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trust7 new site

trust7 new site
12/11/04 18:17
Hi Fred, hi *,

well these links had been there all the time. And yes, you will have the possibility to add links. But for this feature and for all the other suggestions (thanks!), we need some time.

Manuel and I, we have some other duties, too. So please give us some time, to improve everything. We will also ad a new feature and I guess, at the end everybody will be satisfied.

I wish all of you a nice weekend :-)
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Service Costs!
13/11/04 2:08 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,
Is there any way, the cost will be refunded by some insurances??
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Re: trust7 Service Costs
13/11/04 13:43 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi mailsuji,

this depends on the kind of insurance you have. But I do not think that they will pay for it. You should ask your employer if he does.

But even if you have to pay it yourself, I recommend to do it. The first step costs only 110 €, and if you take further steps, even many month later, the 110 € will be deducted.

If you order for example the Package 2, our lawyers will get your file from the 'Ausländerbehörde'. Every GC has a file, but nobody has the right to have a look into it, except a lawyer.

After studying your file the lawyer can develope the best strategy for your individual case. The lawyer knows the complecated and numerous paragraphs and he knows how to deal with the officials at the 'Ausländerbehörde'. Nobody will have disadvantages because of language problems or the possible bad mood of a 'Beamter'.

Best regards
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Service Cost
13/11/04 15:57 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

I think the package is very expensive. I was once to one lawyer in Köln, and he told me the flat cost is around 400 euros.

why is it so expensive here?
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Re: trust7 new site - Service Cost
13/11/04 16:20 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi mailsuji,

I do not know what this lawyer offered you and I do not know if he is a specialist in alien law, like our lawyers.

As an example I will tell you what the Package 2 includes:

You will get a questionaire to fill out. After sending this to the lawyers, they go through it and make a date for a first consultation. This lasts normally between 30 minutes and 1 hour, and can be taken personally or via telephone.

After this they mail the 'Ausländerbehörde' to get your file and than they studie your file. Then they contact the Ausländerbehörde and your individual officer to discuss your case. They will also answer all possible questions by the alien office. If necessary, they contact your employer to support your application.

In case there are any problems, they can contact higher levels of the authorities, because they are wellknown in whole Germany and they are members in many organisations regarding alien laws.

They have deep inside knowledge of the laws, because they are in the alien law business for many years.

And last but not least, I know them personally and I trust them.

Have a nice weekend
0 (0 Votos)

Re: trust7 new site
13/11/04 19:34 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

I called the lawyer, the one I was talking about. He offers the same.

They deal with Alien Law.

I still dont understand how can it be so expensive.

I wouldl ike to go through trust7, since, this is the place we are attached to for several years.

is there any chance, these prices will be reviewed.

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Re: trust7 Service Costs
14/11/04 11:03 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi again,

mailsuji, with lawyers it is the same like in any other business, some are cheap, some are not so cheap. If it was a good deal, if they are really 'cheap', you always know only when everything is finnished.

Maybe in your case it is just enough to take the 1st step for 110,- € and then you know how to do the rest by yourself?

I know our price is fair, because we have had already some results, so I can not reduce it, but on the other hand, as an old trust7 user, you are always free to contact me via mail or phone, that we can talk about it.

Have a nice Sunday
0 (0 Votos)

Re: trust7 new site
16/11/04 16:40 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

you wrote that the refunding of the lawyer cost by some insurance depends on the kind of insurance we have.
Can you exactly tell us what kind of insurance we must have to get the cost back?
I hope that you or the lawyers from VPMK, with their big experience in "Ausländerproblems" can give me an concrete answer.

Best regards,
0 (0 Votos)

Re: trust7 new site
16/11/04 18:56 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Michael,

usually a so called 'Rechtsschutzversicherung' covers the costs, if you have a case, I mean if you go to the law court, because somebody cheated you. I do not think that a Rechtsschutzversicherung pays for our immigration service. The chances that your employer will pay for it, are much better.

To be sure you should read your contract and/or call them.

By the way... I cancelled my Rechtsschutzversicherung when I was 25, 30 years ago, because they did not help we, when I needed them. There are always some 'Kleingedrucktes' in your contract which let them say... we are sorry, but!

Maybe I am to pessimistic, but I think they only help if you have good chances to win your case. But then you do not need them, because the others, your competitor has to pay your costs, too.

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Re: trust7 new site
17/11/04 14:23 en respuesta a trust7.
Thanks for your answer, Detlef.

0 (0 Votos)

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