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moving to another state, necessary to change the car number plate and drivi

Hello everybody,

I am moving to another city next month for a new job. I wonder if I need to change another number plate for my car? What about my German driving license, TUV, ASU, etc.?

thanks a lot.
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Re: moving to another state, necessary to change the car number plate and d
8/07/06 22:23 en respuesta a Jian Wang.
If you means another city within Germany, then you donot have to do anything. If you means something else, explain clearly.
Have a nice weekend.
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Re: moving to another state, necessary to change the car number plate and d
8/07/06 22:42 en respuesta a Jian Wang.
AFAIK you have to report any change including address change to motor vehicles department (zulassungsstelle)

§ 27 der Straßenverkehrszulassungsordnung (StVZO)
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Re: moving to another state, necessary to change the car number plate and d
10/07/06 14:06 en respuesta a Jian Wang.
You need to go to the Zulassungsstelle in the new city. The TÜV+ASU are still valid. As far as I remember you'll need there the papers of the car, the TÜV+ASU papers, your pass and very important the Anmeldebestätigung for the new address and the actual car number plates.
When I registered my car last time I was ready in 15 min.

The driver-license doesn't contain your address so normally should be no problem. However, if you drive to Zulassungsstelle just ask one more time.
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Re: moving to another state, necessary to change the car number plate and d
10/07/06 19:04 en respuesta a Jian Wang.
Hi wjainagn

Theoretically, as the guys told you, you should register your car in the new city. After the Anmeldung. you have some days to register the car into the Zulassungsstelle of the new city.

BUT the practice is a little bit different. Many germans I know simply do nothing with the license. Any change to your car cost money. You'll have to pay (I'm not sure 100% about the figures but I'm also not that far) about 18 Euro for the paperstuff and about 30 Euro for the "printing" of the new license.

To do the changes. you have to go with the same papers you brought when you bought your car: KFZ Schein, KFZ Brief, your old license plates, Tüv + Asu, Pass and Anmeldebescheinigung.

The ground for the changes are any kind of problem you can have. As an example I can mention the "Blitzers". If the police take you a picture because you were over the speed limit (my case let's say....10 times) they send the picture to the address appearing related to the license plates you have. IF your parents live in this address OR you are paying the services of the Deutsche Post (sending of all the incomming post from the old address to the new address) you will receive the fine or letter sooner or later. Then I personally think you can drive with the old licenses (at least some time)

Just the two cents of somebody driving with the old licences after changing the city.
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Re: moving to another state, necessary to change the car number plate and d
10/07/06 20:30 en respuesta a Jian Wang.

there is one important thing you should be aware of! The car insurance companies divided Germany in diffrent regions, a big city has more risks to be involved in an accident, than a small town, so they take more money from people who live in Berlin, than from somebody who lives in 'Buxtehude'.

They have statistics about all German regions as a basis for their invoices. If you move from a small town to a big one, they will charge more money. If you do not register your new address and you have an accident, it is possible, that your insurance company does not pay the full amount of money, because your contract is not valid any more.

This is just the worst case and I am not 100 percent sure about, but you should think about (YO) and all the others, of course.

Detlef :-)
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Re: moving to another state, necessary to change the car number plate and d
11/07/06 13:23 en respuesta a Jian Wang.
Hi Detlef

You are right. Thanks your advice, is always welcomed the version of a "native" here.

The think is I noticed my Versicherungsfirma as soon as I moved and then yes you are right, they "adjusted" my rate.

What I didn't do is to change the plates. I still keeping my original plates from the far south (but mostly because it was custom made and have the name of the childs) and I will loose this here.

But at the end is like all the things: you have to do it because you have to do it, but a little bit of resistance keeps me alive ;-)
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