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Visa Questions

60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or not?

Hello everybody,

I studied in Germany for 36 months and after that started working here on Green-Card (for last 44 months). Currently I have a premanent job contract with my company and also hold BE. Now I would like to apply for NE & D-EG but I'm wondering if my student time will be considered by ABH?

I have heard that 50% of time spent as student can also be considered. Is it right?
If it's like this then I'll have total 62 months (44 with Rentenbeitrags and 18 months as student). Could somebody please send me a link or an official document about this 50% student time thing, which I can show to ABH?

My email id is: rohit_de@web.de

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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
28/06/06 12:33 en respuesta a Vicky B.
Student time is not counted for NE. If the new legislation comes into power(God knows when but hopefully this year emoticon ) THEN student time MAY be counted..
BUT for the time being, there is no law basis on which you can claim the student time for NE.. (actually current law* explicitly mentions that student time does not count for NE emoticon )



*AufenthaltsG §16 (2)

"Während des Aufenthalts nach Absatz 1 soll in der Regel keine Aufenthaltserlaubnis für einen anderen Aufenthaltszweck erteilt oder verlängert werden, sofern nicht ein gesetzlicher Anspruch besteht. § 9 findet KEINE Anwendung."

§9 is NE stuff..
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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
28/06/06 13:57 en respuesta a Vicky B.
Today I found this link about Daueraufenthalt EG 2003/109/EG:


Here, if I've understood it right, then it's mentioned that 50% of student time will be considered.

Under "Aufenthaltszeiten":
vorübergehende oder befristete Aufenthalte z.B. zur Ausbildung oder für Arbeitsaufenthalte, bei denen Höchstzeiträume festgelegt sind (u.a. Au-pair- oder Saisonbeschäftigungen); vorausgegangene legale Aufenthalte zum Studium werden zu 50 % angerechnet
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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
28/06/06 14:28 en respuesta a Vicky B.
"Today I found this link about Daueraufenthalt EG 2003/109/EG:"

It didnt become a law yet. I also mentioned it in my post. (With my words "if the new legislation comes into power" is actually 2003/109/EG meant.)


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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
28/06/06 16:27 en respuesta a Vicky B.
hai friends,

With D-EG, can we work in new EU countries.

I saw in the law that it is not necessary to have NE for this.

Thanking you
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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
28/06/06 23:25 en respuesta a Vicky B.
With D-EG, can we work in new EU countries.

No. The legislation must be done in the country you want to go and in Germany. Otherwise, you can lose your D-EG (EU-NE) immediately according to AufenthG 51.7.

I saw in the law that it is not necessary to have NE for this.

Which law? We have not seen any law you address here.

As Lacrima said, when legislations are there, only people having NE will have right to live in EU.

The countries where you can work with NE, are here (supposing the legislation in Germany is there):

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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
29/06/06 19:52 en respuesta a Vicky B.
Thanks Lacrima for your reply!

But I've seen another discussion in trust7 with the title "60 Rentenbeitrags are not necessary!!!! ", where DVD had metioned that the persons who have AE before 1 Januar 2005 can get NE without even paying 60 months Rente as per §104 Übergangsregelungen(2). It seems many guys at that time agreed with this. So if it's like this then I should also hope to get NE, as I had received my Aufenthalserlaubnis (AE) in 2002.


§ 104 Übergangsregelungen
(2) Bei Ausländern, die vor dem 1. Januar 2005 im Besitz einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis oder Aufenthaltsbefugnis sind, ist es bei der Entscheidung über die Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis hinsichtlich der sprachlichen Kenntnisse nur erforderlich, dass sie sich auf einfache Art in deutscher Sprache mündlich verständigen können. § 9 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 und 8 findet keine Anwendung.

Moreover Lacrima you also mentioned this in info4alien.de:

Diese 60-Monate Rentenbeitrag Regelung gilt nicht für die Ausländer die bevor 1.1.2005 einen Aufenthaltstitel hatten.

So can I ask ABH for NE based on this??
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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
29/06/06 21:12 en respuesta a Vicky B.
But I've seen another discussion in trust7 with the title "60 Rentenbeitrags are not necessary!!!! "

Correct, but what is the connection of this information to your original question ?

Did I say somewhere in my post that you have to pay 60 Months of pension ? (If so, please point it out)

I have only said that your student time will not be counted for NE with the current law situation. What does this have to do with 60 months pension payment.. ????????????


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Re: 60 Rentenbeitrags for NE & Daueraufenthalt-EG are still necessary or no
30/06/06 5:19 en respuesta a Vicky B.
You are right Lacrima. There was some misunderstanding from my side.

One more thing:
Can BeschV §46(2) be also used to apply for NE (besides AufenthG §104 Übergangsregelungen(2)), as I started with GC?


§ 46 Übergangsregelungen
(2) Die einer IT-Fachkraft nach § 6 Abs. 2 der Verordnung über die Arbeitsgenehmigung für hoch qualifizierte Fachkräfte der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie erteilte befristete Arbeitserlaubnis gilt als unbefristete Zustimmung zum Aufenthaltstitel zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung fort.

Now coming back to student time- I've seen a guy called rajeshspg saying:

"I have a letter from a forum , which was actually sent from Bundestag and Herr. Schilly's seceratary had written that the years which we live in with A-bewelligung will also be counted for NE"

It can be found under this thread:

Later DvD also posted the link to this official letter from BMI(Ministerium), which is not working anymore.

Could someone please send me this letter?

Thanks & have a nice day!
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One thing is now clear to me that if somebody got Aufenthaltserlaubnis before 1 Januar 2005, then he/she can get NE without even paying 60 months Rente as per §104 Übergangsregelungen(2).

But is 5 years of ***Aufenthaltserlaubnis*** still required (as mentioned below)?

§9 (2) Einem Ausländer ist die Niederlassungserlaubnis zu erteilen, wenn
1. er seit fünf Jahren die Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzt,

I got Aufenthaltserlaubnis in 2002 and before that I had A-Beweligung/Genehmigung as student.

So can I apply for NE right now?

I would appreciate if you guys can inform me about this, as I am kinda confused about this NE.
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