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Forum Update!

Forum Update!
29/11/04 12:36
Hi Folks,

any comments to Manuels last forum update?

If not, I guess you are satisfied :-)

Have a successful week
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Re: Forum Update!
29/11/04 12:39 en respuesta a trust7.
Its nice to see every thread only once, and now it is easy to see whether any new messages have been posted, as the name of the member is displayed!!

Good work, Manuel & Detlef!!
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Re: Forum Update!
29/11/04 12:59 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef y Manuel

You know how this business work: no news are good news!

The site is great, I don´t (in face I never had) any complains from your web site!

Just maybe the possibility to ask Manuel about my case and the case of Khalakar, about the imposibility of opening your page from Freenet.

Just for the records, I tryied the idea sent to me by Dilbir of using an anonymous server and it works great.

What does it means? Me or Freenet (I hope Freenet) are banned in any way by your server.

Thanks to Manuel for any idea


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Re: Forum Update!
29/11/04 13:06 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Fred, YO!

Thanks for your feedback :-)

Manuel and Fran will be happy about it.

YO, I asked Manuel already and he said, that he can not do anything, it is a Freenet problem. They should fix it.

But with the help of friends, you found a solution, so...

Fred, a nice idea with 'Bart'. I guess he is more handsome then you, so you took his picture? Hahaha...

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Re: Forum Update!
29/11/04 18:42 en respuesta a trust7.
Ha ha ha....yeah!!

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 12:33 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi 'Power Users',

usually live is so serious and we have so many troubles, therefor we should try to laugh as often as possible!

I published a picture of mine to give you a reason to laugh and in order to make our forum a little bit more personal. But if nobody follows, I will delete the pic.

So please follow Fred's and my example and let us see how you look like.

It is just simple, after loggin in, you will see the 'My profile' button. There you can ad a pic.

Go ahead, the weather is grey and humate and I need something funny :-)

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 13:17 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

As expected I have seen your pic again and here is mine! I hope I don't get emails from gals .. :-)

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 13:32 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Nitin,

this is a good one :-)

What about Nobody, DVD, lacrima, Yo, James, Sudaca and all the other 'nice guys'?

Come on!
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 13:36 en respuesta a trust7.
Here I am.

Great stuff this new update. As usual!

Cheers to all,

Diego aka Sudaca
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 13:38 en respuesta a trust7.
BTW, my picture was taken by my friend YO at the Olympiastadion, on the FC Bayern-Juventus game some weeks ago.

I won't start talking on how... different is to go to a football (soccer) game in Germany to what it is down back in Sudamerica. You know I just can't stop once I start writing.

But is unbelievably different.


Diego aka Sudaca.
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 13:40 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Diego,

what makes a real good friend? He is there if you need him!!

Where is the pic taken? A football game Uruguay verses Brazil?

Bis demnächst
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 14:45 en respuesta a trust7.
Hum looks like everybody wants to put a face on NoBody to let him become SomeOne... I have to find a pic first I don't seem to have one available at the moment but as soon as I got one, I will just post it, promise.

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 14:47 en respuesta a trust7.
Yo Detlef,

This picture idea is really good. Well, I am cool dude and now you know what I look like. No do not be jealous, because I am a good looking guy. I get a lot of german women and mostly because of my looks. Well, I am also smart. :-)

Take care!

Cool Dude
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 14:55 en respuesta a trust7.
Ok, did found one that was taken for an article for the FAZ sometimes during the year, not as clear as I would have liked, but it's definitely me some months backs 'coz I've changed since then.

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 15:08 en respuesta a trust7.

Nobody, your picture is really nice :-)

But why are you looking as if somebody had stolen your beer?

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 15:11 en respuesta a trust7.
Fine !! This is my original face emoticon
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 15:25 en respuesta a trust7.

This is cool..Now, i can see you all :-)

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 15:58 en respuesta a trust7.
So who has the best picture now
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 16:10 en respuesta a trust7.
:-D Hi Detlef,

I remembered the guy told me "make a mean face, so people will see that you guys are really angry about how things are going on here in Germany with your cases", so I did a mean face :-)

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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 16:14 en respuesta a trust7.
Yes DvD

You look like the twin brother of your friend Mick


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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 16:19 en respuesta a trust7.
I really have twin brother,
but it is not my friend Mick
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 16:22 en respuesta a trust7.
O, and of course:
I hope I don't get emails from gals ..
At least not until I finish my bottle.
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Re: Forum Update!
30/11/04 17:44 en respuesta a trust7.
DvD, I think the milk you are consuming is not to the human standards so you could not build up your body .. I recommend you to eat more meat and consume milk products from milupa or humana :-)
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