was busy & didnt know that it will get me into some kind of legal situation....

Guess ,will talk with the buyer politely & will tell my side...

If he doesnt agrees,have to see what I have to do...May be what akshay suggested is a good idea...

Thanks for the advices..
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Re: Problem with Ebay Buyer
15/09/07 23:07 en respuesta a Sultan Mohammed.
Hm u can try Akshay Idea but others r not stupid also better try to settle the case outside court maybe giv some % of the product as ur punishment:-)
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