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Baby's visa & other formalities

Baby's visa & other formalities
9/02/05 17:29
Hello Everyone.

Me & My wife are on our way to family. Currently I am staffed on a project in Prague and most likely the baby will also be born here.

Some questions which have been boggling my mind are :

A. Baby's Visa : Normally after birth I would have to apply for the visa at the DE embassy and wait for 3 months for the whole process to finish. This was told to me by the Visa officer here in Prague. But this project is due to finish in may ( baby is due in april ), so I cant wait for these 3 months to finish and then move back to Frankfurt. So I have been trying to find a solution to this problem so that the baby can get the visa in few days or weeks instead of months.

I was informed that I can get this Vorabzustimmung from ABH, which can make the embassy give the visa in 1 day. So now my question is :

- Is it possible to get this Vorabzustimmung even before the baby is born ?

- Is it possible to get this Vorabzustimmung by just sending/faxing documents to ABH in Frankfurt ? while I stay here in Prague or would I have to go there personally ?

I cannot have the baby delivered in Germany, bcos then either my wife would have to move back to Germany now, but I will have to keep working here, which I dont wanna do OR me and my wife move back to Germany at the last stage, which again wont work.

B. Kindergeld & Kindererziehungsgeld.

- Application for these can only be done when in Germany or even from outside ? ( like DE embassy in Prague )

- In case U apply for it after few months from the birth, do You get these geld backdated ? Or does it have to be in the very first month ?

Thanks for sharing Your experiences emoticon,

Nitin Malhotra
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
9/02/05 20:27 en respuesta a Striker Me.
- don't know
- don't know
- if kid and wife do not live in D you get nothing
- you get KG but only from date when they came to D. If wife was angemeldet in D gefore birth, than from birth date, but if wife comes to D and does Anmeldung after birth, than from Anmeldung date.
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Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
9/02/05 20:40 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Hi DvD,

Thanks for Your reply.

My wife is angemeldet in Germany since May 04. We have just moved to Prague temporarily for the project. And we do keep visiting Germany once a while on weekends. So keeping this in mind, from Your reply I understand that the kid gets KG from the very first date of birth even though the baby will come to Germany 1 or 2 months after birth.

Any insights on Kindererziehungsgeld now ?

Nitin Malhotra
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
9/02/05 20:48 en respuesta a Striker Me.
EG is complicated. If your salary is too big you get nothing and with normal salary one gets maybe 500€/month one year.
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Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
9/02/05 21:23 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Hi DvD.

What defines normal and too big salary ?

Is there any official document describing it ?

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Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
9/02/05 21:26 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Does anyone have idea what is the salary limit to get Kindererziehungsgeld ?

Is suppose person is having a salary of EUR 50,000 p/a. Is he entitled for it ?
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Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
10/02/05 11:04 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Find Erziehungsgeldkasse in your place and get papers for EG. It should be also in internet.
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Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
10/02/05 11:26 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Hi Nitin

Take a look here


I don´t know your salary, but I think you have to forget about Erziehungsgeld.

Just put your salary in the "Rechner" in this page and you get the answer.

The link is from Bayern, but Erziehugsgeld for the first and second year is the same in all Germany (Bundeserziehungsgeld), just in the third year vary for each Land (Landeserziehungsgeld).

Just to start if your kid borned before 1.1.04, you have to earn leser than 51000 Eur to start the papers (otherwise forget it). If your kid borned after 1.1.04, the salary limit I think is near 30 K and I think 99.9% from the GC are out of this category.
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Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
28/05/06 2:59 en respuesta a Striker Me.
My wife, German Citizen, and I, US Citizen, along with out three sons 9, 7, and 4 are moving to Germany with my company for probably 12 - 18 months. Before she came to the US she worked as a nurse.

Is she eligible for Kindergeld and the other social services since she left about 12 years ago?

What do we have to do to sign them up?

Do we need German Passports or will birth certificates do?

What about the benefits when one works and then takes maternity leave?

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Re: Baby's visa & other formalities
29/05/06 14:49 en respuesta a Striker Me.
Hi Cave*

You have the right to Kindergeld as long as you and your family live in Germany. If you have 3 kids is about 170 euro/kid/month

You have to apply in the Familienkasse of your town/city and for that you will need your pass and the birth certificates of each kind translated to German and with Apostille (if they have not been born in Germany).

Maternity leave if in the case you have a new kid born here. If your smallest kid have 4 years old no way!
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