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Citizenship requirement.

Citizenship requirement.
21/11/08 12:32
Sorry for repeating the question if already discussed. I tried to search but fail o find out.
It will be 8 years staying in Germany next year in may, 09. I got NE last year. I came in Germany in 2001 (two year of Student period).
Now I want to know what should I summit next year for applying Citizenship.?
1) With 8 years in Bayern, Do I need to submit the ZD B1, Orientkurs?
2) My wife is since four years in Germany with depandant visa, Can she apply also for citizenship next year together with me? What is the process for wife getting citizenship?
I will appreciate your help
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Re: Citizenship requirement.
21/11/08 12:46 en respuesta a salman khan.

sure, you didnt perform any search on this forum. There tons of information regarding the same.

- For 8 yrs rule the only thing you dont need is integration course. B1 is must in all cases.
- Your wife needs to wait for 2 yrs after you get the citizenship.
BTW "salmankhan" is/will not marry ;-)

from Brainy Shahrukhkhan
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Re: Citizenship requirement.
21/11/08 15:14 en respuesta a salman khan.
but better inform you personally in Bayern.

Usually, they don't count your student time completely. I know you'll have 8 years in D next year but probably not for the authorities...

Check also in info4alien forum before.
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Re: Citizenship requirement.
21/11/08 23:30 en respuesta a salman khan.
In Bayern they do not include you student time. I am also in Bayern, but in Germany since 8 yrs 9 months.
You can apply in Bayern with 7 year requirement in 2010.
You can give a try. IF you are successful inform me.
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Re: Citizenship requirement.
22/11/08 1:35 en respuesta a salman khan.
Studying years do count in Bayern (up to 2 years I think).
An your wife can get the citizenship with you if she's living for 4 years in germany.
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Re: Citizenship requirement.
22/11/08 18:26 en respuesta a salman khan.
Hi GC1234,

In which city did you apply. I am in Regensburg and here they are not considering student time as it is not classified as "Gewoehnlicher Aufethalt".

If you succeeded with some special arguements, please advise!!!!!
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Re: Citizenship requirement.
23/11/08 0:19 en respuesta a salman khan.
It was in Nuernberg...and with no special argument!
I just went and applied and everything worked just fine!
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