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Shit - I got kündigung...

Shit - I got kündigung...
29/03/06 15:10
I got it today...
Idiots, I have finish the Project and they dump me today.
Just for info...
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
29/03/06 16:43 en respuesta a Johnny English.
hey max.. u have NE now right?
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
29/03/06 18:06 en respuesta a Johnny English.
in which step are u on your NE application?

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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
29/03/06 18:11 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Sorry but...ha,ha,ha,ha...
I had to....
No...I have no NE.
No... I have no Pass (still in Ausländeramt after 2 months)
No... I have no Visum.
I do not know what kind they will give me now IF they give me!
I am in Hannover and I have to quit the room where I was 2 Months till Friday and I have quit the flat in Bad Fucking Sachsa till end of this months too - (I was hoping after all this time will be ok hier) and I do not know where TO GO NOW?!
And..the fucking last arbeitgeber had not payed nothing althow the cour has ordered that he has to pay till 24.03.2006
And the last arbeitgeber is still washing money over my name and make phornography bussiness...
You see he had abuse me and throw me in street.
Then he wrote to Ausländeramt a Brief that I am terrorist and saboteur and althow I won the prozess on court...just to rimind on...
BUT, what is moust funny of all...
I fell free, no fiar, and I am smiling.
After all this fucking 6 years I smile again.
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
29/03/06 18:53 en respuesta a Johnny English.
I would like to share, in all this 6 years MY LAST experience to all of you!

About the exarbeitgeber abuse of one IT Green Card Holder, you can see it in folowing steps.

If you visit www.privat-akt.com you will see the STUFF. (!!! It is pornograpy I have to worn you!!!)

Under Impressum (www.privat-akt.com)says that the Firma is in Betrieb (means just using and take NOT any kind of responcibilities) of FAIRMOTION.SL
Fairmotion SL is registered of my name in Spain.
If you visit www.whois.ch and you type www.flirtfriends.at or www.privat-akt.ch
(how many domains they have registered of my name I do not know)
you can see my name and that I am the owner of Company FAIRMOTIOIN SL in Spain.
The blackmail was or I accept that or I loose my Visum and job.
That job I take it normaly over Arbeitsamt as anyone and couse I had to.
You know the Gesetz - no job no visum and I had to find as soon as possible new one or I have could loose the Aufenthalt.
So..I have apply, got the job and worked 2 years and then...
I was only 1 month till NE.
He issued all papers, call personaly Ausländeramt and stated HE WANT ME FOR EVER IN HIS COMPANY AND I AM VERY IMPORTANT TO HIM.
BUT...only before 1 Month...
This is the storry now..
The have trace and open all my Email, Accounts, personal papres, Mail and followed all what I am doing.
They where following me all time and I was not knowing at all.
Even the hiden camera in office where ( I goit this info from my ex coulegue)
Then they have saw that I have chat with my friend and told him that they threet me like N..I.
AND that was it!
Enought for him to kick me off!
He make frestlose Kündigung ...
You know the storry then...I was searching money,help..I was in hell.
He wrote to Ausländeramt - NO VISUM!
And was so on...
I have won the prozess after 5 Months HELL and he had to pay me till 31.10.2005 (my birthday) and give me normal Zeugniss (the last one was so bad one) and erase me from his dirty job.
As you can see...he has not payed, not issued new Zeugniss and he is still making his job.
And I am the blamed one.
In the court they have appiar WITH NO EVIDENCE at all and nothing.
I have agree on such conditions because I was sick, tired and ill of all althow my Lawer told me that I can go further and clear all and win more money.
I could not.
But that was the plan of my ex arbeitgeber.
He registered the company of my name, he pay no tax, he do the dirty job and is not responsible for nothing and he is clear infront Law...
I sopposed to be back in my country (Kicked off) and put on INTERPOL list.
He win I loose.
Back to Ausländeramt...
Ne wrote there personal letter that I am sboteur, I have germany, I am terrorist and I do not know what.
My Beamter WAS Burnng when I visit him.
Then the COURT storry begins and I get 3 Months Bescheinigung and new job in Hannover.
I have finished the 2 months Project (PERL and VBS for Applications) and finaly my present arbeitgeber today told me that I am in no use anymore in the Company and I can not play under the ruls of the game.
So I am right now this last hours in the firma and typing this and then I go forever.
And yes...
As I said...
I have no Pass - is still in Ausländeramt couse they told me that will give me normal Visum at 23.02 and till today no trace of it.
I have quit the flat in previous town couse I wated to take my family in Hannover and I have quit the room in the flat where I was till Friday.
I was hoping I will get new flat this weekend.
So ...
It is all mess and I am without any place, any papers and...
If I say I go home now - it is so funny which fucking home?!
If I play further...what the hell I hade it 6 years long.
If I go out from DE - where to go after 6 yerars.
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
29/03/06 22:39 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Wondering! why your case is not put up in newspapers because you already found not guilty by court's verdict. This is a good chance to bring your story to the public so that everyone gets the message in Germany. Look for a good source and put it! I am not sure may be Detlef might come handy in your case.
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
30/03/06 17:54 en respuesta a Johnny English.

