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Visa Questions

Changing company!!!

Changing company!!!
23/11/04 14:50
Hi all,

I am not a GCler but I am working as a Telecom engineer since 3.5 years (in the same company). I would like to change company , I already got an offer to start in May 2005. Me and my new boss went to the Arbeitsamt to ask about the process to do that company move.
The answer was that the Aufenhalterlaubnis which I have is limited to the company I work for at the moment, they said they can't start the process of issuing a new WP for the new company without getting the AB removing the limitation in my RP.
I had a visit to the AB few days ago and found complete a new staff in most of the offices, I was not able to get clear answer of what has to be done, in fact the lady there started to look in a book to see if she can find something to help her.
Does anbody know what kind of procedure should be followed?
I have been told that there might be a possibility that I have to apply again from the embassy at my home country.
Any recommendations for articles which I can show to them when going again to the AB will be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance for any feedback.

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Re: Changing company!!!
23/11/04 15:00 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Hi Wael,

In the approved BeschV, a clause was added stating that legal residents after 4 years, or employees contributing during 3 years will be freed from the approval process from the Work Office,. It remains to see how this will look in the Praxis, but in theory if your present your contract in January you should get the approval without having to go back to your Home Country, and with the approval the residence permit can be changed.

Perhaps the people from Info4alien can tell you how they perceive this particular paragraph will be applied.

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Re: Changing company!!!
23/11/04 16:13 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
I tried to have a look at www.info4alien.de but it seems it is fully in German, do you know if there is any link at which I can post in English , unfortunately my German is not good enough.

Also in my case, I am not which office should be contacted first "the Auslaenderbehoerde or the Arbeitsamt"

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Re: Changing company (Strange answer from AB)
26/11/04 11:58 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.

I have been again to the AB with more specific questions about how can I can company.
I have got a very strange answer (at least from my point). They calimed that I can't change company this year but next year with the new law I can change company but with one condition, this condition is that my wife MUST work.
Does anybody know anything about this condition?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 12:23 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
I think they are just wrong.
They do not know new law.

Write down what Visum you have and what is written there.
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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 13:14 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Hi Wael,

you already spend some time at the 'Ausländerbehörde', your boss did so at the 'Arbeitsamt' and the result of all is depressing!

Why don't you save time and 'nerves' and take our 'Visa-Services'?


The first consultation costs just 110,- € and if you take further services, the 110,- € will be deducted from the total costs.

Anyway, I wish you good luck and a nice weekend!
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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 13:17 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
I also think that when you get such a ignorant Beamter it is much better to take lawyer (trust7 z.B.) because damage that some ignorant Beamter can make can be irepairable.
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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 13:51 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.

I have a question about the services provided by Trust7, does it cover all of Germany? If yes, is it because lawyers use telephone and post as communication ways, what about if they need to be present at the Auslaenderbehoerde/Arbeitsamt?
By the way, I a live in Darmstadt.


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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 14:02 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Just some more additional information for people who are able to help, the comment written next to my AUFENHALTERLAUBNIS is:


It is always good to have a good understanding even when using a lawyer.

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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 14:09 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Hi again,

yes, it covers whole Germany!

No problem where you live, and if it would be necessary to be present somewhere (it usually is not necessary) they would go or send an associate lawyer.

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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 14:17 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Verordnung über das Verfahren und die Zulassung von im Inland lebenden Ausländern zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung
(Beschäftigungsverfahrensverordnung - BeschVerfV)
Source: http://www.aufenthaltstitel.de/beschverfv.html

