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Visa Questions

NE question?

Re: NE Question
1/03/05 14:35 en respuesta a salman khan.
Any One.....
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Re: NE Question
1/03/05 14:44 en respuesta a salman khan.

Aufenthaltsgesetz §9 (1) says:

(1) Die Niederlassungserlaubnis ist ein unbefristeter Aufenthaltstitel. Sie berechtigt zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit, ist zeitlich und räumlich unbeschränkt und darf nicht mit einer Nebenbestimmung versehen werden.

I am not sure whether they can write it any clearer..


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Re: NE Question
1/03/05 16:37 en respuesta a salman khan.
Thanks Lacrima,

That was it.....
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NE question?
7/06/06 14:00
I am GC holder and doing job since 32 (2 1/2 years) months and I came to Germany in Aug.2001 (two years studyinging). Can I apply for NE ???.
Any body who can guide me, I will be appreciated.
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Re: NE question?
7/06/06 14:05 en respuesta a salman khan.

Go through this forum & you can get lots of info

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Re: NE question?
7/06/06 14:15 en respuesta a salman khan.
I tried to find out myself but am confused about that. some time it is said that study period does not count and some says you have Auf.. titel, you can apply. I would like to know if my study period wil be counted for getting NE ? or If some one already tried for that who has same case like me.
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Re: NE question?
7/06/06 14:35 en respuesta a salman khan.
"Can I apply for NE ???"

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Re: NE - Question
10/06/06 14:21 en respuesta a salman khan.
I amn't aware if arbeiterlaubnis is issued by arbeitsamt after the new immigration law.
do any of you know about this?
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Re: NE - Question
10/06/06 18:34 en respuesta a salman khan.
Usualy you get after 5 years - as I know.
If you are from 02.2002 then it has to be till 02.2007.On which base you are searching NE?
Then - if you so want NE and they told you that you can have it, why you ask the forum, and why to wait?
Go and have it!
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Re: NE - Question
11/06/06 10:19 en respuesta a salman khan.
4) ArbeitsErlaubnis(Issued By Arbeits Amt)

lol they just try to fight high unemployment rate and therefore try to pick on foreigners and their rights. That means that they try to persuade foreigners (and their employers as well) that they need to get a new (!) Arbeitserlaubnis that can't be given out without check of a labour market.

Immigration office officials know that you can't apply for a work permit yourself, i guess they just try to persuade you to go to employment office and give away information about your current employer youself. After that officials of employment office will call your employer and try to persuade him that he doesn't need you emoticon

btw to the subject: it seems there is nobody responsible for GC-holders any more. Here is one e-mail from ZAV ;)

Sehr geehrter Herr xxxx,

das von Ihnen angesprochene IT - Sonderteam, welches im Rahmen der
Greencard - Initiative von der Bundesregierung eingeführt worden ist und
in der Struktur der Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung eingegliedert
worden ist, ist im Rahmen der Einführung und Inkrafttreten des
Zuwanderungsgesetzes aufgelöst worden, so dass die Zentralstelle für
Arbeitsvermittlung in diesem Segment nicht mehr zuständig ist.

Ich bedauere, Ihnen leider keine weiterführenden Informationen geben zu

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

xxxxx xxxxxxx
( EURES - Berater )
Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung ( ZAV )
Villemomblerstrasse 76
53123 Bonn ( Postanschrift: 53107 Bonn )
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Re: NE question?
11/06/06 13:34 en respuesta a salman khan.
"Can I apply for NE ???"


Yes. Most likely, immigration office will reject an application and charge a fee of 100 euros for their decision
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Re: NE - Question
12/06/06 11:42 en respuesta a salman khan.
as far as I saw, you can forget all those answers above.
if you can get NE, than you probably have big salary. you get NE after 5 y or immidiately if you have biig salary.
In your case only big salary fits, cos you do not have 5 y.
So get that NE quick before Beamte changes his mind.
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Re: NE - Question
13/06/06 0:11 en respuesta a salman khan.
@DVD - What is a Big Salary for you ?
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Re: NE - Question
13/06/06 1:11 en respuesta a salman khan.
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Re: NE - Question
13/06/06 10:51 en respuesta a salman khan.
big salary now is 84k but they want to change it to 50k.
there is also third posibility. if Beamte thinks you have special knowledge or are in special (leading or scientific) position in your firma, than he can give you NE immidiately
are you PhD?
working on Uni?
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