As I wrote you earlier, just try Job-Search Firms to get out of this situation.

You need job and such companies need "money/Commission". So, if should not matter, if you lose your first month salary etc to cover this situation.

Later, you may change job.

But, for this, you need to tell them about emergency of your situation(due to visa-requirement) so that you get quick response(without telling the actual story :-) )

Wish you best of luck.

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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
30/03/06 20:31 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Well, if the links are porn links, better not post them on the forum, I don't know if there's a policy about link but if there is none, I would be against that kinda links.

It's kinda strange that for a couple of weeks, you were so happy to be here and now, back to the beginning.

We already discussed what u did wrong and what mistakes you made, why come back with all that? I can understand that you're pissed of, but what's the point then?

You said you ain't crying, ain't got no fear, but it doesn't look like and if it is the case, then just go and search for a job. If you can't find one yourself, just use a 3rd partie company.

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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
31/03/06 13:44 en respuesta a Johnny English.
There is every possibility of being fired during the probation period. The best thing would have been to keep searching for jobs, attending interviews atleast till you were made permanent.

But there is no use "crying over spilt milk".

Try to find another job, and keep searching till you get a permanent job.

Good Luck.
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
31/03/06 15:45 en respuesta a Johnny English.
i am sorry about ur situation. Although i have to also say, its ok to cry over your situation, but its not wise to be bitter about it. You see that u are already in shit, so dont roll into this shit. But try to get up and go for a shower.
In other words, learn from your mistake and use ur energy in searching for a job as everyone here suggested.
Remember its good to be friends with everyone, but dont trust anyone(not even friends) *100%* when it comes to money and ur job.
All i can say is Good Luck to you and your family.
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
31/03/06 19:04 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi Max,

the first thing you have to do is contact a Lawyer to clear your situation, find out which domains are on your name, and get them down (since they are in your name, this means you legally own them, so get the provider to email you the passwords). Also, you have to close the company that has been opened in your name. You don't know if they are paying taxes or not, and you could be legally responsible for what they do.

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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
2/04/06 2:00 en respuesta a Johnny English.
"Idiots, I have finish the Project and they dump me today."

why did you finish it SO EARLY? they would keep you some more time if you did not finish it - your employer is right when he says that you can not play under the rules of the game

"As you can see...he has not payed, not issued new Zeugniss and he is still making his job."

And you did nothing having decision of court of law in your hands ??? :o :o :o

"I have no Pass - is still in Ausländeramt couse they told me that will give me normal Visum at 23.02 and till today no trace of it."

Sure they need your Pass in order to be able to kick you out of Germany. WHY DID YOU GIVE THEM YOUR PASS AT ALL? you should not go there until you have found a positive decision about your application for a residence permit in your mail box

"I have quit the flat in previous town"

WHY didn't you wait until you find a new flat in a new town?

"I have quit the room in the flat where I was till Friday."

WHY??? :o :o :o

"why your case is not put up in newspapers because you already found not guilty by court's verdict."

Because nobody can be sure that he will be reachable when they need him. Because nobody can be sure that he will not change up his mind and tell completely different things if, for example, some employer threatens him with "kick out" and a letter to immigration office

"If I play further...what the hell I hade it 6 years long."

lol if you want to live in Germany you have to play lifelong ... regardless of your financial situation. if you can't play you will be used up and kicked out when you are no longer of any use to different kinds of employers here ;)
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Re: Shit - I got kündigung...
6/04/06 14:29 en respuesta a Johnny English.
max, you need to push the visa issues further on with the help of the lawyers but independent of that you should immediately start searching for a new job. Don’t get discouraged by this just get a new job as soon as possible. As there is nothing else you need to do, prepare application letters the whole day. Don't just do blind search but customize each application according to job description.
Let us know how it proceeds for you.
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