§ 9 Beschäftigung bei Vorbeschäftigungszeiten oder längerfristigem Voraufenthalt
(1) Die Zustimmung zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung kann ohne Prüfung nach § 39 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 1 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes Ausländern erteilt werden, die eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzen und

drei Jahre rechtmäßig eine versicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung im Bundesgebiet ausgeübt haben oder
sich seit vier Jahren im Bundesgebiet ununterbrochen erlaubt oder geduldet aufhalten; Unterbrechungszeiten werden entsprechend § 51 Abs. 1 Nr. 7 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes berücksichtigt.
(2) Auf die Beschäftigungszeit nach Absatz 1 Nr. 1 werden nicht angerechnet Zeiten

von Beschäftigungen, die vor dem Zeitpunkt liegen, an dem der Ausländer aus dem Bundesgebiet unter Aufgabe seines gewöhnlichen Aufenthaltes ausgereist war,
einer nach dem Aufenthaltsgesetz oder der Beschäftigungsverordnung zeitlich begrenzten Beschäftigung oder
einer Beschäftigung, für die der Ausländer auf Grund dieser Verordnung, der Beschäftigungsverordnung oder auf Grund einer zwischenstaatlichen Vereinbarung von der Zustimmungspflicht für eine Beschäftigung befreit war.
(3) Auf die Aufenthaltszeit nach Absatz 1 Nr. 2 werden Zeiten eines Aufenthaltes nach § 16 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes nur zur Hälfte und nur bis zu zwei Jahren angerechnet.

(4) Die Zustimmung wird ohne Beschränkungen nach § 13 erteilt
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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 14:59 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Hi Aalvarez,

I will appreciate if you can summarize your post in English, if you don't mind.


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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 16:36 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
WARNING: I take NO responsibility for the accuracy of this translation.

Administrative Orders on the Procedures to allow foreigners living in Germany to exert a Profession
(Beschäftigungsverfahrensverordnung - BeschVerfV)
Source: http://www.aufenth...el.de/beschverfv.html

§ 9 Employment for previously employed or extended residence
(1) The approval to exert a Profession can be given to foreigners without previously doing an employment check (as described in )§ 39 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 1 of the Aufenthaltsgesetzes,
who have a Residence Permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) AND have been employed in a work requiring social contributions (versicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung) in the german territory OR
have been residing uninterruptedly for four years with permission or tolerated ("geduldet"); interruption times as in § 51 Abs. 1 Nr. 7 of the Aufenthaltsgesetzes will be taken into account.

(2) To the employment times as form Absatz 1 Nr. 1 will not be added times from employment, that lie before the point in time when a Foreigner left the country while giving up his residence, of
an employment limited by the Aufenthaltsgesetz or the Beschäftigungsverordnung or an employment, for which the foreigner was freed from the Approval Obligation (Zustimmungpflicht) on the basis of this Verordnung,
the Beschäftigungsverordnung or on the basis of a binational agreement.

(3) For the times of a residence described in Absatz 1 Nr. 2 the time of Residence after § 16 of the Aufenthaltsgesetzes will be added only to 1/2 and maximun up to two yars.

(4) The approval will be given without restrictions after § 13
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Re: Changing company!!!
26/11/04 16:43 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Now my analysis.

First we need to find out exactly who is responsible for this Procedure, and on the first week of 2005 you may be able to convince the AB to remove your restrictions from your Residence Permit. Actually this would be a task for Detlef Lawyers.

Btw, I'm specially interested in this issue because I would really like to remove the restrictions from my AE.

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Re: Changing Company
2/08/05 21:09 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
with these conditions on your residence permit. It is not legal.
New Company should apply for a new work permit for you.(this should go through ABH now after 1.1.2005) Actually your situation is not much different from a newcomer, when you have those conditions on your residence permit.


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Re: Changing Company
3/08/05 1:25 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
"Actually your situation is not much different from a newcomer, when you have those conditions on your residence permit."

it's much worse. because the officials in the immigration office know that he is supposed to be here until his project ends and after that has to go back.

he should apply for a residence permit himself, but i guess he did it through an indian company, therefore such a "nice" residence permit
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Re: Changing Company
3/08/05 12:31 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
Thanks for all the information.

This means that my new employer must apply for a change in my residence permit.

Can you put some light on ABH ?
How long it can take ?

Thanks !!!
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Re: Changing Company
3/08/05 14:14 en respuesta a Wael El-Dali.
"How long it can take ?"

Well, god knows how long. It can be one day or two months. That is the Ermessensspielraum of the ABH/Arbeitsamt. It helps a lot if the company deals with them directly and supports you during the application.


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