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Refund of Rentenversicherung (RV), Arbeitslosversicherung (AV) and Pflegeve

Hi all,
I have been working in Germany from past 4 years and now I am planning to relocate to US. I wanted to know whether I am eligible for the refund of RV, AV and PV? If yes how do I apply for these? I recently got my niderlassung erlaubnis would that effect the refund of RV, AV and PV? Would I be refunded the entire money (100%) which I paid throughout my working period?
Any responses would be appreciated!
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Re: Refund of Rentenversicherung (RV), Arbeitslosversicherung (AV) and Pfle
11/08/09 0:15 en respuesta a hannover help.
No refund of AV and PV.. Thanks for the contribution to the German Welfare System..

Refund of RV possible after 2 years of leaving Germany.. you have to deal with a lot of bureaucratic stuff to get that done after 2 years.. good luck with it.. and RV Refund is only possible if US and Germany dont have a mutual agreement concerning this issue..

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Re: Refund of Rentenversicherung (RV), Arbeitslosversicherung (AV) and Pfle
11/08/09 15:18 en respuesta a hannover help.
And as far as I know, USA and Germany DO have an agreement on RV. You can double check by calling the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund at 0800 10 00 480 70
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